in the pawprint
on the sink
my shadow
poem by Martha Vertreace-Doody

Boyd Lemon
I searched in the halls of the University....
I searched in the thrills of competition and victory....
I searched between the legs of a woman....
I searched under the roof of a palatial residence....
I searched in the power of a sports car....
I searched in the aura of prestige....
I searched in the great cities of the world....
I searched in the churches and temples....
I searched among the philosophers and historians....
I am finding myself through the heart and soul of a young artist.

poem #1:
Cast In Stone
Ive searched a millenia for you
and my love for you
will survive through the ages
And if they cast us in stone
it will only cement my love for you
for all to see and admire
because even if the elements
chip away our outer façades
the marble will smooth in time
and my soul will still flourish
being frozen by your side.
poem #2:
friend Love
Grace Curtis
he perfectly content
my best want
perfectly asleep
im thinking
i cant remember
the rest of my
life this way
(wandering words from I Want Love 11/18/07)

poem #1:
Eric Bonholtzer
A station in the sky sits waiting
Teeming with joy and life
where the railways and roads of existence
Intersect among the stars on an ethereal plane
A reward after an ephemeral span
of temporal musings and lessons learned.
Experience gained and a celebration feast
A long release bodies worn well
Sadness departs weeping away
Wisps on the breeze as we transcend
Answering the call home
As things become clear
poem #2:
The Gate
Mel Waldman
I am lost and I wander through the Waste Land.
In the distance, I see The Gate. Perhaps, it is my exit
from this dark labyrinth which encircles me like a noose.
As I approach The Gate, I have 2 visions. I imagine 2
inscriptions over the majestic structure. The first one is
familiar, stolen from the dark Gate of Hell.
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
The second one says: Welcome to Paradise!
Weary, hungry, and thirsty, I approach the looming structure
of grandeur. Will I pass through The Gate alone? I rush slowly...!

poem #1:
Ruth Nott
take me out
upon the waves
but reality
rows me back.
poem #2:
Winter Dreams and Their Shadows
Stanley M Noah
I looked out my window and saw all the naked trees
and snow making autumn invisible again. The pond
appeared as a champagne slush. I'm thinking of a
hot toddy. People are seen walking with their half
frozen shadows. But theyre still resilient enough to
bounce back into step and follow like a puppy follows.
Ill take a nap with todays newspaper over my face.
And dream of waking under pages of sepia memories.

Michael H. Brownstein
If the tree between buildings breathed
Animosity among its leaves.
If skin color were different kinds of air.
If photosynthesis contracted itself
Through song. Why does the mudslide cover
That river and not the one nearby?
How does a fish breathe on land
And a human underwater?
In the exchange of gases, what is a tree?

Freedom (a quoem)
A.J. Chilson
is a joy
that all people,
I think,
A quoem is a quotational piece broken up in poetic lines.

19th Floor
Carol Hogan
Wings spread wide, Ill soar
Above the fray
Above all worry, woes and toil
An aerie in the sky for me
To spend sweet moments in reverie
Above . . .
Above . . .
Above . . .
Seems half-way to heaven
This nest of concrete and steel

poem #1
Holding On
Cheryl Lynn Moyer
Mechanical world,
pass me by.
Wood floors care not
for expedience.
Making hay times
warm hooves
familiar hands
and endless days.
poem #2
The Old Red Barn
Mel Waldman
Ive been traveling for days, searching for the familiar landscape-
the little house nestled in the wilderness &
the old red barn in the back-a hundred yards south of the quaint
dwelling I used to call home.
Now, I see the old red barn in the distance. I am drawn to it-
compelled to go there & not to the little house where I was born.
You see, I belong in the old red barn.
Its where I was murdered so long ago.

Sky Net
Carey Link
Sway rising buds
through, between,
labyrinth on the breath
of yellow breeze--
a zenith of fingers
connecting galaxies.

On the Passing of Our Fathers
Rose E. Grier
3 years, 5 years
cannot slide by.
10 years resounding
with the saddest
scream of loss,
grief, no relief
from the echos that
bounce between
my heart and soul.

Skeletons in my closet
Tanisha Alexander
Lately the door has been opened
I have skeletons in my closet
Every once in a while they decide to make an appearance
Waking me in my silence
Chasing me in my dreams
Torturing me with real life insecurities
Child Molestation, Date Rape and Violence
Is what I relive when they visit me
I have skeletons in my closet
Can any one help me?