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contents under pressurea book of poetry and prose by Janet Kuypers |
best friend
“I had a best friend once,”
find myself
I had my own ring
finest feeling
Drench me
The stench of gasoline
How could I not love you
In hysterics, we danced as we
i knew i had to
I knew I had to.
As I opened the door
i see the scene
Every once in a while
ice cubes
I wondered if you’d have the patience
as you sat next to me I’m sorry
Did I give you too many ice cubes
The wretched irony becomes apparent.
like daggers
I can’t think of anything else.
love poem
You are the air I breathe.
I want you here tonight.
I can’t wait for the time
make me
You know,
You asked me to the masquerade
When you seethe price they pay
my eyes
The naivity is over.
You threw around the words
But this isn’t a game,
If I have to -
pocket knife
I saw you there
You know,
pushed aside
put it to rest
please put it to rest
ragged fucking bastard
ragged fucking bastard
“We do expect you to marry someone
rendering me
the heat
I must admit
sometimes the light
Sometime the understanding
the hammer falls
I wake to
the hand
the Hand
the nightmare
The chain lock snapped
the bespattered remains
I only wanted to surprise you
I never like that carpet anyway.
the tears
the tears
the tears
the tears
they tried
they tried to hold me down
they tried to change me
they tried to make me beg
the lust
a man calls a woman
every time a man calls a woman a “bitch”
every time a man calls a woman a “babe”
a socially accepted target
rape is connected
rape is anger Men and Politics Group, East Bay Men’s Center, Statement on Rape
i didn’t get the promotion i deserved
this traffic is always in my way i’m angry all the time
and the damn kids are banging i just want a fucking beer, you bitch
it’s all your fault
a woman talking about her rapist friend
He was my friend, and we had been
but he mixed drinks exceptionally well
always spoke the truth to me. It’s amazing
he wore a turtleneck that perfectly
he put up with my mood swings, with my
how hard it had to be for me, being the
care about women, never gave their opinions
maybe he knew that and that’s why he
drifted, we didn’t see each other much,
Then one day, out of the blue, he comes
that when he was in the parking garage
you raped my girlfriend. And then he looked
I raped her. And I know he wanted sym-
And he said, I know this has to be hard for
A part of me wanted to hate him. A part of
what he did. And a part of me thought that
I tried to be there for him. I wasn’t much
to lose touch with him. But it’s just that a
ladies and gentlemen
high above the lion tamers
is our main attraction
see her gracefully step
would you like to see her
Athena will put on the
imagine, if you will, the fear
come, see her perform:
this is
in their homes or in the streets
some women are raped
some women are raped
and some women are raped you’ll never understand
have you ever felt
to whether you looked at people
have you ever felt
that a stare could haunt you
or your skirt was too short
or if you ate a banana
have you felt it
middle-class husbands and fathers
rapists are not peculiar, abnormal men many are white middle-class husbands and fathers Bob Lamm, 1976
rapists are not all convicted prisoners
rapists are in your office
they come in all shapes and sizes
most accurate metaphors
rape is one of the most savage
it is a political crime
rape is an attempt by men Bob Lamm, 1976
now there’s two ways
you know you want this
i saw the way you were
did you think those drinks
how long did you think
just do as i say
Sexism In General
This essay was originally the introduction to the book “(woman.)”.
the measuring scale
Here’s an addition for your Pam, via the internet
why don’t you dissect me,
if we’re talking about
god, i don’t even know how to
the men at the construction site
a woman told me
no one bothered her,
then, later in the day,
and that’s when she got
and you tell me it’s not deliberate
Women Without Men
women’s very existence
rape is neither a sex crime
rape is not an isolated brutal crime
rape is often premeditated
it is an attack by men Bob Lamm, 1976
i still have to take showers a lot. i mean,
A Letter to our Political Leaders
Balancing the Budget
Boomers Beware |
Diversity, Political Correctness, and Creativity
DNA Versus Emotion
Do People Want Justice, or Just a Good Hanging?
Get The Government Out Of Broadcasting
Let the Government Tell You When You’re Ready?
The Illness of Volunteerism
The Wrath of Valentine’s Day
Welcome to Corporate America |
What Are Flexible Ethics?
“Type A” Person
prom ‘97
Open Forum, 1997
A dream about murder.
All These Reminders
Look, over here, in my living room.
Why did you have to go. Why
Okay, look here, the remote for the
Why did you do this to me. Why
There’s still some of your messages
When you left me, why did you
an outline to the apex of rites of passage
It was one of those rites of passage. A Bah
But like every rite of passage, the high school prom
With every aspect of prom, there was always a
Then you have to start working on the details.
Then, beg your parents to let you wear the dress you
Then the Big Day arrives. Ditch school, because you
Then finally arrive at Prom. Take more pictures.
Then eat. Try to figure out how to eat your salad
Then the dancing. Try to remember what your father
Then collect your things, say your good-byes, take a few
Then, get in the house as quietly as possible, drop all your
And I’m Wondering
I’m wondering if there’s something
And I’m wondering if you’re sensing what I’m
And I’m wondering if it could work out this
And I’m wondering if you’d find
And I’m wondering why you had to tell me
And I’m wondering why I felt the need
And I’m wondering if a year or two from now,
if you saw me making macaroni and cheese
eyes and I’m wearing an oversized button-down
When I glance up and catch your eyes from
And what I want to know
I’ve been dreaming of you lately.
In my dreams you’re always with me.
And what I want to know is
And what I want to know is
I daydream about you in the mornings why do I have to get out of this bed.
And what I want to know is
And what I want to know is
I know what I would say.
And what I want to know is
And what I want to know is
Andrew Hettinger
I never really liked you. You never revealed
I never really liked you. I met you through
I never really liked you. You never revealed
They told me the patch was from eye surgery
I heard these stories and I thought it was sad.
The house you lived in was littered with
I never really liked you. You would come home
I never really liked you. Every time you talked
This is how I thought of you. A man who was
I received a letter recently, a letter from
station; instead of leaving this town you
And I was asked to be the messenger to my
I never really liked you. No one did. But when
I never really liked you. But now I can’t get
My friend still doesn’t know where your grave is.
I never really liked you, but maybe we could get
My sister-in-law gave me a Midge doll set
But Midge, an older model, had short red hair
For my sixth birthday I received a P.J. doll,
When I finally got you, Barbie, I treated you like
I took plastic kitchen shelf liner and caulking glue
My father’s pool table was your lake; a second
But I couldn’t be like you, I had to eat, and I could only
What did you teach me? I pressed you next to Ken
And now, all grown up, I visit my parent’s house,
I could give these toys to my niece, so she could play,
bizarre sexual stories in the news
from the los angeles times:
Bring Her Back
I’ve seen her this way
and so many times
but this time, this time
my little way of telling her
Burn It In
Once I was at a beach
I too have my recorders.
Every year, at the end of the year
When I first went to college
When I looked around me, and saw friends
What did you think I was doing
and I had a lot of work to do.
Did you think your crimes would go unpunished? you want to know why I do the things I do
I had to record these things
I need to record these things
Catching a Muscovy
One year, Doc Wiggins
As far as ducks go, the
Florida, in this heavily pop-
Well, one year, bless his heart,
use my rifle and we went to a
else?” So he was in a bit of a
a Muscovy walked right up to him
civil war
climbing trees.(written with D.J.)
now that we have the information superhighway
our pleas become computer blips
to be left for someone to decipher II
got into work the other day
so i first returned tom’s phone call
realizing i didn’t actually get a hold of anybody III
sara and i were late for carol’s wedding rehearsal IV
I was out at a bar with Dave, and I was explaining to him
and then it occurred to me, how difficult it had become
and then it occurred to me, no matter how many different V
now that we have the information superhighway
but what if we don’t want to communicate
what if we forget VI
i wanted to purchase tickets for a concert
so i turned it on, dialed the number,
and the line was busy VII
i checked my email address book recently, VIII
i was suntanning outside on my patio
and the phone needed to be recharged,
while waiting for the pizza man IX i got a program for my computer
it’s a phone book program,
and i love this program, i’ve created a file
but it always seems any computer IX
i wanted to get in touch
you see, i could search the internet for hours X
now that we have the information superhighway
but then the question begs itself:
contempt for man
Often, the interests of production
In these cases,
the interests of production
and economic interests are for the good
if a corporate giant destroys the environment
if these individuals don’t place
well, then, they are the ones
Couldn’t Take it Home
I went out deer hunting once with some buddies
Diane Talking About her Trip to Mexico City
So I decided to take a trip to Mexico City.
So I went there, and really, it wasn’t as
But the man that ran the hotel thought it
And then as I was touring I went to an old
And then as I was touring I went to a
This is how things were, I guess. And they
down the drain
i hear the water running
eating.(written with D.J.)
I can feel it gliding down my throat with a huge push of water
emergency room stories
As we sat in the car, trying to waste
one of us remembered a story about
room. he was wearing a raincoat
a poodle with his member. Now, that
to think of other sexually perverse
men coming in with dead hampsters inside
when they’re alive, because the hampsters
asphyxiated seems to do it for some men.
itself: how do you get the carcasses out?
So we talked about other stories, like
stuck in obvious places, then one of us
the emergency room once with a dildo
that he claimed to have fallen on it.
had a raw hot dog stuck inside her, and
a woman have to be in order to use some-
said, maybe it was frozen. then someone
your tongue to something frozen and
False Suicide
“A woman called the station once, fire alarms
we were driving through
up a winding road
and along the road
and we looked at each other
because there are no fire
fulfill their deepest vocation
Necessary emphasis should be placed also on
For in giving themselves to others each day
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
of course, according to your religion women
of course, god was created in man’s image
Gary’s Blind Date
A friend of mine had a roommate named Gary
So on one particular occasion,
Now, he said, this girl
And Friday came, and Gary,
And my friend said, now I don’t want to hear
So Gary got ready for his blind date
“Oh, you must be Gary, please,
Once Gary got into the house,
and Gary, still not feeling well,
Gary walked into the brand-new bathroom.
Gary sat down on this new ivory throne,
But he couldn’t leave the underwear and flushed.
Which caused the toilet to overflow,
So here was Gary’s dilemma: What are his options, what are his options.
So he did the only thing he thought
When he arrived at his apartment
And after that, he never
gift of motherhoodpart one
We need only think of how the gift of motherhood
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
“he started in on me again last night,
gift of motherhoodpart two
We need only think of how the gift of motherhood
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
“so i was sitting in on a meeting with the
Golfing with George Eastman
I played a round of golf with
here is me
i have a secret
you see, my life
everyone thinks
hiding vices”The way I see it
the Bible is so popular
in which it is possible John Leroy Coffin, Springfield MO, 1997
i met a man once
now, i knew better
but i knew he had
and so i asked him
and he said,
and so i checked
and i wondered
how are you
The phone rang. Woke me up. I picked up the phone, stumbled out a hello. “Hi, it’s Sara.” Oh, hi, Sara, how are you? “Oh, fine,” she said. “How are things with you?” Oh, fine, I said, work’s been busy. “Oh, I know,” she said, “I was the maid of honor in Carol’s wedding, and tacked on to work I’ve been swamped.” Speaking of work, I said, I’m late. “Oh, okay,” she said, “talk to you later.” Good-bye. “Bye.”
I never took a life until I took my ownthree poems
I never took a life
because you see, I
And how can you really
Everyone loved me
How does she have
No one understood
And if they understood
and how do you explain
I never took a life
I never had the power
They scratched my name
But it’s funny how
I never took a life
I never wanted
I never had the courage but I guess I have
I never wanted to
and this one thing
The line “I never took a life until I took my own” was a title of a poem by Ray Young.
i’m thinking about myself too much
all of my life it
in the projectsI saw a woman in the projects, by the apartments you were looking at. I was driving toward the lake, stuck at the intersection in traffic, and she walked across the street, in front of my car. She was wearing a blackjacket, falling off of one shoulder. She was wearing a black and white striped shirt. She was carrying a clear plastic cup in her left hand, like the kind you get in a bar. It was filled a quarter of the way with beer. And she walked across the street, holding her beer at the end of her straight left arm, and the sleeve of her jacket almost covered her hand. And her eyes darted back and forth, as if she knew she wasn’t supposed to have open alcohol in public but she’d do it anyway, not caring for the law, but still being cautious. And I thought: I’ve done that before. We both have things we’re running from. What makes her, in the projects, living off the government, any different from me, in the ugly new houses, living off someone else’s ideals.
you think i’m going to come
Japanese Televisionas reported in the New York Times:
one new television show in Japan
another television show in Japan
I wonder what they’d think
joe putz-a-vucki
my mother told me
well he called the house one night
she told ed “my husband is out
and ed stuttered, tried to make an excuse
later he told my father
your stuttering voice, silly
and by the way
ed told my father
Knew All Along
So my friend Joe owned this bar, and Joe
Knowing Kevorkian
Oh, I knew Kevorkian
what I remember about
and he’d get a gin martini
I never thought he had
Kurt Irons |
Lambs to Heaven’s Gate
They tell you the meek shall inherit the earth.
People will believe anything if you
Lessons from the Simpsons
I will not bribe principal Skinner.
I will not prescribe medication.
I do not have diplomatic immunity.
I will not sell land in Florida.
I will not call my teacher “Hot Cakes.”
A burp is not an answer.
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty.
At the beginning of each episode of “The Simpsons,”
i was wondering when nature’s rights were
because, I mean, I care about the environment and all
but I was in a car with an environmentalist once
were largely destroyed in the early nineteen hundreds
said to me, “kill the loggers”
he said he didn’t, but he did, and I wonder if he realizes
i wonder if the loggers would agree with him
losing my best friend.(written with D.J.)
our yard was a small size
I’ve never been able to face death;
My father thought it was best,
I was playing at my neighbor’s
That was my dog.
Love Has Tendrils
love has tendrils escaped the pull
never strong enough
i keep searching
to choke me
until I rise yet again
loved you the most
I heard last week that you died.
Of course I didn’t hear it from your family.
I went to your funeral today. I wore a veil
I knew I could never have you in my life.
make people think
I don’t want to draw
marilyn monroe’s sex life
some people would have
Personally, I don’t think
most men would have done
I wasn’t even looking for sex
I had the fame
why would I want one man why am I resented for that
so I start seeing my ex again
you know, most men
why couldn’t that happen with me
am I really that famous
I have rejected some of them why do they think I want anyone
I know I brought this
I thought I could make the men
and it seems that my bags are getting
the bags are getting heavier
more than we should have
actually, i never think of him as drinking
but someone reminded me tonight
and then i thought of
and as we left
we paid more than we should have
more whiskey sours
i need more
never did the same
we’ve put each other through hell, i know
new to chicago
I’m still new to this city
but when I walk by the First Chicago building
when I walk by the First Chicago building and look up along the curve, stretching up towards the sky
you know, these pillars look like race tracks
I see the seed, the power, and it
and every time I walk by the First Chicago building
odd how things turn out that way.
husband-beaten wife
she shot an officer
the cop wore a bullet-
ricocheted off a bone
on the california streets
we were walking along Santa Monica Boulevard
and I thought, of course he won’t get it
Years ago Chinese women
The smaller the foot
It was normal Of crippling herself But the mother knew better
The girl would never find
At least
The tears falling land
a pattern
It amazes me
and that the second definition of pioneer To pioneer is to open or prepare for others to follow
You said you all were pioneers.
Yes, pioneers, you were all so brave.
How can you start anew
Yes, pioneers, you were all so brave.
What were you a pioneer of?
When slaves were bought and sold To pioneer is to open or prepare for others to follow
To you, your daddy was a pioneer
I know we’ve all felt that feeling before
be the fearful little girl
And I know each and every one of us
And you would run, and run, and run
You were too young to create something new
And after running through those endless fields
When I was little I would save up all my change
And I would sneak over to the local ice cream parlor,
And did you sneak off to the general store
Was this your freedom, was this your rebellion? To pioneer is to open or prepare for others to follow
Was this what made you a pioneer?
pop a pill
take with meals
probably not
there were peanuts in the ashtray
there weren’t supposed to be peanuts in the ashtray
probably not
run faster
why me
I beg for attention
so I keep giving you
but I’m not a damsel
because even though I hate you
russians at a garage sale
at our annual garage sale this year
they were from the russian neighborhood
they would pick up an iron. “how much?”
it was a warm indian summer day
they would point at the iron, a toaster,
and all the old couples wore raincoats
they would pick up a wine glass. “how much?”
when the tail comes off of a salamander
and at twelve, we were amazed
and wanted to catch
so we could pull off its tail
and i find it amazing and wonderful
that our quest for knowledge
Scars 1997
I wear my scars like badges.
I have a scar over my left knee.
I have a scar on my right shin.
I have a circular scar on my left calf,
My cat scratched me on my wrist once
I tell people that if they wake up
see you crawl
come on, boy
i’ve been self-destructive before
maybe i should go back
why would it matter
service of others
Mary called herself
Putting herself at God’s service
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
coffee, tea, or milk
shame on me
you are stubborn, moody,
and i keep thinking that
but i still tried, i wanted
and i’ve tried, i’ve worked
but once again
fool me once and shame on me
She Was a Woman
She was a woman who thought too much.
She was a woman who was strong.
She was a woman who would walk into a coworker’s office,
She was a woman who worked twelve-hour days.
She was a woman who believed in nothing but herself.
She was a woman who picked flowers
She was a woman who belched out loud.
She was a woman who would turn up the stereo
She was a woman who read philosophy.
She was a woman who would jump on hotel beds
She was a woman who hated how she looked.
She was a woman who never played drinking games,
She was a woman who showed off her legs.
She was a woman who wrote letters to the editor.
She was a woman who wrote poetry.
She was a woman who worked on eight different projects
She was a woman who never asked for help.
She was a woman who was always trying.
shopping.(written with D.J.)
Grocery shopping. Clothes shopping. Car shopping. Casket shopping.
So you have your friends you bought
sorry flowers
i bet you think a box of candy is
i love “apology candy” as much as i
office but then i tell them that they
flowers if it meant that you two
i think of statues of greek gods
and i’ve had no inspiration
and i’ve succeeded
and now i look around
and i just want to see that statue
but i’ve been working so hard so long
Take The Pain
When I’m laying down in the sun
Do you understand this struggle, do you do this
You know, when I struggle like this under the light There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain
When I’m laying down in the sun
Thank you, women who work I
Thank you, women who work
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work II
Thank you, women who work
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work
Thank you, women who work
the bathroom at the Green Mill
you know, I’m so used to
and I sat down, and I started to read
and I started to think that I’d actually
and then I put my lipstick on in the
The Deep End
love seems so appealing and jump in
but none of them stay under too long
The Last Time
The last time I remember shooting an
a chipmunk moving around off in the
raccoons near our house, the chipmunks
So I pulled out my rifle, aimed at that
My son, no more than twelve or thirteen
through the yard. And he just stood there.
me and asked, “Why?” And I had no answer.
the one at mardi gras
i was at mardi gras last weekend
and a friend of mine had a balcony
of people stretched for over a mile. it was
the men expected women to get naked
flash pops, coupled with a roar from the
to strip for drunk strangers, when i knew
out their arms, looking up inquisitively, as
and had plenty of my own beads, i decided
when they looked up at me for something,
ones that are supposed to be stripping, but
crazy and walk away, or they would shrug,
make a gesture to turn around, as if to ask,
around, with their pants and their underwear
so over the course of the evening i
that there was this society, this micro-
prostitution-for-plastic-beads form of
everyone else, wearing grey and minding
disgustedly leaving or willingly obliging
what? you naughty, naughty girl.” and he
massive crowd that thinks they way i do.
there are about nine or ten million people, and
blindly do what i asked, but at the same time
to think that he was stunning, by far the best-
confident, but then again, i’m near-sighted
and neither would i, so his attention was
from under my balcony, and every once in a while
this is no way to start a relationship, hell,
but he’s damn near perfect. and all that time we
make sure i was still there. and finally he
finger to make him wait and then i threw
up with my taunting and still not giving in,
of self-worth, the sheer love of life, the the things warren says
I know about this guy,
he went to the hospital
he was okay, but they
it was all mangled, and
The Way You Tease Me
What I think I like the most about you
What I think I like the most about you
What I think I like the most about you
What I think I like the most about you
What I think I like the most about you
What I think I like the most about you
they see independently
Perhaps more than men, women acknowledge
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
do they see independently from reason, too?
this halloween
this halloween i got a costume together
it was strange for me
and every time i was left alone at a bar i gave them a fake name, a fake number
and looking back, what made the difference
and it’s not that i’d do it again
this is my dilemma
should I go to you
should I just
who cares
I’m used to this
forgetting the feelings
do it to me,
go ahead
I’ve felt it before
and no emotion is new
so should I
too much light
too much light makes the baby go blind rush into the flame and die in a final glorious blaze of glory
and I have seen the light what is my choice:
burn in the flame
Two Minutes With Ayn Rand
I don’t believe in things that aren’t proven,
when someone asked me what I’d say
and if I could talk to you
But I know I’d have to tell you
I would have been still searching blindly
and it’s nice to know
and the fact that they exist
but you knew that Because I’m still looking.
You’ve created these heroes
Yes, thank you
so maybe, if those who posed
warren stories
i heard this story about this fat woman
and didn’t notice when it lodged itself
when she felt a sharp pain, and the doctors
her up and found the pork chop, and realized
Watching My Father Die
my father had cancer
after six years of pampering
to last. Not that we wanted
talking about? but then
I just saw him in so much
these two weeks, one night I
pain go away. And the next
watching you eat a donut(with Lance)
How do I approach this? I remember the lines:
I prefer nothing because there’s
But there’s always so much to read
I look at the world and see nothing
I run my fingers along the table, caressing
Water on the Street
George Eastman
Now, from a distance,
but people were only allowed
So when I saw the water
Well, I didn’t even mention the
ways to spend your money
I spent a week in Los Angeles recently
but the one thing I noticed
What do we say
What do we tell our youth
What does it say of us
What does it say of our self-esteem
What does it say of our media
What rights do we really take away I hope you’re not suffering too much
Richard Speck, convicted of killing
When a member of society commits a crime in theory
One man in prison filed a lawsuit
What do we say to all of this
where I belong
well, I have found
so thank you
I’m in a haze
and thank you
I smell the mace
yes, thank you
who you tell your dreams to
we were driving down the freeway
and you saw something that you thought
and your girlfriend, riding in the middle
Why do you
Why do you make us wait for you to come back?
why i’ll never get married
at work we’ve been looking
and some were good
and they said they wanted
and they said they couldn’t work
and that’s when i knew
you and me and your girlfriendwe went out for drinks together you and me and your girlfriend to a restaurant in Malibu with a balcony that hung over the water
had a perfectly lovely time
and I thought that would be charming
we stood outside, leaned on the rail
but now it was not about catching up
for nearly an hour, and I said,
you are
you’re pretty as a picture you are like a brilliant light
you have pearly white teeth
you have a heart of gold you’re postcard pretty
you’re as meek as a lamb
you have a steel will
you’re drunk as a sailor
you’re like a broken heart
you feel more
it’s like this:
and when you feel