FULL VIDEO of Janet Kuypers’ Destruction Instructions 2/27/15
See YouTube video 2/27/15 of Janet Kuypers’s Chicago show Destruction Instructions of 5 poems with John on electric base (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
See YouTube video 2/27/15 of Janet Kuypers’s Chicago show Destruction Instructions of 5 poems with John on electric base (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

Download this poem in the free chapbook
“Destruction Instructions”,
w/ poems read on 2/27/15 at Chicago’s Uptown Arts Center

Janet Kuypers reading her poem
one oh one destruction instructions:
a man calls a woman
Rather read it? Then read the original poem one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago Destruction Instructions show (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago Destruction Instructions show (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem

Janet Kuypers reading her poem
one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive
Rather read it? Then read the original poem
one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago Destruction Instructions show (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago Destruction Instructions show (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem

Janet Kuypers reading her poem
one oh three destruction instructions: run faster
Rather read it? Then read the original poem
one oh three destruction instructions: run faster
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh three destruction instructions: run faster” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago Destruction Instructions show (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh three destruction instructions: run faster” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago Destruction Instructions show (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem

Added bonus:
After her show, she read a Paul Jos. Ryan poem
live for the growing studio audience.
Janet Kuypers reading her poem
Bat Man
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading Paul Jos. Ryan’s poem Bat Man live 2/27/15 in his Chicago Destruction Instructions book release event (Canon fs200)
