Dusty Dog Reviews The whole project is hip, anti-academic, the poetry of reluctant grown-ups, picking noses in church. An enjoyable romp! Though also serious. |
Nick DiSpoldo, Small Press Review (on Children, Churches and Daddies, April 1997) Children, Churches and Daddies is eclectic, alive and is as contemporary as tomorrow’s news. |
Web Site http://scars.tv
Publishers/Designers Of ![]() editorial The Illness of Volunteerism
humor the facts of life The 2 most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you. Money can’t buy happiness...But it sure makes misery easier to live with. Deja Moo: The feeling that you’ve heard this bullshit before. Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people are mentally ill. Check 3 friends. If they’re seem OK, what does that tell you about you? Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check. A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn. It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats. Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn. If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book. The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was. It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. Paul’s Law: You can’t fall off the floor. The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think. Paranoids are people, too; they have their own problems. It’s easy to criticize, but if everybody hated you, you’d be paranoid, too. A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell and make you feel happy to be on your way. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by moving from where you left them to where you can’t find them. Law of Probability Dispersal: Whatever it is that hits the fan will not be evenly distributed. Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writer’s styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere. Dusty Dog Reviews The whole project is hip, anti-academic, the poetry of reluctant grown-ups, picking noses in church. An enjoyable romp! Though also serious. Children, Churches and Daddies. It speaks for itself. Write to Scars Publications to submit poetry, prose and artwork to Children, Churches and Daddies literary magazine, or to inquire about having your own chapbook, and maybe a few reviews like these. 2543 North Kimball ´ Chicago, Illinois 60647 ´ attention: J. Kuypers Theories on Gilligan (via the Internet) I was just sitting here pondering Gilligans’ Island in relation to the Seven Deadly Sins. The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan’s Island theory is quite simple. Each of the seven characters on the island represents each of the seven deadly sins. Now, this theory seems to fit upon initial inspection, there are technical difficulties when you get down to THE MAN himself, Gilligan. Run with me on this one... Most obvious is the Professor, who fits PRIDE to a T. Any man who can make a ham radio out of some wire and two coconuts has to be pretty cocky. (His character was later revised and given a series of his own, called MacGuyver”.) For the sin of ENVY we need look no further than Maryann, who may have worn those skimpy little tops, but could never achieve Ginger’s glamour. (As an interesting and completely irrelevant side note, a nationwide survey of college students a few years ago revealed that the professor and Maryann were voted the most likely couple to have ‘done it’ on the island.) And who could doubt for a moment that Ginger is LUSTincarnate? Sure, the kids were supposed to think she was ACTING, but we all know what being deprived episode after episode was doing to her. You know and I know that glazed look wasn’t boredom, my friends. What kind of person takes a trunk full of money on a three-hour cruise? Mr Howell gets my vote for GREED. We are now left with three characters and three Deadly Sins. We have Gilligan, the Skipper and Mrs Howell to whom we must match GLUTTONY, SLOTH and ANGER. As you can see, there is a Gilligan problem here. Certainly we can further eliminate Mrs Howell from this equation by connecting her with SLOTH. She did jack shit during her many years on the island and everybody knows it. This leaves ANGER and GLUTTONY, either of which the Skipper had no shortage. He was, after all, a big guy with the tendency to hit Gilligan with his hat at least once an episode. After much consideration, I have decided that he can easily do double-duty, covering the two remaining Deadly Sins. So here we have the Seven Deadly Sins trapped in an endlessly recurring Hell of hope followed by denial and despair, forced to live with each other in our TVs until the last re-run ends. And who is their captor? What keeps them trapped there? Gilligan. Gilligan is SATAN. Think about it. autumn reason a collection of letters the scars publications and design book contest winner is now on sale for $7.00 checks made payable to janet kuypers may be sent to 2543 n. kimball, chicago il 60647. by sydney anderson How Sleazy Are You?? (As Heard on The Morning X) 1. Ever tried alcohol? (1 point) 2. Ever been drunk? (2 points) 3. Ever play drinking games? (2 points) 4. Ever fall down because you drank too much? (3 points) 5. Ever drink enough to throw up? (4 points) (bonus: Throwing up on another person - 1 point) 6. Ever wake up and not remember what you did the night before? (5 points) 7. Ever been forcibly removed from a bar? (8 points) 8. Ever participated in/finished a pub crawl? (5 points) 9. Do you drink regularly/ at least 3 times a week? (3 points) (bonus: 1 point for each additional day - max. 7 points) 10. Ever fall asleep/pass out in a bar? (4 points) 11. Ever laughed at a physically or mentally handicapped person? (2 points) 12. Ever laughed at someone else’s misfortune? (1 point) 13. Ever try pot, hash, or magic mushrooms? (4 points for each one tried) 14. Do you do drugs regularly? (4 points) (bonus: at least 4 times a week - 4 points) 15. Ever bought “soft” drugs? (4 points) 16. Ever sell drugs? (8 points) 17. Ever sell drugs to support a drug habit? (12 points) 18. Ever used barbituates? (8 points) 19. Ever used hallucinogens? (8 points) 20. Ever used narcotics? (10 points) 21. Ever been stoned or drunk for more than 48 hours? (8 points) 22. Ever been on a date? (2 points) 23. Ever been felt up or groped? (2 points) (bonus: to orgasm - 2 points) 24. Ever had sexual intercourse? (6 points) (bonus: on first date - 2 points) 25. Ever had a bath or shower with the opposite sex? (5 points) 26. Ever paid for sex? (8 points) 27. Ever taken advantage of someone while they were stoned or drunk? (4 points) 28. Ever get someone stoned or drunk to obtain sexual favors and succeed? (8 points) 29. Ever engage in oral sex? (4 points) (bonus: to orgasm - 2 points) 30. Ever engage in anal sex? (6 points) (bonus: to orgasm - 2 points) 31. Ever engage in the 69 position? (4 points) 32. Ever contract an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)? (12 points) 33. Ever had sex without a contraceptive? (4 points) 34. Ever had or knowingly been responsible for an abortion? (12 points) 35. Ever had sex with two or more partners in a week? (4 points) 36. Ever had sex with more than one person at a time? (9 points) 37. Ever had sex in a public place? (6 points) 38. Ever had carpet burns as a result of a sexual act? (4 points) 39. Ever engage in sexual activity with a member of the same sex? (10 points) 40. Ever practiced bondage, masochism or sadism for sexual gratification? (8 points) 41. Ever used sex toys? (6 points) 42. Ever pass out during sex? (5 points) 43. Ever been responsible for losing someone else’s virginity? (4 points) 44. Ever masturbated while talking on the phone? (3 points) 45. Ever bought something in a sex shop? (3 points) 46. Ever licked or had someone lick An eyeball - 1 point, Toes - 2 points, Ears - 1 point 47. Ever had sex with a relative? (5 points) 48. Ever make someone else sleep in the wet spot? (6 points) 49. Does necrophilia, pedophilia or bestiality turn you on? (20 points) 50. Ever been arrested? (8 points) (bonus: If convicted - 7 points) Scoring: 0-20 A life with the church is too corrupt for you. 21-40 You barely make our scale. 41-60 Approaching normal. You aren’t much fun on a date. 61-100 Normal. You use your right hand like everybody else. 101-130 Above average. You’ve got a few tricks below the belt. 131-160 You’re enjoying life to the max! 161-200 You’re a danger to society. Who let you out on a day pass? 200+ You’re going straight to hell. Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA “Hope Chest in the Attic” captures the complexity of human nature and reveals startling yet profound discernments about the travesties that surge through the course of life. This collection of poetry, prose and artwork reflects sensitivity toward feminist issues concerning abuse, sexism and equality. It also probes the emotional torrent that people may experience as a reaction to the delicate topics of death, love and family. “Chain Smoking” depicts the emotional distress that afflicted a friend while he struggled to clarify his sexual ambiguity. Not only does this thought-provoking profile address the plight that homosexuals face in a homophobic society, it also characterizes the essence of friendship. “The room of the rape” is a passionate representation of the suffering rape victims experience. Vivid descriptions, rich symbolism, and candid expressions paint a shocking portrait of victory over the gripping fear that consumes the soul after a painful exploitation. want a review like this? contact scars about getting your own book published. 2543 north kimball, chicago, illinois 60647. email: ccandd@shout.net. true story... Normally when i hear embarassing stories about my friends i sort of chuckle a little and let it pass, however when my friend at CU boulder wrote me this letter telling me about her embarssing experience, as sick as it was i could not help but become hysterical and i know with the sick sense of humor my friends have, that ya’ll would appreciate this as well. i asked, my friend if i could write it up, she didn’t mind as long as i didn’t use her name, so here it is...this one’s for you Wood. An anonymous girl lets call her jen, is a junior in college attending school in Colorado, like all college students, she is wrapped up in the partying and the wildness college life has to offer. Jen being the computer science major that she is does however have a lot of work to do on her computer so when she’s not out having a good time, she’s working her but off designing computer programs and installing software. One day, soon after she had broken up with her boyfriend, she was home alone on a friday night for the first time in the three years they had been dating. she was sad alone and depressed, so she decided to make a new homepage. she was playing on the net when she decided to get onto a chat line, being the wild psycho she is she decided to get onto a sex line. So jen got onto a sex chat line and started playing around on it. over the line, she met a guy who identified himself as jeremy, she started playing with him, she gave a false name, saying her name was “katie” and started getting into detail about what she would like to do to him with her tongue. he responded by telling her to picture being naked while his hands ran over every square inch of her body. soon they were having cybersex. this went on for awhile, and then she got off the line agreeing to meet him back on the line the following night. Saturday night rolls around, and Jen is on the line with jeremy again, they become even closer this night, so they continue like this for a week. at the end of the week, they started talking about other things, and got into very intimate issues and feelings. they became close, exchanging their lives, jen didnt’ tell jeremy she was in college, because she was afraid of sounding like an immature college girl. she felt guilty, but after a few weeks, she really liked this guy. This went on the two of them like this for months, and months turned into a year. bye the end of the year they had exchanged the most intimate thoughts, and yet had never even spoken on the phone. they were afraid of ruining the mystery. they had done everything sexually possible over the net, they were affectionate as well, waiting for the day that they could some day be together. they finally decided they had had enough. they wanted to meet each other, they were in love and they had to meet. they didn’t care about age or looks or anything but each other. jeremy told jen he thought she could be his next wife. jen was weary at first but decided she didn’t care how old he was or how ugly she loved him, he was the only one she could feel comfortable with. so...they planned a trip to meet in vale, colorado. they were going to spend the weekend together and finally meet. jen didn’t want the hassle of having to find him, so she said, why don’t you just get the room and we’ll meet in the room that way there will be no mistake. jeremy agreed. jen showed up at the resort first, and checked into the room telling the desk lady to hold the key for the next party, so she went into the room. she wanted things to be special so she lit some candles, put on some music. she stripped naked and climbed into the bed under the covers, deciding to surprise jeremy when he got there. the time soon came the lights were out, the mood was right, and she heard a key in the door, she heard someone walk in and around the corner, and she whispered, “jeremy”, jeremy said, “katie?” (this was the false name she had given him.) yes she said, so he fumbled for the light, and turned it on to see jen on the bed naked before him. then next thing heard around the world were two blood curling screams. jen covered herself up, and with her most humiliating voice said, “dad?” and jeremy said, “JEN!!!” think of what you would do in this situation... now realize this really did happen. their lives will never be the same. |
HOW TO BRING SEASONAL CHEER TO YOUR ROOMMATES (oh, you have to be drunk too while doing these - eggnog?) 1. Claim you were a Christmas tree in your former life. If s/he tries to bring one into the room, scream bloody murder and thrash on the floor. 2. Go to the mall with your roommate and sit on Santa’s lap. Refuse to get off. 3. Wear a Santa suit all the time. Deny you’re wearing it. 4. Sit in a corner of your apartment in the fetal position rocking back and forth chanting, “Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to town...” 5. Hang mistletoe in the doorway. When your roommate enters or leaves the room, plant a wet one on his/her lips. 6. Hang a stocking with your roommates’ name(s) on it. Collect coal and sharp objects in it. If s/he asks, say “you’ve been very naughty this year.” 7. Paint your nose red and wear antlers. Constantly complain about how you never get to join in on the reindeer games. 8. Make conversation out of Christmas Carols. (i.e. “You know, I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistle-toe last night.”) 9. Wrap yourself in Christmas lights and roll around in the snow. 10. Sing: “All I want for Christmas is my roommate’s two front teeth...” 11. Give your roommate the gifts from the twelve days of Christmas song. 12. Build a snowperson with your roommate and place a hat on its head. When it doesn’t come to life, cry hysterically, “It didn’t work!” 13. Whip your roommate and scream “on Dasher, on Dancer, on Donner and Blitzen, etc.” 14. Tear down all your roommate’s Christmas decorations yelling “Bah Humbug!” 15. Wake up every morning screaming “Ghost of Christmas Future, please have mercy on my soul!” 16. Tell your roommate you’re moving out. Santa’s buying you a house on 34th Street. 17. Pin a poinsetta to your lapel. 18. Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and eat the best parts first. 19. Put on a fake white beard and insist that all your roommate’s friends “give it a yank.” 20. Ring jingle bells maniacally, saying, “Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.” 21. Stand in front of the mirror reciting “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” over and over in your underwear. 22. Smoke mistletoe. Do what comes naturally. 23. Watch your roommate when s/he is sleeping. When s/he wakes up sing, “He sees you when you’re sleeping...” 24. Steal a life-sized nativity scene and display it in your room. When your roommate asks, tell him/her “I had to let them stay here, there’s no room at the inn.” 25. When your roommate goes to the bathroom, rearrange his/her possessions. Tell him/her that Santa’s elves must have done it. |
by janet kuypers:StalkerThe Final Pages of Fear
Treasure Island J. Kenneth Sieben
Sunday, November 13, was my best friend Ben’s fifteenth birthday. Too old for a party, he asked instead for permission to take his father’s 13-foot Boston Whaler out to Skeleton Island and camp overnight. His parents were divorced last year, but his father still keeps the boat at the Island Watch pier ‘cause he qualifies for owners’ rates. Anyway, his mother first got his father to say no when he asked back in June, but all summer long Ben demonstrated his skill at handling the boat, and he even overhauled the 35-horsepower Evinrude in his small engines course, so his father couldn’t think of any real reason to object. His mother-and mine, too-finally gave in when we agreed to set up camp at the southern end of the island where our red tent could be seen from the front windows of the bayfront townhouses where we live. I think they were praying for a blizzard, though. Of course, Ben brought along his father’s old binoculars so we couldn’t actually be spied on. |
TRAVELER by Bernadette Miller
I am a tumbleweed. Unanchored, I drift about on a desert, clinging to life. Hate being a tumbleweed: melancholy, no purpose. Blown by a breeze, I roll this way and that-unable to avoid the merciless sun, but somehow avoiding the prickly cactus. I’m searching. For what? I only know that by my third drink, I’ve become a traveler... |
The Kindness of Strangers doris popovich
Chapter 1 |
The Trauma of Loss Grieving is a Process Acceptance vs. Closure Acceptance Wins By Donna Bailey-Thompson
There is no subtle way to lead into what I need to write. |
no one to speak to ray reinrich ray@vais.net finally my dad has no one to speak to death is that way for all of us though we cannot admit it now even though we say we can all of us will finally have no one to speak to so practice now to speak to yourself to understand to listen to your own voice |
T H E P S Y C H I C By Paul L. Glaze Behold The Quaking Voice Of Doom That Shatters Silence Of A Still Quite Room. Who Seeks The Psychic, A Thundering Voice Chides. Who Covets Those Secrets The Future Hides? You Ask If The Psychic Will Now Unfold Your Coming Events That Are Yet Untold. Money Is Offered To Buy These Predictions. In Hopes Of Easing Your Worldly Afflictions. The Psychic Power To Offer You assistance. But Never Enough To Fulfill Your Persistence. If Futures Door Is There To Explore It Will Inspire Your Desire To Ask For More. The Psychic Can Not Fulfill Your Daily Needs. This Must Be Done By Your Personal Deeds. We Live In The Present, The Future Must Wait. Each Of Us Controls Our Personal Fate. Avoid Those Pretenders Of The Psychic Way. The May Be Profound In What They Say. With Your Mind They Dangerously Play. And With Your Money, They Request You Pay. Psychics To You Should Be Only A Tool If They Be More You Are Truly A Fool. If You Depend On Each Prophecy They Make In The End, Psychics Will Control Your Fate. Within Your Thoughts You Must Evaluate. Each Future Event Psychics Prognosticate. Listen Carefully To What They Foretell. But Never Fall Under Their Prophetic Spell. There Is No Magic Or Mystical Cure In Avoiding The Fates We All Must Endure. Never Allow Them To Control Your life. For That Alone Is Your Personal Strife. The Psychic Offers These Words To The Wise. In Hopes That Perhaps You Will Now Realize. Destiny Is Yours To Hold And Understand. It Was Given By God And Placed In Your Hand. You Must Account For All Deeds You Do. Whether Good Or Bad, They Will Return To You. This Tacit Truth Can Never Be Broken. So Beware And Take Care! The Psychic Has Spoken! |
new morning ray heinrich ray@vais.net the smooth perfection of a new morning the promise that today everything will be done that today old letters asking old questions will be answered that today the very best that’s in us will come out and will bless and be blessed by the smooth perfection of morning PSYCHIC DRUMS By Paul L. Glaze Hear The Hum Of Your Psychic Drum Let Its Gentle Rhythm Flow The Day Will Come, If You Listen Some Truer Things You Will Come To Know Our Psychic Drum Is Ever Sending If We Will Only Heed Its Call Psychic Rhythms Are Never Ending They Exist In One And All. This Power Bold, Within Each Of Us. Guides Us In A Special Way. We Must Control Our Mental Thrust Or Else It Will Go Astray. Mental Strain Is A Beginners Curse As We Pursue Our Psychic Needs. Relaxation Is Our Constant Nurse So We May Tell The Grass From Weeds. To Find The Answer To What Is Real And That Which Is Imagination We Must Understand What We Feel And Relate To Each Sensation. Some Must Proceed At A Minimal Pace For Their Progress Comes So Slow While Others Advance In A Rapid Race And Enjoy A Constant Flow. Your Psychic Power Will Not Be Abrupt And Create Great Mental Flashes It May Take Many Years To Construct So You Will Avoid Spiritual Crashes. If We Pause And Relax Our Mind Then Allow Our Psychic To Flow Free We May Drift Thru Theaters Of Time And Observe What Is Yet To Be. Total Knowledge Is Vaguely Forbidden Our Greatest Psychics Have Only A Trace Complete Access Is Uniquely Hidden On Many Events We Have Yet To Face. If You Expand Your Mental Power Then Use It For Worldly Gain There Will Be A Reckoning Hour You Will Endure Spiritual Shame. If Enlightenment Is What You Achieve By Developing Your Power Within You Will Advance In What You Believe And Enhance Your Psychic Trend. I Hope This Poem May Help You Some It Is Now Time For Me To Close Will You Achieve Greatness In Tomorrow’s Sun ? Your Hidden Psychic Knows ! |
Moonlight By Jordana Abraham I wish to kiss you by moonlight I can only wish that you will love me again, the way you did before but love dies, but love fades If only my futile tears would make you stay upon my breast If only your touch could last forever I know that saying that I was wrong won’t make you comeback to me I know that I know that crying myself to slumber won’t make you love me I know that I just wish that I could change times course and erase all of the painful things you said but love dies, but love fades If only you could kiss me by moonlight |
Lost By Jordana Abraham Partygrrl@aol.com Lost, never to be found Lost, in a crowd Alone out of ignorance No one would risk to look at me, no one would risk taking a deep look inside Lost out of stupidity The silence eternally eats away at me I stand and they look away...shut their eyes I cry and my tears silenced...shed without sympathy I accept their words of hatred, out of guilt I take the blame There is only so much that I can deal with I won’t take it and I can’t take it I WILL BE HEARD, the silence I shall brake I refuse to take it, I can’t take this abuse Don’t you dare try to stop me Don’t you ever try to silence me again I am a woman, and don’t you dare try to belittle me I refuse to ever be the victim again |
Lust By Jordana Abraham Partygrrl@aol.com sonnets of beauty and woe forever may he love me, at least longer then a fortnight I love him and wish for our nights together to never end lust and love they are the same at this point in life, in my youth my love, our nights shall never cease my memory and heart shall forever harbor them even when you’re gone |
MY LONELY COMPANION By Jordana Abraham Solitude is the air which I now breathe, for now my friend you are gone Sadness is the water which I now drink, for you my friend are away Fear the food which I now eat hungrily, savoring each morsel Helplessness is my new song, the tears within my heart, for you my lover have departed Loss is what makes me a non-believer Temptation is the the only sign of humankind left within me Growth no longer belongs to this body Losing my touch on reality because of your absence, my thoughts consist solely of you Out of my own ignorance I am alone Silence is now the only thing which I can wholly confide I hear my heart breaking as the days go bye I wince from the pain and the suffering Silence hears me...Silence understands....Silence is unforgiving My afflictions are too heavy to carry, too numerous to be counted The past is my only key to the door “out there”, it is my only link to you my friend The rage encompasses me, it has now become a part of me And now you are somewhere out there as I am here, I wish I was with you How could I have let you go, let you just drift out of my life? Regardless of whether you know it or not, I still think of you and miss you My dear love, I was foolish to think that I know longer cared for you However time has never been upon my side and I know that out of my own stupidity I told you to leave How could I have been so foolish to abandon you? I wish you were here, but that is because of my own doing Always remember that I love you, despite what I have done Oh my dear friend, know that in my heart you shall forever remain Perhaps one day, time will be on my side, and I will never again make this same horrid mistake of leaving you again |
On The Side By Jordana Abraham partygrrl@aol.com I don’t know how I could possibly think that you were the one How could I think that you would make me happy? How could I think that we were going somewhere? You just grabbed your things and went out the door, out of my life forever You just turned around and kissed me, us, goodbye You just took your feigned love and left Great, just great I know you think me a fool to have believed in you I actually thought you were devoted ha, the whole time she was on the side How could you belong to someone else? How could I not have known? You hurt me so bad How could you hurt me like that? I’m not gonna cry over you, because that’s exactly what you want me to do No, I’m not gonna cry anymore Why do you get to win? How could you be with her? Would you go to her house after you left mine? You bastard Did she let you sleep in her bed? Ugh, I don’t wanna know Well you were great at lying Are you proud of yourself? Big man, big man Did she call you at night? Would she write you letters? Did you sneak in her window late at night? Tell me..just tell me the truth for once Was she a good lover, did she fulfill your needs? Is she older then me? Am I the other woman or is she? I was fooled |
Nothing We Could Do By Jordana Abraham partygrrl@aol.com conceal that baby pull the shirt over the gun in your waist hide the viles of coke in your locker stop the tears from streaming down streaming from your eyes as you say goodbye to a friend for the inevitable plaster on your chemical smile and go about your day as if nothing is happening tell your baby that there is nothing to fear nothing to fear as the gunshots blare out in the background of your faltering voice deny the chance to know bury your arms covered with bruises from daddy death calls out your name, yet your head remains high can I save you from your life, from what you have become? too proud to hideaway tell her that you love her, as you kiss her for the last time they say that nothing can be done and send them away send them away to their graves, because you would not give them a chance the empty desks painfully awaiting ...they just turn out their lights |
Pregnant at 16 By Jordana Abraham partygrrl@aol.com I thought that it couldn’t happen to me. I would be okay, I’d be fine. I thought that it could never happen to me, but there I was pregnant at 16. I don’t know where to go, who can I tell? Mom will hate me forever, Dad won’t ever speak to me again...what do I do? It couldn’t happen to me, how could I be pregnant at 16? I thought that maybe when the baby was born I would still have a life. I was so wrong, so very very wrong. There was no more life in store for me, I fucked it up, all because I was pregnant at 16. I wasted my chance, my life. Now all I do is change diapers and breast feed until 3. I wait for a babysitter so I can go to class. I can’t go party and be with my friends. I missed my chance. How could I have been so stupid? Where is the guy that vowed his love to me, where is he now? Where is the bastard who promised to take care of me, and wanted to prove his love? His love sure lasted...just through the night. Don’t miss your chance, you only get one. Don’t miss it, don’t be pregnant at 16. |
The Cicerone Sees a Trashed Columbus (for P. R.) The tour group is amused to see HONKY GO HOME splashed on the base Of far-staring bronze Columbus At the foot of Columbus Drive in Chicago; The cicerone is caught between His beloved midquakes and The jumbled attic of his lore: The cops gassed us in 1968 When we gathered at the old bandshell, Long since torn down and marked only by memory, And we played hide and seek with them Around the base of Columbus here. Chicago schools stil lget this holiday; The Catholics make sure of that, especially the Italians, They learned they had to control a piece Of the great revolutionary ruling myth. Maybe it can be moved to a safer place, The way they moved the big cop in Haymarket Square To an always guarded spot in police headquarters After we blew it up a couple of times Or Kosciuszko that they moved across the way Because they were afrais Puerto Ricans would not respect A Polish statue when the neighborhood changed. Maybe they can make it invisible for a while By re-routing traffic the way they did For the Roman column that Mussolini gave to Chicago “In the eleventh year of the fascist era,” really, Check it out; it’s less than a mile away. Maybe, don’t laugh, this statue could be art again; Galleries are full reverently preserved Apollos once made dickless and noesless by enthusiastic Christians; Mosiacs have icon dust plaster carefully peeled off In mosques that were once churches and are now museums. Of course it is too late for leaden George the Third Melted for bullets, then fured at his soldiers, And Kalinin, whom I saw in his namesake city Now once again Tver, with PUNK ROCK Chalked on his shoes, may never come back. Graffitists triumphant, we anti-imperialists, We anti-racists, we true preservers Of ecologies and cultures; we caught A symbol off balance, seized a teachable moment, And proudly flaunted our black belts As we made old myths do our will. The imerialist recessional goes “Lest we forget, lest we forget,” And no one can predict who Will be the last statue in the park; We are fused with Columbus, like him We could not go home and could not Even if we knew Where home was. |
j. quinn brisben Soul War Rachel Crawford luna@pacbell.net She expresses her anger Deep in her soul Through poetry and song The war goes on It won’t let go The fight is in her soul She needs the anger To help her hold on War......She can’t let go |
Joan Papalia Eisert stickly whimpering legs of hope hobble ‘cross my eyeballs clutching ‘round the wetness ready to stumble my words don’t smile maybe less gravity here would loosen the puppeteer’s strings that cut the corners of my mouth |
When I was 17 michael estabrook you couldn’t have convinced me that 30 years from then I’d be raking leaves in my front yard and enjoying it, stopping only long enough to talk with the old guy who walks his cocker spaniel by my house about how our dogs are getting old. |
THE SOUND OF CALM By Richard M. Grove writers@pathcom.com The gentle shuffle of swaying branches strums the back of a long rust red snow-fence. A tone is set with the crystal lapping at waters edge. Toronto’s harbour in peace, lit by distant red blinks joined by a bobbing gong. The base bellow of a distant fog horn sets droning rhythm, slow. Gulls calling meets hushed breeze. Fingers of rain stroke ever so gently playing this symphony of spring. This is what calm sounds like. This is what peace in the heart feels like when all is right for this, a single moment. |
R A I N By Paul L. Glaze Parched Prairies Crumpling Dry. Soil Sailing In winds Blowing By. Thirsty Trees With Begging Branches. Patiently Awaits Their Rain Enhances. Dust Flowing Through Natures Wind. Seeking Rain, To Bring It Home Again. Farmers Gazing Over A Dusty Field. Gazing Skyward For Rains First Yield. Rains Falling From A Darken Sky Caressing Ground That’s Hard And Dry. Rains Delivers Their Prancing Blows. Then Drains To Rivers In Eternal Flows. Thirsty Rivers, Depleted From Strain. Shivers At Delivers, Of Soaking Rain. Nature Receives A Reprieve To Survive. As Precious Rain Keeps Our Planet Alive. Rejoice At Mother Natures Rain Display, As We Thank Nature For Each Rainy Day. |
REMEMBRANCE O F LOVE By Paul L. Glaze Oh Livid Sky Of The Shallow Moon Casting Shadows In A Dim Lit Room. Two Lovers Lay In Quite Repose Sharing Secrets A Lover Knows. A Limpid Breeze Lingers Overhead. Caresses The Trees With Leaves Of Red. Autumn Twilight Bids Summer Good-bye The Lengthen Night Offers Nature A Sigh. A Moment To Regress To Yesteryear. To Review And Confess A Lovers Tear. A Faint Remembrance Of Another Time. Our World Of Temperance Was In Its Prime. When Two Lovers Lay Under A Livid Sky. Beneath A Shallow Moon, They Kissed Good-bye. Thoughts That Drift Through Dreams Above. Sharing A Brief Remembrance Of Love. |
Riders Of The Wind By Paul L. Glaze Riders Of TheWind, Brief Friends Of The Easy Way. Offering A Friendship Blend, Creating A Friendly Stay. Roving Riders In The Wind, Flow In Winds That Blow. They Blend As A Friend, But This Isn’t’ Really So. Rampart Riders Of The Wind, Seeking Gain Is Their Shame. If No Gain Is The Trend, They End The Friendship Game. Rigid Riders Of The Wind, With Deeds Of Greed And Pretend. To Gain Success Is Their Mend, As They Contend To Be Your Friend. Friends Have A Choice To Convey, To Stay Or Ride Away. If Problems Come Your Way, Your rider Friends Won’t Stay. This Is A Separation Of True Friends From Riders Of The Friendship winds. Seek Out Other Pretends, These Riders Quickly Find. To Increase Personal Amend In The Shortest Possible Time. These Gilded Riders Of Ethics Thin. Are Ruthless Riders Of The Friendship Wind. |
poetry by pete lee: driving through the mountains Sunday evening Mercedes on my ass cellular telephone antenna visible through the rearview of my elderly pickup guy in a necktie behind the wheel of the Mercedes forty dollar haircut aviator sunglasses in a big serious hurry to get to the next town north - someplace with a bank a Holiday Inn some people to cheat - he can see I got nothin’ but this old truck, and plenty of lane in front of me on this two-lane secondary driving against bumper-to-bumper weekend warriors short-cutting back south to their cities I slow down to forty-five to make sure he don’t miss nothin’ as we parallel a rich sunset in a land of prosperous ospreys fat bobcats, self-made crows coyotes wearing fur coats ***************************** drunken poet admires his printed works: shelf-esteem Dream Clip II I carry an enormous flashlight into the deep, winding cave of my life. I switch it on, but instead of illumination I get the teeth-tingling whine and wrist-twisting recoil of a rock drill. ************************************ dream growth a big skinless summer sausage curved teapot-handle style or like the pipe under your sink, it keeps changing shape, oozing some kind of grease or pus it grows out from your Adam’s apple like a spare windpipe - then down and into the center of your chest you squeeze it wanting to pop it like some monstrous balloon animal but wind up choking yourself nearly to death. you loosen your grip cry in the mirror for a while then wake up teary-eyed, your hands sweaty around your throat ear to ear station to station one man (radio) band he has no idea whether the stereo in his car works since he re quires no music outside of the veritable symphony in his head ****************************** electroshock disorderly... strapping orderly strapping... orderly. ****************************** eleven page headings from The Random House Dictionary baby-sit * backhand individualist * industrial arts justice * kangaroo Mahatma Gandhi * mai tai mommy * Mongoloid natural gas * navy bean no-frills * non-Aryan orthodox * other salesman * salvation salve * sandpaper vagrant * value-added taxnot with yellow flowers ray heinrich ray@vais.net i start out trying to write a poem about yellow flowers about the ones i saw today these yellow flowers are the first flowers of spring even before the skunk cabbages in the low parts of the river bed but another poem about yellow flowers? it’s like making a movie about two people finding each other and disliking each other then falling deeply in love it’s been done by wonderful poets (the yellow flowers, i mean) but maybe you haven’t read them those wonderful poets and you’re reading me right now so possibly i can get away with it but i want more and who has more? TV the TV knows i turn on the “today’s worst” news and listen to the body counts of the firearms companies and watch how that couple from the 23rd floor learned to fly and listen to the 911 recording that child left see it works that’s how you do it not with yellow flowers |
normal spring day ray heinrich ray@vais.net At the nursery i get a cactus. To be truthful, i get two. The cacti add up. And the flowers are beautiful, but I resist. Thank goodness, as i’d just have to plant them. “Or more likely buy them and not plant them”, say my yellow primroses from last year madly blooming but still in their nursery pots. I stop for a donut. Two, to be truthful. Well, to be closer to the truth. Then i continue with the new leaves and birds and birds. A tall tree i can’t identify seems to be steaming in the sun, but is really filling the air with cottony seeds. My dog chases a dragon fly, the first i’ve seen. |
THE LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE Allison Eir Jenks ajenks@students.miami.edu We drew pictures in the window’s breath driving where they made us go. Her heavy eyes of sky saw freckles near the moon; Now stars are stars. New cracks in the wall of my sister who slept in the same piece of skin as I did for just as long. she is still young in my eyes. though her soul is a glacier. Every nail I punch into the wall to hang a pretty new painting; I wish I was nailing her back to when she didn’t know Dad would leave and mom would go crazy. How can I be happy knowing of her dark blood and scattered head. I want to wrap her eyes with bandaids, Erase her backwards to the front door of the little red schoolhouse. when we all walked her to the front door and kissed the soft skin on her forehead. |
Guardian Station deckard kinder newman@ntr.net an evening visitor: sinister company looking to do mad nasty business on the late train crowding me for warmth and running from the law nuance is everything right now whether or not to kill this guy is the question righteous interrogation ruthless indignation on the run again doubting my judgment on the ragged edge of exhaustion still the secret goes untold you come along for the ride regardless of the consequences [still nobody knows you here do they? why not means nothing that not is everything and then some] you seem to enjoy this little spectacle tearing entertainment out of fear [not yours of course] delving into everything but the issue at hand eviscerating this sublimating that licking your thin lips in anticipation even so - I read you like the old testament sweetheart grotesque pornographic peep show thrills elevated to some ecstatic cosmic level religious rummage sale my evening visitor defers to you satisfied that you know the score trading control for safety never doubting your intentions delivering the goods trading evasions slipping the noose one more time like the sleazy little rat he is eventually he must show his hand regardless of the danger involved unless he wants this business to dead end eventually I will have my way you can’t stop me even though you want to sometimes you just take the loss deliver the goods and let it pass yielding to me to my karmic scheme every deal doesn’t go like this sweet pea every deal doesn’t go this well since questionable souls are involved like you I am nervous sometimes dodging shadows saying what needs to be said doing what needs to be done unlike you I have no choice and you are never my evening visitor |
IF YOU COULD SEE deckard kinder newman@ntr.net and if you could see my dreams could see my dreams of you you would wish you were me not that that would change anything except the gender of the dreamer you could see my dreams if you could see my dreams see my dreams like a theater of the heart and feel my great love for you not that that would change anything despite the gender of the dreamer feeling my great love for you that would not change anything however you would feel what I feel exquisite as that may be my dreams if you could see my dreams of you not that that would change anything despite the gender of the lover seeing my dreams of you exquisite as they may be grandiose as they may be romantic as they may be seeing my dreams of you taken away by my dreams of you until there is nothing of you left greedy relentless urgent grasping like a child neglected seeing my dreams of you until there is nothing of you left guilty in your heart regardless of your aching past urging you on excruciating as that may be useless as that may be torturous as that may be going deep into your soul despite the gender of the dreamer until there is nothing left there is nothing left but love nothing left but dreams of love exquisite as they may be like a child’s heart refusing to give up my dreams of you touching you softly endlessly so and so and so elegant as that may be exquisite as that may be that may be useless or fruitless or futile overwhelming as that may be empty as that may be even if you could see my dreams of you |
jackson pollock threw paint deckard kinder newman@ntr.net jackson pollock threw paint around like a muscatel wino tossing his cookies on the corner of ninth and who-gives-a-shit knowing no one would dig the deeper meaning slinging paint on canvas not giving a good god damn what people thought or said lingering in intuition lounging in emotion orgasmic organic compulsively careless kinetic karma king on the ragged edge totally wasted on the dregs of his own disappointment every day he slang the blues blacks and reds torn between the gutter and the glory guiltlessly guilelessly godlessly turning battle fatigue into jazzed-up joy surreptitiously superstitiously suspiciously turning out portraits of gods and demons dancing in his head nattering about in his heart conjuring who-knows-what in his soul screeching and singing and speaking in tongues eagerly earnestly effortlessly turning out hyperanimated visions of eternal turmoil so endlessly extraordinarily effective you stopped and stared torn between the sewer and salvation succulent satisfaction and endless emptiness divine devastation and demonic delivery the tyranny of taboos torn to shit like atlanta after grant smoldering shattered silent hyperoptic hyperbolic hyperotic luxuries extemporaneous duplicities non-negotiable superficialities yielding to charisma so jackson pollock threw paint every day somehow hoping to find release or a little bit of peace |
run faster janet kuypers why me why do I keep doing this to myself why do I keep coming back I beg for attention and I don’t know how to stop and I don’t know how to be alone so I keep giving you one more chance to make it perfect one more chance to save the damsel but I’m not a damsel and I’m not being rescued and I’m not feeling any better because even though I hate you I’ll never let go so you’ll just have to run faster |
statue janet kuypers i think of statues of greek gods they were what people could aspire to be they were something to strive for and i’ve had no inspiration other than my own mind and i’ve created my own images to keep me going and i’ve succeeded i’ve done it all i’ve got the fame, the fortune and now i look around and all i see is destruction i see the ruins of a fallen age and i just want to see that statue it’s so vivid in my mind and i know it has to be out there somewhere but i’ve been working so hard so long that i forgot about the light at the end of the tunnel and now i don’t know where to look |
the bathroom at the Green Mill janet kuypers you know, I’m so used to walking into bathrooms at bars and seeing “I love Scott” and “I think I love Paul, but I think I love girls” scribbled on the stalls in ink but I went into the bathroom at the Green Mill on the north side of Chicago which hosts the Uptown Poetry Slam while a black woman read poetry about oppression and plantations and slavery (which sounded more like a speech, but I won’t get into that) and I walked into the bathroom, into a stall, I closed the door, and I saw some writing, and I thought, oh, I bet this writing actually has something to say, I bet there’s poetry up on these walls and I sat down, and I started to read and I saw “I love Scott” and “I think I love Paul, but I think I love girls” and I started to think that I’d actually like to meet the people that write these messages and I’d like to ask them, “Hey, are you still with Brian? Because when it said “Jeanie and Brian Forever” on the bathroom stall at the Green Mill I wanted to know if it was really true if I can still believe everything I read and if there was a happy ending for you” and then I put my lipstick on in the bathroom at the Green Mill in Chicago heard the black woman’s voice resonating throughout the bar, thought for a mament about what was on the walls and walked away |
the measuring scale janet kuypers Here’s an addition for your degrading terminology of women list. In the construction field they (men) have devised another form of measurement. When something is being lowered or fitted into place they will often refer to an inch or so as: up or down about a cunt hair. They have gone so far as to determine that blonde pubic hair is the smallest increment and at the other end of the measuring scale is black pubic hair. Pam, via the internet why don’t you dissect me, take every single part of me and equate it with power tools, sports and violence? bang me, screw me, nail me, hammer me, bag me, pump me. shoot it in me. maybe you can even score. if we’re talking about measuring scales, what about the scale that defines the way you treat us: on one end is the minor stuff, calling us “baby” and “sugar,” whistling as we walk by, but then move along the scale, get to the blonde jokes, yes, they’re so funny, then how about a pinch in the rear at the office, well, that’s harmless enough and while you’re at it, porn movies and magazines, what harm do they do, and hey, women have always worked at home, so you should have all the jobs and get the better pay anyway and since we’re just your pro- perty, fuck us whenever you want, i mean, hey, you’re doing it already in every other aspect of our repressed, oppressed lives so rape us, smack us around knock us down a flight of stairs that’s what we’re here for god, i don’t even know how to measure these things any more |
poetry by pete lee: the end of spring summer begins the earth is falling back in love with herself the sky pales the earth’s dress rots on her browning body by winter she will be totally under her own spell again and the sky will be black with pent-up snow ****************************** The Essential Shakespeare All the world’s a stage And then it’s curtains. ****************************** etymology pinecone: one word or two? like the separation between the pine & the pine cone. Europe bores me Europe bores me and people save their whole lives to go last night the stars bored me that was a first I remember Carl Rogers or Abraham Maslow or one of those Great Bores saying that to be a real grownup you have to get this oceanic feeling - when you look at the ocean or the stars and realize how small you are in comparison to the universe blah blah blah but somehow the universe moved inside me and now I’m nowhere near the grownup I used to be bored by the stars and retaining water like a sonofabitch like I’d scrimped for decades for the privilege of flying across myself ***************************** evolution when i was little i had this fantasy where i’d line up everybody i knew against a wall then walk along in front of them with a submachine gun and mow down the ones who’d recently slighted me my mom and dad bought the farm pretty often so did my big brother and my little sister and the majority of their friends those left standing were grateful but wary they’d been through this enough times to know they could be recalled without notice now that i’m older and much bigger i prefer piano wire and my relatives have largely been replaced with editors bosses and former lovers everything’s negotiable my buddha asked me when a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around does it make a sound and i said yessir it does it makes the sound of one hand clapping |
numb D. Michael McNamara RFDD36C@prodigy.com and I’m in love with you and I’m in love with other such linears, and I laugh and dance and feel and laugh and dance and feel but still I reach for numb. |
LIKE FLU THAT JUST WON’T GO AWAY c ra mcguirt several of my friends are either afraid they might have AIDS, or glad they had the test which proves they probably don’t. apparently, no one’s told them yet: the reports are back, & we all tested positive for DEATH. |
GOING OVER THE LINE c ra mcguirt i just got off the phone with this woman who’d been a casual friend of mine: no major bond beyond some conversations about attempting to be real & poets. we smiled & hugged when we met in the clubs, & whenever i had a party, i’d call & invite her & her man just as a matter of normal casual friendship. around christmas, she stopped returning my calls, & when i met her in the clubs she had up an invisible wall. i wondered, but not exceedingly. then last night, we met again, & i didn’t try for a hug: i’d already accepted the message that she & her man wanted to back off from me, but i went for a reasonable handshake, like i’d give to anyone, & i got a limp wrist & a hollywood smile. i sat down knowing where i stood pissed off & puzzled, though slightly amused by the fact that her man, who’s been giving me hard honest handshakes for several years had held back just exactly like her, as if he’d been specifically instructed not to give me too much of their precious personal energy. at my table, waiting to read, i wrote her a note, which said, basically: ‘i’ve been your friend when you need one, & the rest of the time, i’ve left you alone. i don’t understand what you’re doing, or why, but you have my number.’ she called up this afternoon to inform me in a voice which sounded like selling tupperware that i’d been very valuable for a while after she’d broken up with her famous music husband & was going through typical emotional hell, but that she was much, much better now, & that my services as a crutch were simply no longer needed. she went on to explain that she’d tried just so terribly, terribly hard to make me come to understand that she had decided that we didn’t really have anything in common after all anymore, (without, you know, actually being FORCED to come out & say: ‘get lost; i don’t need you,’) & considered her coldess as sort of a kindness to spare me the dismaying news that i didn’t really quite fit in with the decor of her new life. i was a painting she’d grown tired of & taken down, & she simply could NOT understand how i could be crazy enough to feel i’d been USED, & to call HER a user. ‘YOU WENT OVER THE LINE’, she intoned. i’ve heard her use this line before, usually in conjunction with some talk of the hundred of invisible BOUNDARIES she carries about, & of which one must be quite careful never to cross (although you can’t see them), because if you step over one just once, there will come a quiet & chilly explosion, & you will be on your way out, as i found. ‘YOU WENT OVER THE LINE’: the way that she says it you almost expect Agents of Dreadful Retribution to swoop down & beat you, at the least, or maybe even bear you away to some severe place where they teach stern lessons to crossers of LINES like me. i told her that since i’d already GONE OVER THE LINE, i might as well just go all the way, & said that strictly in my subjective opinion she was a neurotic phony, & i didn’t give a damn about her LINES. she hung up in anger, & i suppose that’s the end of something i didn’t need to begin with, unless it all happened to give me THESE lines... such a CRAZY thing? |
SOMEBODY’S MAD ABOUT SOMETHING! c ra mcguirt good. somebody’s mad about something? too bad. |
CHASTISING MADONNA c ra mcguirt the liberals & feminists are mad at madonna because she likes to be spanked. are these the same people who tell us that a woman has the right to control her own body? the right-wing religionists are mad at madonna because she likes to be spanked. are these the same people who tell us that they have a right to the rod when it comes to controlling their children? madonna, i am not mad because you like to be spanked. however, i have to admit that your recent behavior has been a bit naughty... i bought your album today. young lady, just wait til i get you home! |
MAKING IT c ra mcguirt my friend allen’s little brother andy used to ride his big wheel around the green garage while allen & me & david & phillip practiced becoming progressive artistic seventies classical rockers. 18 years later, andy’s rolled over us all: a $20,000 contract with a major record label. visions of MTV flicker in his eyes, & andy is busy deciding which of his songs will make the best soundtracks for commercials after he’s bigger than jackson, george michael, & maybe elvis. allen’s working for the state during the day. he plays at night, & andy just can’t understand why allen continues to choose to use moog & mirage, software, soul, masks & dancers, movement, mime, silence & color & darkness & light to make such chump change at his art when he could be playing something that a whole LOT of people would like. allen understands he can’t make andy understand whole lots of people like what they hear because it’s all they hear, & all they’re likely to be allowed to hear without some sort of effort on their part. allen’s producing a tape for me- mostly songs, & some poetry, so i’m frequently at his place & i saw andy the other night for the second time or so since the big wheel days. ‘congratulations on your career’, i said, & added that it was good to see that success was possible. andy said: ‘it isn’t hard. it’s only a business, after all.’ we promised to exchange our final products. he went on, & i went in to get to work on mine. now i come before you with my art, wondering if & how anyone will remember allen, andy, or c ra a hundred years from now. i’m not sure it’s important, so long as I remember all the words tonight. |
The New Overman... Robert Michael O’Hearn RMOHRN@aol.com He could name his own thunder between each darkness of a heart beat, audibly louder in the cochlea than competing commotion in daylight. Could never recall life as vividly like going fast forward VCR replays: Yet he’s as jumpy today as yesterday with impressionistic emotions, moods. Diffident and rebelling in stereotypes, like protons, neutrons expelling atoms, unable to catch the sound of a name drowning in the course of human events. He could dispute you, be condescending, as atheist as any disbelieving agnostic, sophomoric in wiles as any 20th Century crack logician in philosophical discourse. Yet conversation only intensified life, as the mere fantasy of happiness eluded any firm grasp; turned his back to a world too absconded into misogynism, recidivism. |
“Passion Doll” D. Michael McNamara RFDD36C@prodigy.com revealing bones decades dead risen from the mud. |
“Pinot Noir” D. Michael McNamara RFDD36C@prodigy.com Drank red wine to celebrate the discovery of the new world. Wanted to listen to music, but...there is no music like yours. I’ve listened to you...I’ve heard your desires echo through my heart, taking over its beating...your fear shake my skin...your love warm me from inside. I’ve drank you like wine and collected it in verse. Dizzy like nerves I spill into you. We waver, steady on gravity, test the spheres, prove Newton right once again. Balances from now on will be measured by us. |
Predawn By Peter Scott We fought When it mattered the most Against each other not As a team For the chance A future we were both meant to live Love is filled with perils To conquer To share To prove we do care Above all Love is what I feel Every second apart so great Together we do make A perfect couple Remembering the first test Our love grows stronger More committed I will not let go And if you feel the same Join me now Down the road forever Where everything melts into one The city of everlasting eternity. |
Prophecy By Peter Scott The breeze sifts through my hands Alas, I am indoors Everything looks different Bizarre, strange, odd A tingling hits my senses I must write Quickly, plainly Words must flow from my External visage I know not what it may be Simple flowing Nervousness courses through my chest Encompasses all of my being Here but not am I Spiritual? Could I, Logic Dictative siphon an essence Live by the spirit? Confusion, awakening Logistics of the gut Contemplative Run with the fire and live With the pad Delirium an option to Deny with passion The feeling takes its course Writing with fervor Sphere of revolvement Was not I watching? Solemn in the sky Text with a spirit Simplicity waning Decisions of the heart Am I not God Cut me down Good prevails over most God prevails over few Violent separation at the root I see to the heavens Tear life down at my feet Internal rule of A biological delirium? Imagination strikes the king We all rule the land It is in our midst Walk to it He or she not “IT” Give your heart way But control with the hand You are IT See it but internal Pray to thyself God internal Creation come mist I have seen little of the land But know it by heart Crazy... Slow in moving... King. |
ONCE UPON A TIME, “Animal Farm” and other bedtime stories* I. B. Rad Once upon a time in a land called “Free Enterprise” there lived a farmer and his herd of chattel. Now this farmer ministered to these chattel according to free market gospel [when he couldn’t fix prices.] So whenever the price of chattel soared [or a tax write-off looked wise] he “downsized” his herd obtaining disproportionate profits, and when prices plummeted he bred and fattened his chattel, waiting for more profitable times. Now such boon and bust cycles suited these chattel just fine - or so they were told - since they were taught that through scarcity and plenty, through breeding time and slaughter, they were always scientifically managed on the basis of impartial market forces from which all benefited, both farmer and chattel. Consequently, while the farmer grew disproportionately wealthy (mightily benefiting from “corporate-equitable” tax structures lobbied from his representatives) his chattel’s lives became unceasingly bestial and short. So, to wrap it up, as this is strictly a poet’s fable, everyone, especially those grateful chattel, lived [or was culled] “happily ever after” - such are childhood’s sanctioned endings. |
The Year I Reach My Prime Cheryl Townsend I’ll know what I want sexually Become magical In tune at last with life I’ll be USDA Choice Ripe Ready I’ll think of younger lovers and buy anti-wrinkle cream I’ll begin to talk about the past as if memories are all that I have and pay more attention to aches and moles and lumps I’ll consider going on Valium Watch what I eat even more carefully I’ll notice how young the young are and ignore that essentially I no longer am I’ll ponder never having children and realize the importance of cats I’ll watch the stock market and my investment options Read even more to feign a college education I never got and befriend younger women who will appreciate me a sage Learn Pagan tactics burning candles throughout the day But mostly I’ll be a woman and proud of the years that wrote this poem |
Proposal By Peter Scott Taken by urge I sit Days fly by Years revolve All in a matter Twelve seconds are absolved Personalized not a one Yet how may I decline You are in my heart You are in my mind An essence hits One for each sun’s Glorious departure The message hits A bell rings out Back through mind Surges course Linked Worthless trees Never once fell Now I see Tiles chipped Bark gone Power Glorious, splendid, remarkable Mundane and in view You are the one A hand I never had Complete we may make Soon but not now Strings down a path intertwined Keen for another Irony not hold A creeping fly forth Perishing Life sustained Verging back with a Pair of proud little dots Looking, staring Holding you in my arms Far and near One beating for two Pencil over ink Black as that deep slumber Tracing Every curve Every line Understanding you may not Simply know... Know me By knowing you Traced through time Hollow words resound So true Proclaimed The only place that matters It goes “thump” Bells silenced with rage Arms wrapped protectively Caught in our own sphere Bright, glowing I say the words Worthless to them Brilliant to you bound by our marriage A holy bond is not needed Seeing through your eyes We are forever one Should you really love me? I best only guess Do I love you? After tonight We are one No longer two. |
Quiver By Peter Scott Just touch me once with feeling in your hand not a hesitation nor a rebuttal loving reassurance no need for remorse it is obvious you aren’t attracted to me everything comes from my hand adopted once in awhile discarded secretly God bestowed me this body slightly short slightly lean slightly beautiful but not enough try as I may muscle mass won’t protrude noticeably ectomorphic they say excess estrogen some claim excuses are available yet try depleting your precious time exert regular control wincing pain on a consistent basis never once being told the work matters for lifting those weights while any jock with discipline enough to occasionally partake in chic endeavors are praised lauded for bulky mass extreme definition make it look so easy-not for me reading working sweat dripping from the brow it is true there compares minutiae beyond that they are stronger larger able to lift more talked about by people like you I can’t help what I am not sorrow simply reigns knowing nobody cares about this body I hold you I love you cause a streak of sexiness all deserving take a moment to ponder alas maybe I want the same thing? Refrain from neutral allowing my love to take all the action I’d rather give than receive yet by the lonesome a quiet despair hovers calling out the truth give me the gift of sexiness if there is any lust for my body show me this isn’t a mandate simply an observation it bothers me at times but mostly resides in short dreams lasting not a second. |
Kids Can Be Cruel: The Effect of Peers On One’s Full Potentialby courtney steele
One piece in this issue is “Crazy,” an interview Kuypers conducted with “Madeline,” a murderess who was found insane, and is confined to West Virginia’s Arronsville Correctional Center. Madeline, whose elevator definitely doesn’t go to the top, killed her boyfriend during sex with an ice pick and a chef’s knife, far surpassing the butchery of Elena Bobbitt. Madeline, herself covered with blood, sat beside her lover’s remains for three days, talking to herself, and that is how the police found her. For effect, Kuypers publishes Madeline’s monologue in different-sized type, and the result is something between a sense of Dali’s surrealism and Kafka-like craziness. |
As for the fiction, the piece by Anderson is quite perceptive: I liked the way the self-deluding situation of the character is gradually, subtly revealed. (Kuypers’) story is good too: the way it switches narrative perspective via the letter device is a nice touch. |
I really like (“Writing Your Name”). It’s one of those kind of things where your eye isn’t exactly pulled along, but falls effortlessly down the poem. I liked “knowledge” for its mix of disgust and acceptance. Janet Kuypers does good little movies, by which I mean her stuff provokes moving imagery for me. Color, no dialogue; the voice of the poem is the narrator over the film. |
Some excellent writing in “Hope Chest in the Attic.” I thought “Children, Churches and Daddies” and “The Room of the Rape” were particularly powerful pieces. |
Dusty Dog Reviews, CA (on knife): These poems document a very complicated internal response to the feminine side of social existence. And as the book proceeds the poems become increasingly psychologically complex and, ultimately, fascinating and genuinely rewarding. Children, Churches and Daddies. It speaks for itself. |
the unreligious, non-family oriented literary and art magazine Scars Publications and Design ccandd96@scars.tv http://scars.tv Publishers/Designers Of Children, Churches and Daddies magazine cc+d Ezines The Burning mini poem books God Eyes mini poem books The Poetry Wall Calendar The Poetry Box The Poetry Sampler Mom’s Favorite Vase Newsletters Reverberate Music Magazine Down In The Dirt magazine Freedom and Strength Press forum plus assorted chapbooks and books music, poery compact discs live performances of songs and readings Sponsors Of past editions: Poetry Chapbook Contest, Poetry Book Contest Prose Chapbook Contest, Prose Book Contest Poetry Calendar Contest current editions: Editor’s Choice Award (writing and web sites) Collection Volumes Children, Churches and Daddies (ISSN 1068-5154) is published quarterly by Scars Publications and Design. Contact us via e-mail (ccandd96@scars.tv) for subscription rates or prices for annual collection books. To contributors: No racist, sexist or blatantly homophobic material. No originals; if mailed, include SASE & bio. Work sent on disks or through e-mail preferred. Previously published work accepted. Authors always retain rights to their own work. All magazine rights reserved. Reproduction of Children, Churches and Daddies without publisher permission is forbidden. Children, Churches and Daddies copyright through Scars Publications and Design, Children, Churches and Daddies, Janet Kuypers. All rights remain with the authors of the individual pieces. No material may be reprinted without express permission. |