v186, 7/08 cc&d
table of contents

Mike Hovancsek art

the boss lady’s editorial

Employment & Independence Issues

(the passionate stuff)

Kenneth DiMaggio
Christopher Barnes
David Lawrence
Michael Lee Johnson
Adam Joseph Ortiz
Eric Phetteplace
Carol Hogan
Cristina Valencia
Paul Truttman
Michaela Sefler
Julia O’Donovan
Janet Kuypers
I.B. Rad
Nicholas Trutenko
Troy Schoultz
Karla Ungurean
Maureen Flannery
Kim Koga
Jimmy Nieto
Aaron Wilder art
Edward Michael O’;Durr Supranowicz art
Ruan Wright
Josh Oldham
Mark D. Cohen

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Pat Dixon
Marc Tamargo

Cheryl Townsend art

(art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout the issue...)