v194, 3/09 cc&d
table of contents

The Boss Lady’s Internet Editorials
Economic Rantings
(I thought it would be better with a new President...)

The Loss of A Gorgeous Giant Planet
)yeah, I’m talking about cars... The loss of the Saturn is a loss of safety, financial savings... and sanity)

(the passionate stuff)

Sami Schalk
Eric Obame
David McLean
Brian Hosey art
Jack Henry
Martins Iyoboyi
Cheryl Townsend art
Sergio Ortiz
David LaBounty
Duane Locke
Benjamin Nardolilli
Sam Brown
Eric Bonholtzer art
Kenneth Pobo
Nicole Aimiee Macaluso art
Serena Spinello
Joshua Copeland
John Grey
Janet Kuypers

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Kenneth DiMaggio
Eli Perlow
Junior McLean art
Timothy Wallace
Mel Waldman
Aaron Wilder art
Liana Vrajitoru Andreasen
David W. Landrum

(art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout the issue...)