v209, 06/10 cc&d
table of contents

(the passionate stuff)

Charlie Newman
John Yotko photography
Erica Hegenderfer
Paul Baker art
Henry Sosnowski
Tray Drumhann art
Tracy M. Rogers art
Matthew Czerwinski
Christine Sorich art
Michael Cersolo
Mark Graham art
Colin James
Mike Berger, PhD
David J. Thompson art
Julie Kovacs
David Sowards cartoon

performance art
(live poetry, prose & music)

Janet Kuypers, 06/22/10

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Valor Brown
Aaron Wilder art
Mike Wilson
Billie Louise Jones
Cheryl Townsend art
Kevin Phillips
Alison Balaskovits
Brian Haycock
Nick Brazinsky art
Bob Rashkow
Jay Marvin painting
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz art
David Matson art
Jess Dunn
the HA!man of South Africa art
Skibo LeBlanc

with cc&d magazine

Susquehanna University
TJ Heffers, Selinsgrove, PA
Editing and Publishing Interview

(art from Scars Publications may be sprinkled throughout the issue...)