v218, 03/11 cc&d
table of contents

(the passionate stuff)

Oz Hardwick
David Thompson art
Fritz Hamilton
Janet Kuypers
John Thompson
Mark Graham art
Jon Mathewson
Kristine Ong Muslim
Michael Larrain
Robert Lawrence
Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI art
GPA (The Poetic Unsub)
Judith Ann Levison
Nick Brazinsky art
Joy Davis
Maxwell Baumbach
Cheryl Townsend art
Lucy Winrow
Dennis Kerr
Dan Fitzgerald
Kenneth DiMaggio
Jenna Mary
Peter LaBerge
Michael Ceraolo
Aaron Wilder art
Linda Webb Aceto
Jay Marvin painting
Michael Battram
Michael Lee Johnson
John Yotko art
Christy Hicks

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Barbara Villemez
the HA!man of South Africa art
Anne Turner Taub
Sara Basrai
Eric Bonholtzer art
Rufus Ryan
Sonia Segura
AE Baer
Stefan V.S. Gibson
Brian Forrest
Paul Sohar
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz art
Philip Kuan
John Yotko photography
Brian Hosey & Lauren Braden photography

art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout this issue.