v220, 05/11 cc&d
table of contents

(the passionate stuff)

Fritz Hamilton
Kristine Ong Muslim
Jay Marvin painting
Maxwell Baumbach
Nick Brazinsky--art
Kenneth DiMaggio
Brian Forrest--art
Kevin Heaton
Michael Ceraolo
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz--art
Mel Waldman
Kriste A. Matrisch
Julie Kovacs
Michael H. Brownstein
the HA!man of South Africa--art
I.B. Rad
John Duncklee
Toni Menden
David Thompson--art
Melvin F. Ballew
Mark Graham--art
R. N. Taber

performance art
(11/06/10 in “visual nonsense”)

Sexism and other stories

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Anne Turner Taub
Melissa Kosciuszko
Ronald Brunsky
Wes Heine
Aaron Wilder--art
Bob Johnston
Jim Meirose
Cheryl Townsend--art
Ted Rashkow
Nely Cab
Tendai R. Mwanaka
Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI--art

art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout this issue.