v225, 10/11 cc&d
table of contents

(the passionate stuff)

Fritz Hamilton
Mel Waldman
Nathan Riggs
Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCIart
Kelley Jean White MD
Nick Brazinsky art
Matthew Roberts
Kyrsten Bean
the HA!Man of South Africa art
Gale Acuff
Cheryl Townsend art
Michael Ceraolo
Kenneth DiMaggio
David S. Pointer
David Thompson art
Maxwell Baumbach
Lisa Cappiello
Linda Webb Aceto
Eric Shelman
Brett E. Devlin
Jim Davis, Jr.
I.B. Rad
Raúl Niño
Matthew Rodgers
Michael A. Rodriguez
John Yotko photography
Matthew Guzman
Jenene Ravesloot
John Grey
Dan Fitzgerald
Janet Kuypers

flash fiction
(the really really short prose)

Daniel S. Weinberg
Patrick Fealey

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Amy Dunn Caldwell
Peter LaBerge art
Meghan Frank
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz art
Darren Fernando
Marilyn June Janson
Rose E. Grier art
Timothy B. Dodd
Brian Forrest art
Rex Sexton
Aaron Wilder art
Richard E Marion
Brian Hosey art
Martha Humphreys
Eric Bonholtzer

art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout this issue.