v226, 11/11 cc&d
table of contents

Watching the World
(story blurb, Awake! magazine)

Trust in Church Had Plummeted

(the passionate stuff)

Kelley Jean White MD
Fritz Hamilton
Dan Fitzgerald
John Yotko art
Matthew Roberts
Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI art
Gale Acuff
Maxwell Baumbach
Kenneth DiMaggio
David S. Pointer
the HA!man of South Africa art
Lisa Cappiello
Michael Ceraolo
Eric Shelman
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz art
Matthew Guzman
Janet Kuypers
John Grey
William Doreski
Mark D. Cohen
Rose E. Grier art
Sarah Lucille Marchant
Deborah Nodler Rosen
Emerald Scott
Brian Hosey art
Emma Eden Ramos

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Richard E Marion
Linda Webb Aceto
Robert Turner
Elaheh Steinke
Oz Hardwickart
Amanda Thoss
Cheryl Townsendart
Brian Montalbano
J. Kent Allred
Aaron Wilderpainting
Ned Haggard
Brian Forrestpainting

(editorials and commentaries)

the Real Messages in News Stories

art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout this issue.