v234, 07/12 cc&d
table of contents

(the passionate stuff)

Joseph Hart
Bruce Matteson
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz art
Robert D. Lyons
Rose E. Grier art
Brian Looney
Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI art
Michael Ceraolo
Nick Brazinsky art
I.B. Rad
Oz Hardwick art
Andrew H. Oerke
Brian Hosey & Lauren Braden image
David Michael Jackson art
Kelly K. Darrow
Corey Cook
George Coston art
Janet Kuypers

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

John Rachel
John Yotko photography
Fritz Hanilton
Ronald M. Wade
Aaron Wilder art
Peter LaBerge art
W. Dontā Andrews
Cheryl Townsend art
Dana Blake
the HA!man of South Africa drawing
Brian Duggan
Christine Barba
Rex Sexton
Sterling A Slechta
Brian Forrest art
Alexander P.S.
Eric Bonholtzer art

art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout this issue.