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A free nation should not let the fear of causing civilian casualties hinder its self-defense.

By Onkar Ghate

Amid calls from Afghani leaders to stop our bombings in order to prevent further civilian casualties and debates about how to take the war on terrorism elsewhere, one legitimately wonders whether the war will be a success. The efficiency and bravery of our military is cause for optimism. The administration's fear of killing civilians in enemy territory, which first enabled Taliban soldiers and leaders to take shelter in populated areas and later to escape capture, is worrying.

If our war on terrorism is to have any chance of success in such places as Iraq, which is more heavily populated and industrialized than Afghanistan, we must recognize that our government's concern--shared by many Americans--about killing civilians is morally mistaken.

The government of a free nation is simply the agent of its citizens, charged with one fundamental responsibility: to secure the individual rights--and very lives--of its citizens through the use of retaliatory force. An aspect of this responsibility is to uphold each citizen's right to self-defense, a responsibility our government in part meets by eliminating terrorist states that threaten U.S. citizens.

If, however, in waging war our government considers the deaths of civilians in terrorist states as a cost that must be weighed against the deaths of our own soldiers or civilians, or as a cost that must be weighed against achieving victory over the enemy, our government thereby violates its most basic function. It becomes not an agent for our self-defense, but theirs. Morally, the U.S. government must destroy our aggressors by whatever means are necessary and minimize U.S. casualties in the process.

To be victorious in war, a free nation has to destroy enough of the aggressor to break his will to continue attacking (and, then, dismantle his war apparatus and replace his government). In modern warfare, this almost always necessitates collateral damage, i.e., the killing of civilians.

In fact, victory with a minimum of one's own casualties may even require a free nation to deliberately target the civilians of an aggressor nation in order to cripple its economic production and/or break its will. This is what the United States did in WWII when it dropped fire bombs on Dresden and Hamburg and atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings were moral acts. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for instance, precipitated Japan's surrender and so achieved victory with no further U.S. casualties. In that context, to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers in a ground attack on Japan would have been morally monstrous.

But, it will be objected, is it not more monstrous to kill all those innocent civilians?

No. The moral principle is: the responsibility for all deaths in war lies with the aggressor who initiates force, not with those who defend themselves. Further, the objection contains a mistaken assumption: it is false that every civilian in enemy territory--whether we are speaking of Hitler's Germany or Hirohito's Japan or the Taliban's Afghanistan or Hussein's Iraq--is innocent. Many civilians in the Mid-East, for example, hate us and actively support, materially and/or spiritually, those plotting our deaths. Can one seriously maintain, for instance, that the individuals in the Mid-East who celebrated by dancing in the streets on September 11 are innocent?

Other civilians in enemy states are passive, unthinking followers. Their work and economic production, however meager, supports their terrorist governments and so they are in part responsible for the continued power of our enemies. They too are not innocent--and their deaths may be unavoidable in order for America to defend itself. (Remember too that today's civilian is tomorrow's soldier.)

But what of those who truly are innocent?

The civilians in enemy territory who actually oppose their dictatorial, terrorist governments are usually their governments' first innocent victims. Any such individuals who remain alive and outside of prison camps should try to flee their country or fight with us (as some did in Afghanistan).

And the truly innocent who live in countries that initiate force against other nations will acknowledge the moral right of a free nation to bomb their countries and destroy their governments--even if this jeopardizes their own lives. No truly innocent civilian in Nazi Germany, for example, would have questioned the morality of the Allies razing Germany, even if he knew he may die in the attacks. No truly innocent individual wishes to become a tool of or a shield for his murderous government; he wishes to see his government toppled. We should not allow human shields, innocent or otherwise, to deter us from defending ourselves.

The U.S. government recognized the truth of this on September 11 when, in order to defend those citizens it could, it ordered the shooting down of any more airplanes-become-missiles, even though this meant killing not only the terrorists but also the innocent American civilians captive onboard. The government must now recognize that the same principle applies to civilian casualties in the Mid-East.

War is terrible but sometimes necessary. To win the war on terrorism, we must not let a mistaken concern with innocents deter us. As a free nation, we have the moral right to defend ourselves, even if this requires mass civilian deaths in terrorist countries.

Onkar Ghate, Ph.D. in philosophy, is a resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute. The Institute promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

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