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Scars Publications

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2013 poetry chapbook


    Akashic Shotgun, by Alex S. Johnson     Akashic Shotgun, a  Alex S. Johnson book You can also order this
as a 2013 6" x 9"
perfect-bound paperback
ISBN# book!

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(a Down in the Dirt
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July - Dec. 2013
Down in the Dirt magazine
issue collection
6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi

Alex S. Johnson

We have come to the place
where the compass itches, plucking our
hearts with the children’s pointed beard
projected from a vest of cowboy wagons.

Emulating the oval cut from a
blonde, her tongue with machine-like
precision drills blossoms in
a hypnotic laboratory as, embedded in
deep echoes, the glass arms of
her wedding chamber curl in
plantlike loops, the flashes and blips
pieced together like jazz mosaic.
Born in chinks of apocalypse,
she drains amniotic fluid
from a rubber sky,
its umbric rays attacked by
full and fatal Maya.
Her hack of familiaris
characterized as the real bread,
draws its condition from drooled swords.

The little arms of hysteria,
Ne plus ultra of void wolves,
match hells in a wet loop—
volunteers this time.

Lucky for nodal black:
in the back room
gorged on close-up
its four hollows remain
morbidly suspended in
the incest urn.

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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