writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


This writing was accepted for publication
in the 108-page perfect-bound
ISSN#/ISBN# issue/paperback book

Man on the Street
cc&d, v315 (the December 2021 issue)

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Sep.-Dec. 2021
cc&d magazine
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Man on the Street

Bill Tope

The body of a man lay face-down in an ancient brick
Street that was shiny with fallen snow, newly melted.
Large white flakes were clearly visible in the light
Spilling out of the street lamps strung along the
Boulevard like a forest of green metal trees. It was a
Few minutes before midnight, Christmas Eve. The
Body did not go totally unnoticed; passing cars slowed
Momentarily as they drove by. And pedestrians were
Careful to cross to the other side of the street before
Encountering the corpse head on. A police car paused
For a moment, then hurried on its way, leaving the body
As a problem for the next shift.
Seemingly from nowhere, a gray figure emerged from
The darkness to stop near the body. It knelt and
Expertly ransacked the dead man’s pockets, taking from
Him a watch, a wallet and a cell phone. Within
Seconds he had disappeared back into the ether. A
Homeless man ambled by, piloting a pilfered metal
Shopping cart. He halted adjacent to the body. Acting
Purposely, he relieved the dead man of his topcoat, his
Shoes, even his socks, leaving the body otherwise

                              Some Months Later

A streetsweeper sporting a large push broom happened
Along the avenue, sweeping away. Encountering the
Dead man, he carefully swept around the body, leaving It
Free and clear. The streetsweeper hurried on his way.
The corpse’s unclad feet protruded bonily from the
Soiled pants legs. A skeletal hand could be seen
Stretching out to nowhere from the sleeve of a crew
Neck sweater. A couple, a man and a woman, met up
With the body next. Placing one foot on the dead man’s
Back, the male struck a rakish pose and the woman
Snapped a role of film, then turned up a cell phone and
Transmitted her images of the body to her friends.
Laughing merrily, the couple danced away.

Come Spring we find a small crowd of sightseers
Solemnly observing the dead man. They are silently
Reading a bronze plaque, which is affixed to the
Sidewalk adjacent to the body. It said:

“Commemorative Site of Interest, Anytown, U.S.A”

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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