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Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


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What Now,
My Love

cc&d, v330 (the February 2023 issue)

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a Mural of
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On Stones
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“Save the Last Swig for Jesus!”

Brian Daly

She gets ticked off for religious reasons
when I don’t drain the whiskey bottle dry.
“Save the last swig for Jesus!” I always say,
leaving a wee dram of amber liquid
sloshing at the bottom
before tossing it in my son’s recycle bin.

“I know you’re an atheist but
is blasphemy worth the risk?
You shouldn’t mock Our Lord and Savior that way!”

“Mock? I wish someone would mock me
like that when I run out of hooch.
True, I’m an atheist. But a praying atheist.
Nothing more natural
than lifting your eyes to the sky
to say Please and Thank you.
Man be doin’ that from Day One.”

“What would Jesus say
if He could hear you now?”
“I’ve got a few ideas.”
“Go ahead, wise-ass. Lay it on me.”


He’d say, “Not to toot my own horn
too hard, but I was a lights-out preacher.
I was Jimmy Swaggart minus the perv.
I had peeps in the palm of my hand.
They believed whatever I said. And so did I.

With one exception. My big boo-boo
was that Son of God stuff.
That was reaching. But Christ,
they bought that too! So shoot me.
I was trying to get asses in chairs.

Come on, yo-yos! I’m not the Son of God!
I’m just a poor wayfaring stranger
like the rest of you, trying to figure
this mess out. I’m a teacher, kapeesh?
Compassion is my gig.
But no. They thought they were seeing
God Junior and they ate that up!
What can I say? I have a gift, Harry.


So it’s my own damn fault.
Next thing I know, cut to striking visual
of yours truly splayed out on the cross.
Nine-inch nails was a nice touch.
Thanks much. Not true that I said,
as the old joke tells it, ‘Peter...Peter...
I can see my house from here!’
But I wish I had.

Then swingers like St. Paul nattering on,
reading letters at people, can you believe?
Next comes the Fall of Rome
and suddenly, cazart!
I’m the hottest ticket on the planet.
Enter the Crusades. All that blood
spilled in my name. Dorks in armor
spend centuries chasing my wine glass
like it’s the Holy Grail.
Give a break unto me!
And you can quote me on that.


All these damn religions. My take:
Catholics? Definitely the best art.
Protestants? Picky, picky, picky.
Jews? I’m a Jew. But luckily I look Catholic.
At least in the paintings.
Muslims? No comment. They come for you.
I could go on.

But I want it over. If you’re in Ireland,
99% you’re a Catholic.
India, 99% you’re a Hindu.
Pakistan, 99% you’re a Muslim.
Anyone see a pattern here?

It’s all about Mom. We fight wars
for the same reason—the Motherland.
Let me tell you about my Mom....
Tricky Dick called his mother a saint.
Dude, my mother is a saint for real.
The Pope says so. Feast days, halo—
schwing, the whole nine yards.
Her name’s got an ST in front of it.
That’s her in the Pietà. Deal with it.

Trust me, being a prophet sucks.
It sounds great when you’re 19, 20,
trying to get chicks.
But at 30—I’m in too deep.

I admit they did a good job telling my story
in the Gospels but there’s way too much overlap.
Put your heads together and pick a version,
for God’s sake! Peeps don’t have all day to read.


My favorite part is in Luke, I think.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
‘When I was hungry, you gave me
meat. When I was thirsty, you gave me
drink.’ That one. And Luke is like,
‘Yeah, Jesus, that’s gonna sound great
in the video, but refresh my memory—
when did we ever give you stuff?’
Then one of these writer guys has me bend down.
Like, ‘Wow, that’s a hard one.’
Great detail. Pure genius! Never happened.

Now I get off my absolute best line.
Something like—I’m quoting
from memory here—’Inasmuch
as ye have done these things
unto the least of these my brethren,
you have done them also unto me.’
Home run! Man, I pulled that one
out of my you-know-where.
Even Big Bill never beat that one.

But speaking of being misquoted,
the worst was my supposed last words
looking up to Heaven from the cross.
‘Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?’
That was totally a writer’s embellishment.
All I actually said was, ‘Dad?’


What do you suppose is going on
with all the new birthing rules
they’re trotting out these days?
They’re petrified I’m fixin’ to come back
any minute, that’s what!
Seeing as how the world is going
to Hell in a handbasket.
Climate, covid, wars, pronouns,
cancelling, you name it.
And they want their brownie points
before I drop down. They trippin’.

Better late than never, eh?
Wrong. You guys are toast.
All those geeks slouching around
with their a-holes pointed south,
and for what?
To betray me all over again.
For 30 pieces of bitcoin, no doubt.

Can you fathom how mean these creeps would be
if they didn’t see ole Jesus standing over them
with a club in his hand? They’re worse
than Doubling Thomases. Correction: Doubting.
I always forget to cross the T.

And listen, dudes, I’m not coming back.
For one thing, it’s off the table.
And for another, I’m sick of y’all.
They say the last Christian died on the cross.
OK, but when did the next-to-last Christian die?
Riddle me that, buddy boy.


No man ever heard his wife say
she was in a family way without knowing
beyond the shadow of a doubt
he was a father from that moment on
and had a child to care for,
microscopic though it may be.
Still, I think you should off the little bastards
if you need to. Don’t tell God I said that.

And that weirdo who saves me
the last swig in his handle?
Finally somebody gets me!
Anyone remember the wedding feast
at Cana? I cooked up enough booze
for the whole crowd, including moi.
That’s my kind of miracle.

I heard what he said last night
while he was dreaming.
‘I done my duty with what I had.
If that’s not good enough for Ye,
so be it.’ Haha! That’s what they all say.
But I’m gonna put in a word
for that guy when he gets up here.
I’ve got a bit of pull. No promises.”

Scars Publications

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