writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


This writing was accepted for publication
in the 84 page perfect-bound issue...
cc&d magazine (v219)
(the April 2011 Issue)

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as an ISSN# paperback book:
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cc&d magazine cover Fallng Into Plaace This writing also appears
in this 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback
“Falling Into Place”

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(also available through amazon.com)

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in the book
Town Hall

cc&d edition
Literary Town Hall (cc&d edition) issuecollection book order the
6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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The Helicopter

GPA (The Poetic Unsub)

Over our neighborhood, once again bullets soar, and the helicopter flies.
The noise brings concern all over our collective faces.
As the police, paramedics. reporters, and onlookers gather, somewhere a mother cries.

Chalk lines drawn as the once flowing blood dries.
Nowhere else does this scene occur, only in the darkest of places.
Over our neighborhood, once again bullets soar, and the helicopter flies.

Confused and dumbfounded with the lack of solutions to the violence, so exasperated, a city sighs.
But no one is saying anything, there are no evidence traces.
As the police, paramedics, reporters, and onlookers gather, somewhere a mother cries.

Persistent police pressure burst silent pipes providing only productive lies.
Blood on the ground, on his torso, and even discolored his brand new gym shoes and laces.
Over our neighborhood, once again bullets soar, and the helicopter flies.

Black on black crime brings the same result; another one of us dies!
The pain persists perpetually; not even the progression of time erases.
As the police, paramedics, reporters, and onlookers gather, somewhere a mother cries.

In a part of the city where there lack of affluence, the violence escalates because of crack buys.
The police and government care whimsically and that only pertains to the closing of open court cases.
Over our neighborhood, once again bullets soar, and the helicopter flies.
As the police, paramedics, reporters, and onlookers gather, somewhere a mother cries.

Scars Publications

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