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Scars Publications

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Down in the Dirt magazine cover America the Lost This writing also appears
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“America the Lost”
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America the Lost

Roger Cowin

Union man said, “You gotta fight for your rights.”
The company replied, “If that’s how you wanna roll,
We’ll move the business to Mexico –
They’ll work for a dollar an hour,
An extra dime for overtime.”

And when the Mexican workers said,
“We want two dollars an hour, after all
Fair is fair and our families gotta be fed,”
The company boss shook his head and said,
“Adios amigos, were moving to China
Where they’ll work for 50 cents an hour
And never ask a penny for overtime.”

One day, the Chinese workers are going to stand up
And say, “We demand a living wage. Give us
75 cents a day and a quarter more for overtime.”
No doubt the company will then decide
In Africa they’ll work around the clock
For a buck a day and so what if a few
Die along the way, they’re dying anyway.

Now, back in America, Wal-Mart comes along
and says,” We’ll sell all these unemployed slobs
The products made in China and Mexico
That Americans used to make
And they’ll have to buy from us because
They can’t afford anything marked
‚Made in the U.S.A.”

So the once proud, American worker
Is forced to support the Mexican
And Chinese economies, wondering
Whatever happened to the American dream.
Well, I’m her to tell you man, something
You might not understand, that dream
Was always a myth perpetuated by the rich
To make the worker believe
The harder you worked, the more you achieved.

But when the poor tried to rise above their station,
The American dream became Asian.
Now all the jobs have gone away
And buddy they ain’t coming back,
No how, no way.
And all the politician’s promises
Nor all the mad tea parties in the world
Will ever change.

Scars Publications

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