writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


enjoy this writing from Janet Kuypers
in the cc&d free 2012 PDF file chapbook:

Janet with HA!
of a short story & poems from the live show
with Francoi le Roux (the HA!Man of South Africa)
10/3/12 from Chicago (with music and video).
Click the title or the cover to download
the free PDF file chapbook.
Janet with HA!
Order this writing
in the book
Cheap Thrills
cc&d 2012
collection book
Cheap Thrills cc&d collectoin book get the 228 page
Sept. - Dec. 2012
cc&d magazine
issue collection
6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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Order this writing in the
318 page collection book

of some of Janet Kuypers᾿poetry about death
Order this 6" x 9" ISBN# book today:

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Order this writing in the poetry book
Burn Through Me
of Janet Kuypers᾿ writings that were set to music
by the HA!Man of South Africa
(with many poems released on the Burn Through Me CD set

Order this 6" x 9" ISBN# book today:

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Burn Through Me

Order this writing
in the poetry book
by Janet Kuypers:

Part of my Pain
Order this 6" x 9" ISBN# book today:

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Part of my Pain

enjoy this writing from Janet Kuypers by clicking the title
or the cover from the cc&d free 2017 PDF file chapbook:

Lengthy World Poems
on World Poetry Day

of longer poems about different parts of the world for World Poetry Day,
as a feature 3/21/17 in Austin Texas, at Half Price Books

Lengthy World Poems on Porld Poetry Day - poems from Janet Kuypers
Order this Janet Kuypers writing
in the one-of-a-kind volume

Chapter 48 (v2)
Order this one-of-a-kind volume of performance art
poetry shows from 2011-2018 from Janet Kuypers
as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book
from Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe today!
Chapter 48 (v2)

This writing was accepted for publication
in the 108 page perfect-bound ISSN# /
ISBN# issue/book
Down in the Dirt, v196 (the 6/22 Issue)

Order the paperback book: order ISBN# book
Down in the Dirt

Order this writing that appears
in the one-of-a-kind anthology

The Final

the Down in the Dirt May-August
2022 issues collection book

The Final Frontier (Down in the Dirt book) issue collection book get the 420 page
May-August 2022
Down in the Dirt
6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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Enough’s Enough

Janet Kuypers
for the 10/3/12 show with the HA!man of South Africa

(but sometimes speaking is the problem...)

Once when I was in Bad Gastein,
      where the Alps in Austria
      gave every street in town
      a sixty-degree incline,
I signed up for a bus tour
to go to the radon cave
at a nearby mining mountain.

Waiting outside for the bus,
I stood with something like seventeen
German-speaking Austrians.
There I felt so out of my element
that I was almost dying
for an American voice saying any words.

That’s when I then heard
a boisterous baritone,
so I made my way
to the booming,
distinctly American voice.
I merely asked,
The large man heard my inflection
and immediately spoke.
“Hi, I’m Frank,
and the little missus here is Mildred,”
and this petite, subservient Midwestern woman,
standing with this almost circular melodramatic man,
made this couple look
like the perfect ten...
Frank asked where I was from,
and when I said Chicago
he sprung up to start on his speech,
schlepping his speil:
“We’re from Detroit.
I Worked for GM for 35 years,
and now that the kids are gone,
with my pension
I thought I’d take the little missus here to see the Alps...”

And that’s when I realized
that I could have stood
at fifty paces
and still heard Frank
telling the entire neighborhood
the epic of his life.

That’s when it occurred to me
how loud us Americans could be.

Because when first traveling through Europe
after the “war on terror” began,
the United States governemnt and airlines
wanted to inform Americans traveling abroad
that if they were concerned
about being a conspicuous target
by looking too American,
they offered these simple guidelines
to help some Americans feel safe.
Don’t wear a University sweatshirt.
Don’t wear a sports team baseball cap.
Don’t chew gum.
Don’t yell.
      And I could imagine Frank now,
      yelling, “Mildred!”

So I made a point
to not sit near Frank and Mildred
on that bus,
but that was okay:
I could still hear them
from rows away
as we made our way
to the mountain range.

And to the Austrians on that tour
who spoke English,
a part of me wanted to tell them,
“Not all Americans are that loud,”
because even if us Americans
want to rest on our laurels,
some of us know
when enough’s enough.

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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