writing from
Scars Publications

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Going Off-Grid
Down in the Dirt, v169 (the Mar. 2020 Issue)

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Down in the Dirt

Order this Janet Kuypers writing from her poetry book
Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)
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for holidays and events spanning the first half of the calendar year

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Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)

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Down in the Dirt
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Each Trigger Pull

Janet Kuypers
3/2/19 (written on Texas Independence Day)

Once I got to the gun range today,
I saw that the rifle range was closed
and learned that a real estate company
is considering buying the land just past
the range, so they got an injunction —
a court order — to stop the gun range
firing guns toward the extended land.

I’m not sure if they actually found any
expended bullets or casings out there,
and as far as I know no one has bought
that land yet, so now they just sit and wait.

The way the Republic of Texas waited nine years
to be a part of the United States of America,
after claiming their independence on
March 2nd, which happens to also be the
birthday of Sam Houston, who led Texans to
victory over Mexico in the battle of San Jacinto...
which may be a reason these Texans here
seem to have a stronger attachment
to their guns than a lot of other states.
Because they know too well from their
own history how vital it was to embrace
these firearms to preserve their lives.

That may be something other states
in this union have forgotten; we can
turn a blind eye to violence and think
it will never touch us, when it probably
is lurking just around the corner
and no one knows it.


As I sit here in one of the bays at this
gun range now, I now wear protective
eye glasses and ear mufflers — ear gear
with enough force to protect my ears
and enough pressure to crush my skull.
Watching the smoke from every shot
rise from the gun in front of me, I can
still hear the 9-mil pistol and rifle shots
fired in our bay, and the AR-15 shots
fired in the bay next door. Each trigger
pull releases a thunderous boom,
and it almost reminds me of fireworks
here on Texas Independence Day.
The noise is something that seems
so strong, but really, like fireworks,
it’s only something that reminds me
of celebration — and celebrating.

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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