writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


This writing was accepted for publication in the
108 page perfect-bound ISSN# / ISBN# issue/book
Going Off-Grid
Down in the Dirt, v169 (the Mar. 2020 Issue)

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Down in the Dirt

Order this Janet Kuypers writing from her poetry book
Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)
Order this 200+ page 7½" x 9¼" ISBN# book today of select poetry
for holidays and events spanning the first half of the calendar year

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Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)

Order this writing that appears
in the one-of-a-kind anthology

the Down in the Dirt Feb.-April
2020 issues collection book

Foundations (Down in the Dirt book) issue collection book get the 322 page
Feb.-April 2020
Down in the Dirt
6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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inside the box
the 2020 poetry & art
collection anthology
inside the box (2020 poetry and art book) get the 262 page poetry
& artwork & photography
collection anthology
as a 6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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Zeal was Unbridled

Janet Kuypers
3/19/19 (the calendar day Adolf Hitler signed the Nero Decree)

Slaving, I risked my life —
and in these struggles
I had a vision the entire
fatherland would ultimately
embrace. This was your
salvation, you begged for it,
your zeal was unbridled.
But as time wore on you and
the masses were too blind
to truly fulfill your destiny.

You don’t understand,
I earned the Iron Cross
for my unbridled heroism.
I fought in the streets
for the right kind of
government for my
people — and I changed
my life, so I could be
your servant, and now,
now you all betray me so.

I have always fought, and
that has been my decree
since the beginning, to
never surrender. And as
I continue to fight, all I
see around me now are
cowards. You should want
to die instead of turning
your tail to run. Deserter.
You deserted your destiny;

not me. This is only proof
to me that it was never your
destiny after all, and each
one of you should perish —
and if enemies come to
take over my land, we
should leave them nothing,
only a scorched earth, and
since my people stopped
fighting, let them die too.

I want to make this clear:
it was not my vision that
was faulty; it was your
inability to fulfill your goals
and ultimately make this
empire reign a thousand
years. Your unbridled love
for these ideals should have
sustained you. So, you have
no one to blame but yourself.

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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