writing from
Scars Publications

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enjoy this Kyle Hemmings writing
in the free April 2013
PDF file chapbook

I Was Charles Bronson’s
Secret Hostage
I Was Charles Bronson’s Secret Hostage, a Kyle Hemmings chapbook     I Was Charles Bronson’s Secret Hostage, a Kyle Hemmings book You can also order this as a 2013
6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback
ISBN# book!

Click on the cover spread for
the book I Was Charles Bronson’s
Secret Hostage
Power Line

Kyle Hemmings

    When we were young, we played tricks on old women who claimed they had claws & pincers & pock-marked daughters with raven-fierce eyes. We shoplifted Lucky Charms & cut our teeth on the blue-Tang edge of night. As ravenous adults with hard headaches, our bodies burnt out on 3d rate hotel mattresses, deficient of spring & foam & form. We bounced back & jumped from buildings. Under a sodium street light, you made me into a wisp. From then on, I could only dream in back seats of two-door cars, sub-woofers silenced. At clubs, we made public love with wobble and rubber knee. I loved you in undisclosed corners of the city. Someone said this island will someday sink under the weight of so many love addicts, Richard Simmons aerobic-exercise flunkies. After they arrested you for shoplifting hearts in vivo, I pressed my lips to frozen metal just to prove that winter could not pierce me. I was wrong. I tight-walked across telephone lines just to hear the echoes of my old conversations with you. A high-wire hope. Then the click, the fall. The soul-less cell phone. My broken body, discharged of all electricity, remote from myself.

Scars Publications

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