writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


this writing appears in the
Mark Fleury 2010 poetry book

In Your Heart,
the Apostrophe’s
Teardrops of God

now available for only 1000
Mark Fleury poetry book
enjoy this Mark Fleury writing
in the 6" x 9" 2015 ISBN#
paperback collection book

Seeing Strangers, a Mark Fleury book     Enjoy this compilation book in Scars’
Mark Fleury poetry book (of THREE books!)
as a 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback
ISBN# book!
Click on the cover or any
linked text for the book Seeing Strangers
Now That Technology

Mark Fleury

Now that technology
Surfaces its own leading role, smartness
Is compared to other’s
Brains. Computer as my head
Competes against what’s outside it,

Under another’s hood. I’m serious.
Head and heart most at risk
Because they’re in without outs.

What lasts roots
Where there is only here
Because I’ve longed for me
In you. When safe I’ll look out and see

Myself. Into the vacuum hole
Where even the Devil’s Hell’s
Consumed. Twisted trees sucked
From soil, branches used as toothpicks
Between the mirrored lips
My enemy, strung up in front
Of a white flag of bones,
Uses to confess: “War starts
By looking outward.”

King’s shadow cut away,
And beneath vacuum-

Flesh and fang, nothing remains.

Even cycloned sight
Spinning all into a coil
Of hatred, knotted, opens
Only at the bottom of one spine:
Drop of liquid gold
From an ocean of a river
Straightened between the vanishing
(Length of a lifetime) flash,
Where two eyes are dying
For one sight.

And black-hole grave
Starts between my eyes,
Buried down to center
Of throat where the cores
Of apples stagnate

Their lists of snake

Shapes, under-seen by silver-clouded
Acres of sheet metal fields.

* * *

A goat scaled
The side of
The hill that had
Seen soldiers use

Rocks as shapes of

Faces. Easier still,
Room to leave, after
Being dragged to
#9 (wings into sleep)

At the top of a
Feeling, invades
Itself: tent rolled up,

Food from tree, snake

In throat. Hiss circles
Toward departure
From insanity.
Depth of it.

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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