
[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

A Lifetime Together

we were supposed to spend a lifetime together
that’s what we talked about

we were supposed to be happy together
i guess it’s easier to be happy
when we’re not even together

we were supposed to travel for our honeymoon
well, you mentioned the place, i said
i wanted to go there for my honeymoon
and you agreed

i can think about all the things you said to me
and i can think about all the lies you told me
they’re all beginning to run into one another, you know

i can think about how we would act like a couple
when we were playing pool at the local bar
i think of how we didn’t look like tourists

but in a way we were

i can think about how you got me next to nothing
for my birthday
well i was there, you had to get me something, you thought

i can think about the flowers you were supposed to get me
how it would have been good to be able to tell my friends
that i’m seeing someone
so they wouldn’t think i’d be alone all my life

i can think about how you would shower me with attention
or how you’d tell people about me
she’s a great girl, you’d say
i’m sure that’s what you’d say

when i was craving someone to care
i wanted you to care
and you let me down

i wanted to feel your hand touch my face
i wanted to get a sign from you
any sign

i needed something so badly
and all I got from you
well, was nothing
i didn’t even get a sign

so happy valentine’s day, i think
when i think of all the people
who said they cared but didn’t

that’s all i think of

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair