[the Writing of Kuypers][JanetKuypers.com][Bio][Poems][Prose]

who you tell your dreams to

We were driving down the freeway, you and me in the pick-up truck and your girlfriend in between where you could move the gear shift and it would mean so much to you
and you saw something that you thought was beautiful, and you said, “look at the lines, look at how it was made” and you were inspired by the beauty of an everyday object no one else noticed
and your girlfriend, riding in the middle said “that’s him, people think he’s crazy” and i thought, “no, it just depends on who you tell your dreams to” but i couldn’t say it in the truck i wouldn’t say it

U.S. Government Copyright
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
on all art and all writings on this site completed
before 6/6/04. All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

Chaotic Radio Week #02 the CD Moving Performances the CD Stop Chaotic Radio Week #03 the book S&M by Janet Kuypers in 2007 the Elements CD The Chaotic Collection 5 Disc CD