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Are The Things That I Like 2010

Janet Kuypers
(poetry converted to prose)

    What I think I like the most about you, are all the little details about you that I can’t remember. this is what happens - I have to try to remember and let my brain create these memories... Maybe we never shared any of those moments together, maybe I just need to think of moments with you that we never really shared.
    I have only seen you remotely... I have never known how to approach you; I have always thought that I needed to act inconspicuous. But I have to admit, what I have seen of you, I like it. There are parts about you that are quirky, but I think that’s okay...
    There are things about you that no one else likes — and those are the things that I like. And maybe my problem is, well, thinking of you, and making your image known in my head, and making you real in my head.
    I have seen how much you care about your work. And we may not share the same work but I like how you think, I like how you think about work. And I like how you think about a lot of things. And if your quirks are a part of a large, strange package, then I will take it.
    I like your height and your physique, and I like how intelligent you are, and I think I actually like the fact that you are do have some phyical faults, because you know, I like to think that there are some things about you that are not perfect, because then you’ll have an excuse to claim that you’re only human.
    I would like to think that you are human... I would like to think that you are real, because I know that I am real and this could be a link for me. This could be something that would help me prove in my own head that I am not the only one and that there is someone out there like me too.

Also look for thie writing
in the poetry section of the
Janet Kuypers poetry vaults,
to see this writing
with different line breaks.

Copyright © 2010 Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair

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deep tohughts on the writing of Kuypers

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the chaotic writing of Kuypers

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