![]() ![]() ![]() select writing from the publisher in the book Rinse and Repeat Janet Kuypers’ writing in Rinse & Repeat
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note from the publisher
this book is dedicated to overcoming struggles,
- Janet Kuypers
Stairs(written by j.k. and j.y.)
I’m sick of these stairs that I have to take,
twisting around in a spiral I rise
there are so many things I need,
I’ve been looking for someone
scraping & painting
& no one else
with me & my paint scrapers
so I’ll scrape & I’ll climb, I’ll paint, climb more
“Type A” PersonJanet Kuypers
Get The Government Out Of Broadcastingby Janet Kuypers
Veggies of the World Uniteby Janet Kuypers
What Are Flexible Ethics?by Janet Kuypers
women without menby Janet Kuypers
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Change Your ClothesWhat am I supposed to wearso that I fit in to the right role
There is always a role I’m getting quite good at it, actually
I’ve played so many roles
I have dressed like a school marm
I have worn a business suit
but either way,
I have gone to a different bar
I get the button-down shirt
ripped shorts
Jesus, I’ve even worn simple dresses
and I don’t even want to know
you’re a fuck, you’re a flower all you have to do
is change your roles
Hasn’t Happened Yetand people can tell me otherwisepeople can give me compliments
and the compliments are never enough
it would be nice if the right someone but that hasn’t happened yet
people keep trying to make me feel better I never get there
so no, I don’t know what the answers are I guess my only choice is to keep trying
Like My MottoIt is so easy to hope for things
It is easy, I guess, when you’ve got nothing
because it is nice to think
I know women who think that
where their adopted child
I never said I understood that way
And at times I just get tired of fighting it Over-something
So I’m wondering that if
Stop fighting
What We Are Supposed To DoI played with Barbies for yearsI made clothes for the female dolls I never thought about the fact that their toes were always poinged and their breats were always hard and plastic
maybe those pointed feet said something
I mean, how are you supposed
maybe those pointed feet said something
maybe those plastic breasts said something
maybe those plastic breasts said something
and plastic skin
I can take a Barbis doll now Aren’t girls not supposed to have brains anyway?
This was how we were trained
and I don’t know how to fight against
I can look at Barbies
I Don’t Want ToI don’t want to make a million bucksI don’t want to worry about beauty first I don’t want to do everything myself I don’t want to let everyone do things for me I don’t want to help the poor I don’t want to give up what I have earned
But I don’t think I earned this
Who am I supposed to apologize to
I don’t want to think about the bad stuff
I don’t want to live this way, and
people tell me I’m being pessimistic
Becoming a WomanWhen I was youngI never had any lessons in how to become a woman Maybe my girlfriends were supposed to tell me those things But no one did
No one explained to me the science behind it all I thought women had enough to fight against to begin with
Now that I am looking back
My health education classes talked about organs
Ah, the beauties of modern science
The health education classes explained these details
When children think that something doesn’t relate to them
These strangers were talking about something inside of us
One day I noticed
So I went downstairs
That was all the talking we did about it
I nerver got a talk about the birds and the bees
How, as a parent, do you start this
Maybe you just hope that everything works out okay
Without You Getting SomethingIs that a silly way to put it?Maybe it is And I am getting so poor at the thing This writing down ideas thing And I know that this is what I think And feel and hope and know And you would think I would be good at it
Was just going over notes today
I think you’re with her because she That’s just my theory And I’m sure you would think of being here with me instead But I think that now I am engaged
It would be harder for you
Maybe it would be harder
This whole life thing
That’s just my theory
Smart Thing To DoThere are so many things I have wantedSo many things I have wanted from you
There are so many things
And maybe the smart thing to do
Because I have wanted you at my lips
And maybe the smart thing to do And when you get here
Well, it is MINE, now,
It is at moments like this
And for just a few moments
And that “just a moment” thing And for once, that does not scare me
And that makes me want
And Hell, I do not know And Hell, I will not be writing then You know
Just know that I want you
And that can last for now
We All Want ThatNot a lot of people think aboutkilling themselves I mean, not a lot of people think of it as a real option, because I mean, when things get tough, when you get the bad breaks, well, they get better eventually they do
and no one wants to think about the bad stuff it’s like they think they are invincible or something but sometimes things don’t work out that way
and no, you don’t want to think about the bad stuff we all want that, don’t we
driving car into ditchsometimes it just makesmore sense
i mean
maybe I shouldn’t
maybe it could be a
Magnum OpusYou wanted my magnum opusWell, here it is, baby
You wanted to know that bad things
Well, they can
I had saved enough money for a while, & they wanted me
& I know, I know, this sounds like
Another model told me
& this place asked for a fee
Then I was there for a photo shoot one day
This is where this story gets more interesting,
Because being on the inside
The building, all the offices & the runway
& he kept that air conditioning blasted
My theory is that he kept it cold
& while he was at it
(I’m sure O.S.H.A. would say that was a safety hazard)
As I was saying,
He once told me that there was a six hundred dollar cable on the floor I do
& I would hear my coworker Chantene tell me she wanted to quit & I made a decision then
I decided to keep my mouth shut
In working here, I have lost my time For it
So I decided to work enough to cover my ass -
Yeah, I quit
I got to learn a ton of things while I was there
They are the most unorganized, disorganized bunch
They had no database for their orders
When they do interviews
The owner asks his employees I wonder how many people I have disconnected unintentionally that way
I wonder if there’s anything else I can get out of this place
& today is my last day of work
Chantene said she’d e-mail them to me
But I’ve had it with the
I found out here that
One of my coworkers also told me Doesn’t THAT do something for MY self-esteem
Well, you gotta make a profit SOMEHOW, I guess
I’m counting down the minutes now
When here, who are you supposed to answer to
So consider this my magnum opus,
&, you know,
& I hope on some level you know what I’m doing
So, go ahead
Well, set it up, baby Remember THAT, you son of a bitch
Against My WillThere have been so many timesWhere I have been raped
Not that some man That way is just to obvious
Not the “someone tried
If you have done the research I have
I guess with that in mind
Or the fact that the word “woman” Like how “she is “he” with an “s” Like we’re an extension of them
Or the fact that men
I should be aware
I can handle the jokes
I mean
And how much money
* Note that “Feminist with a capital F” is from a poem by Joanna Marshall. Also note that “End of your family line” is is reference to “The End of The Family Line” by Steven Morrissey.
A Least That’s What I HearThere are so many thingsI’ve tried to do with my life and there are so many things that I’ve wanted and there are so many things that I just took care of myself
well, there are just so many things
I don’t know if I can touch them supposed to come along and save the day
There are any things
things always have that effect on me,
it’s easy to get disappointed
you can just try to ignore all the bad stuff
all I have to say at least that’s what I hear
You Would Know If You Were HereJanet Kuypers
This is a toast to you
Maybe it is because I remember too much Maybe you would know if you were here
I bought these wine glasses recently
And no, you have never been around with me And I toasted to you with this glass
I said to you in this toast, And here is to all that you have taught me
Because I have been through a lot, you know
And here I am
And I am mixing red wine with beer
I would never wish what happened to you
You would be angry at me
And it is fitting, in a way,
You would live every minute to the fullest
letter to a troubled friend
I rememberby janet kuypers
Letter on Religion
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How Do I Explain ItJanet KuypersI
there are so many times
& maybe that’s MY problem, not yours so forgive me
but the thing is, people keep trying to tell me
& I have been through so much
& I am beginning to think are MEANT to happen to me
& how do I explain that how do I explain it II
I mean, I know I am a writer, but it is
Describe the color blue to a blind man
How do you explain this all III
so they key here for me
& instead of my griping about it maybe I should just be happy with it IV
& when people tell me
& that answer V
& maybe when people tell me
well, maybe at times like those well, it’s just a theory
cause maybe this ride ain’t so bad
for that other side for me of all that good stuff
& you know, it occurred to me
out there like me maybe VI
a couple of days ago well, that’s just my thought on the matter but john had an answer for me
he told me that he gave me five roses because I deserved it
& those were the words he used
from other men before
because he said those words to me than the flowers maybe VII
& yeah, I could go on & on & on
I can wear high heels in front of him
& when he holds me it feels like
& yeah, maybe he carries all my stuff
& yeah, I could get angry at that VIII
but for now
‘cause I’m sick of hearing
& all that other crap IX
& maybe I am just happy that & gives me attention & that that someone cares about me
I got that attention from someone
& when you finally get to this point,
& all the references to growing grass don’t quite cut it
well, when you get to feel the way I feel
plus enjoy these additional images that appeared in the book Rinse & Repeat (keep in mind that this still isn’t all of the images that appear in the book to see all of the images and all of the writings, order a copy of Rinse & Repeat today!)...
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