
String Theory is the Scars Publications 2005 collection audio CD of material from accepted writers and writings from the magazines Children, Churches and Daddies and Down in the Dirt.
The audio CD is available for sale through Scars Publications for $9.95 American. Ordering information of this CD is listed bewlow, and samples of any of the tracks on the CD (all samples included here about 30 seconds long each), are listed to the right.

String Theory is now for sale for only $9.95 (United States currency), but all contributors get this CD at a discounted price (30% off) of only $6.95.
You may use the forms below to order CDs via credit card, but if you would prefer to pay for the CDs via check, e-mail us for specific totals and mailing information.
$9.95 per CD
customers credit card orders:
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CD tracks via iTunes...

Additional links to tracks available for sale include Chaos Music eChoonz Go Mobile JB HiFi Leading Edge Music mp3.com Au Rome Smithfield

Arthur Gottlieb, the Lonely
(full track length 5:10)
music by Andy Dannyberry
Bobbi Dykema Katsanis
the Buddha Will Not Fit Inside Your Briefcase
(full track length 7:13)
music by David Michael Jackson
David Lawrence, Im No Adviser
(full track length 3:27)
music by David Michael Jackson
Eric Bonholtzer, Change
(full track length 3:41)
music by Andy Dannyberry
Janet Kuypers, Fitting the Mould
(full track length 19:26)
music by David Michael Jackson
J. Quinn Brisben, Perhaps From Nothing
(full track length 6:31)
music by David Michael Jackson
Jonathan Wise, Remember The Day
(full track length 3:00)
music by David Michael Jackson
Kenneth DiMaggio
Language Vandalism Poem (Pull the Rip Chord)
(full track length 3:02)
music by Andy Dannyberry
Lisa Flaherty, Dead Stare
(full track length 7:30)
music by Andy Dannyberry
Michael Ceraolo, Coffeehouse Sonnet (12)
(full track length 4:05)
music by David Michael Jackson
Michelle Greenblatt, All That Damns You
(full track length 5:07)
music by Andy Dannyberry
Nita Karpf, Burial Mounds
(full track length 3:38)
music by David Michael Jackson
Robert Kimm, How To Tell If Youre A Cosmo Girl
(full track length 2:25)
music by Andy Dannyberry
Shari OBrien, Oh You Men Of Desperate Hour
(full track length 5:40)
music by Andy Dannyberry
William Wright, Britney Has Herpes
(full track length 1:44)
music by David Michael Jackson