![]() The Entropy Project originated as a music collection from Order From Chaos, and was released onto a compact disc. Because the engineer from Order From Chaos is a politically-motivated soul, we converted this compact disc into a book - but included both political poetry and political editorials into the collection.So the first siz poems in this book are from the original compact disc, which was released in 2002. The second part of this book contains political poetry (many of which were also in the 06/07/05 live Chicago performance art show Stripped).. The third part of this collection is of political editorials all of which had previously appeared in the literary & art magazine Children, Churches and Daddies (all of these editorials also appear in Writing For The Masses). |
salamanderwhen the tail comes off of a salamanderthe salamander grows back a new tail
and at twelve, we were amazed
and wanted to catch
so we could pull off its tail
and i find it amazing and wonderful
that our quest for knowledge
A Retired Policeman
“I remember one lady, we found her |
odd how things
husband-beaten wife |
rantingI don’t like to watch movies. Since when did America decide that people need to escape so desperately? Yes, switch off the brain for a few hours because work is such a bitch, trying endlessly to find a infinite number of ways to make it look like you’re actually working when actually you’re screwing off, so you need to unwind with pictures and sound but not actual interaction or dare I say activity, unwind with pictures and sound of an overly-muscular leading man decorated with ammo belts blowing away a faceless enemy, because we all want to actually kill, don’t we?, and this is just a way to live out our sick little fantasies, so we watch this leading man decorated with ammo belts blowing away a faceless enemy, punctuating the scene with a less-than-witty one-liner. Oh, sorry. Was I ranting?
Tall ManI can feel your presence across the rooma movement a stir your long shadow stretches across the walls
an occasional glance
a stranger
too much lighttoo much light makes the baby go blindand too much light makes the moth rush into the flame and die in a glorious blaze of glory
and I have seen the light what is my choice:
burn in the flame
get me out of this cageyou’ve been trying to censor mefor God knows how long I don’t know, maybe you didn’t want to hear my views because you didn’t believe those views should be expressed but you never knew what I stood for you never wanted my voice to be heard because you always thought of me as a possession and not a person yeah, I can be a real pain in the ass to anyone that doesn’t want to hear me but you know what? people do want to listen people value the right to speak their minds and people know that if you take that away from someone you’re taking it away from everyone so you can try to leave me in this locked cage you can try to keep me away from everyone else but you know, I’ve been clawing at the roof I can feel the grooves in the ceiling here from my fight but I still have nails on the tips of my fingers so I know I can keep clawing, I know I can keep fighting because I know I have more work to do and I’ll get it done, I tell you I’ll be free again your cage isn’t air-tight I’ve seen light from outside when you’ve had me trapped and every once in a while, I’ve seen shadows and I’m sure there are people there you can’t keep me trapped like this forever because people will hear my screams through the cracks in your precious cage and no, I don’t care what kind of cage you put me in cause I’ll keep fighting I’m strong like that, you know I don’t want to hear that you think I go too far because as much as you try to oppress me as much as you try to repress me I’m supposed to have some inalienable rights here I’ve heard the way you think and I know you think I already have too many rights and I know you’re a product of the MTV generation and I know you’re addicted to playing video games yeah, you’d rather spend you time interacting with a story on a screen, with your precious little joystick, than actually talking to someone but just because you don’t feel like reaching out to people doesn’t mean you can force me into that cage again I suppose if you don’t think if you don’t watch the news if you don’t interact with people, you think, why should anyone want to talk to people? if you want that for yourself, fine if you don’t mind giving up rights because you have nothing to offer fine but the rest of the world doesn’t think like you and we sure the Hell don’t want you ruling over us since nine eleven, laws have been passed to legally take our rights away you know, to make us more safe fair trade, freedom for perceived safety but I’d rather fly in the face of danger in this country I’d rather make it on my own without the likes of you if it means I might be more free I’ll look over my shoulder I’ll watch out for myself I’ll do whatever I have to to make sure that the likes of you can never stop the likes of me |
Outsourcing the American Dreamwe’ve been doing pretty well over the yearsand I’ve seen you strutting around showing off all your peacock feathers feeling like you’re the big man on campus and you know, it had to feel pretty good I know what it was like, I’d hold parties & I’d change from one fancy dress to another & I’d be the center of attention I remember my novel release party, my sister came, and I know she likes Red Rose wine, and I was standing in the kitchen chatting it up when I saw her approaching so I turned to the fridge to get the wine and as soon as she got to me I tilted the bottle toward her glass and just started pouring & she said, hey, I was coming to get some wine & I said I know, and I just kept grinning & talking to others & having a splendid time yeah, I know the feeling, like you own the world, you’d be dressed up wearing a red robe & a hat & it looked like you should be saying “where are all of my bitches?” or when you’d take your black convertible out, top down, as you’d be dressed in your fancy suit, ready to hold open your car door, just like you’d hope the man who owns the world would. You’d show up to parties in the tuxedo you own, you’d give flowers to a girl you were smitten with just after you’ve met her to woo her you’d go jet-setting throughout Europe, visiting China you’re the one on top, aren’t you? well, you always have been, you’re the man with the plan, you’re the one who lives life to the fullest, you show the world how arrogant you are with your past successes but Houston, there’s a problem, you might not want to believe it, but since we’ve been resting on your laurels all this time, since our fat uncles have been sitting on the couch, burping with their cans of beer, watching the football games while someone else has been doing all the cooking and cleaning for them, well, while we’ve all been feeling cocky, thinking about how great we are, other countries have been training their students in our schools, and because we’ve been busy basking in our glory we’ve outsourced all the work we’re too lazy to do & we’ve trained everyone else to beat us at our own game (oh, I forgot to mention, we were so busy celebrating our military and business accomplishments that we gave up on training ourselves to stay ahead) well, while we’ve gotten lazy and taken a break for a while, everyone else has started excelling past us, so we buy our Japanese technology and drive our German cars, drink our French water when we’re not drinking our French wine, and we get as far away from the United States as we possibly can when we want to take a vacation well, I’m waiting for someone to realize it, maybe having the economy fall out from underneath our overzealous desire to get rich quick didn’t allow us to see but we’ve always been the giant, we were first to fly an airplane, the first to land on the moon, we’re in front in the world with medicines and health care hmmm, speaking of healthcare, most people can’t afford it now, because we’ve researched the Hell out of the diseases we choose to kill ourselves with, I mean, stats say us North Americans have the highest rates of cancer verses the world, our kids are fat, we work so many more hours but still can’t keep ahead, and at this point we can’t afford the fruits of our labor any longer do we bring it upon ourselves when we want to get rich quick by suing doctors, forcing them to charge higher prices, driving up the cost for everyone? we complain that people who are on welfare still on average own two television sets and every teen in America now seems to expect their own free cell phone is it that our standard of living has risen so dramatically that everyone now expects everything handed to them on a silver platter? do we ask for more without working for more? teens complain about not getting a job out of school, while their guidance counselors tell them they might have a chance if they get rid of the excessive body piercings or not wear a mohawk or color their hair pink or stain their skin with tattoos & that’s when the teens complain that they don’t want to work for a place that can’t accept them for who they are our President wants to protect our borders from terrorists, but he wants to give temporary work visas to illegal Mexican immigrants, so that other nations can do our work for us and we wonder why we’re unemployed we get rid of excess building & manufacturing metals, which we think would cost too much to melt down to reuse, & our excesses go to China, where they build high rises from our scraps yeah, we can talk about how we were the high school quarterback, & how we scored so many touchdowns & everyone loved us back then while we credit card ourselves into debt because we deserve the good things in life, as we train other people to help us lose more in the world economy pretty soon prices will keep going up & we won’t be able to afford that convertible, or the nice clothes, or for that matter, any of the niceties anymore & we’ll become a people who have the basics, but not much else, & we’ll wonder how we’ve become a third world country & never saw it coming because we’re on a mountainside, slipping into the canyon hole but instead of enjoying the roller-coaster ride before we crash & burn, can we stop it? can we stop asking our government to tie our shoelaces for us, because you know, man didn’t land on the moon because we didn’t work for it, so can we start to live off of what we can afford, so we can look ahead to what we can accomplish? |
We Listenedyeah, we listened to MTVand we listened to the rap stars they told us to get out there and let our voices be heard well, we did what you said because the wool has been pulled over our eyes for far too long and no one has been held accountable
but yeah, we listened talk radio
where’s the gratification
yeah, we’ve tried to listen
well, we listened
maybe we all just followed blindly
but looking back, after we’ve chosen
but you know, i’m trying to remember
so i guess,
the way jews were forced in mass
and the ss’d shoot them as they were
i see this, i see the mass grave
What I Would AskViolence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself. Lao Tzu
I hear radio talk show hosts
I hear these radio talk show hosts kind people, these Republicans
then I hear that Texas
I then even hear Republicans protest
when I heard about their love of life
so when I hear these radio talk show hosts
“Excuse me, I see that you Republicans
but hey, mister President
I mean, the death penalty doesn’t deter,
but I’m sure those talk show hosts
I’ve heard death penalty supporters claim
I’ve heard these supporters say they’re religious,
Jesus said to turn the other cheek
I mean, where is their Christian forgiveness
it makes me think of terrorists
but our Christian President likes playing God
I guess President Bush is now running this casino
a Great Americanand when listening to Sean Hannity,one of the Republican’s icons in punditry, I hear him say to all veterans, “you’re a great American.“ then other people later on his show would say that he is a great American and it becomes like a contest sometimes where everyone who supports Sean Hannity on his show is calling each other a great American and I’m thinking: he thanks veterans because they fought in a war and protected our country. and I’m thinking, we thank people for finding a loophole to legally kill people, we thank people for going through hell in a current war that we don’t support a war not defending our country but killing our people nonetheless Hell, people now aren’t even in a war only Congress can declare a war and we haven’t been in an actual war sine World War Two but I’m sure they’re great Americans because they fought in these President-proclaimed wars yeah, Sean Hannity thanks veterans because they fought in a war and protected our country but he also calls anyone a great American only because they agree with him you can elevate anyone to that tall pedastal idolize them, call them a great American as long as they support the Bush kakistocracy hey, we’re Americans, we’ve proclaimed ourselves to be the best we don’t idolize anyone I think it’s time we all start thinking the Sean Hannity way and be great Americans again |
your minions are dyingwe seem to have allowed ourselves this fatewe seem to have asked for this but maybe we didn’t know what we were asking for
you told us we’d be free
(don’t most dictators ask their followers
you two were two sides of the same coin
you all wanted us to trust you
with you two, my choice
but if we were hungry animals,
but we’re not animals
but did we make the right choice?
when I was little
and all you men, you all say you have a plan
you men are trying to flip those damn toggle switches
are we supposed to blindly accept
we’re drowning in this ocean of helplessness
is that why we counted on you
but your minions won’t be stong enough
marry me... whatever you areI have gay friends who considered leaving this countrybecause George Bush was re-elected
hits to Canada’s web sites for immigration skyrocketed
and I thought, hey, a president may have some problems,
but they were sure after this election that
I mean, when one person is ill and in the hospital
and I thought, if Bush was trying to appeal to a vast majority
I even heard Bush say that rights should be given to
and I thought, well, it might sound rude, buy he’s gotta
and they only believe in man and woman marriages
but at least he was going to give same-sex couples rights,
but then I heard that Republicans want to make a
they wanted to define something that is not the
(then again, they make enough laws now that overstep
Then fourteen states made laws defining marriage
okay, I’m beginning to see why some of my friends
What the Hell
i can’t go around telling people |
flooded war memoriesit was st. patrick’s day,went to another country to see you
met up with you at a hotel
we talked like old friends,
who fought in a war together
while sitting in a trench together
it was st. patrick’s day,
even though you lived far away
it was st. patrick’s day,
in the bath tub, like a little boy,
not even flinching that i was there
it was st. patrick’s day,
and you didn’t want to move
all i could think was that
and i was in another country,
and i don’t know what snapped
but i was in a dress, ready to go,
i remember being knocked on to
in my panty hose and dress,
it was like you were in the war again
but i thought we were on why are you trying to hurt me
and like a bull dog that finally listened
you finally stopped, and
the one that sat in the trenches torn panty hose, bloody knees
i never thought you’d fight *
i got out and called for back up
at the pay phone an older woman
her question stopped me
i looked down at my torn hose,
and I said, *
i just knew i had to get out of there
Fitting the Moldhe told them repeatedly that the governmenthas to get an employee into this division, so he was willing to sit in his colleague’s office and they kept the speakerphone on as they started conducting telephone interviews; knowing that persona made a difference for public speeches for this branch of the government for this position, Gerald sat in Stephan’s office silently as Stephan pulled the first resume sheet dialed the number and started the interview
Gerald listened, and heard the first applicant
he said he was against the expansion of the
and oh, we just heard another issue that’s a
well, he was sounding good, but
to close the phone interview, Stephan asked
with the phone off the hook, Stephan said
when the second man answered his phone,
he understood that taxation existed
Gerald listened to this interviewee, thinking
not knowing what he’d say about the wars and combat,
treaties and alliances effectively stop people
so, he’s also in support of finding more allies
Gerald and Stephan both looked at each other
no, he replied, i was raised christian,
oh, well, thank you, Stephan said,
he then graciously said thank you
Stephan then looked up at Gerald
i don’t think that would work out well
i don’t know what the ramifications
well, one more interview to go
before Stephen dialed the last number, he said
after greetings, he started asking her
she believed it was a woman’s right
she said that even though she was
she believed taxation was appropriate
she then pointed out that these same people
Stephan asked her about the military,
approaching the end of their interview,
she pointed out that there is nothing
then all she heard was silence
she knew this christian interviewer
i see, Stephan said
i am not saying that christianity
people who complain about the
Stephan noted her beliefs about
well, she said,
does that mean we should
the invocation of religion in Bush’s cabinet
i wouldn’t say we should remove
we can’t get along as a country
Stephan was coming around
well, thank you very much
do you need that,
well, we—
you’re not allowed to hire
we’re not,
she knew he was expecting her to answer
she panicked
she knew he was a christian,
everyone in the government
she knew she’d be flat-out rejected
her morals were very christian,
all of this flashed through her head
oh, Stephan answered,
excuse me?
oh, what denomination,
she gulped
people have told me
ah, keeping company with the
no, i’m not a roman catholic
they both laughed in agreement
after she hung up the phone
then again, they’re stacked against you
but now she was seeing that
she almost felt like she needed
then she realized
September 11, 2001i remember my husbandgetting ready for work and i walked to the tv in the den and i thought he was watching a movie
he said,
i think the world trade center
and we stared at the television and watched the towers collapse
i can’t even remember
it took two days to get through lucky him
and i remember watching the tv
my husband couldn’t go,
he told me what train to take,
so i trained as far as I could
and i thought,
i thought i could buy an
so three hours later
but no one had maps
and i just stepped back, ###
i used only lowercase writing this
i’m only lowercase
when i watched the news
and when i looked around
so yes, i’m only lowercase
Writing Doesn’t Halt ViolenceStanley “Tookie” Williams
I usually try to not pay attention to mainstream news, because, well, it’s so slanted. And don’t for a minute think I’m going to say yippie skippie’ because the media is so liberal (which it is), because I don’t think it’s a good message by our media to so slant this country’s perception of the war that it potentially demoralizes our soldier at this quote-unquote war (I mean, just because the president calls it a war and the newspapers call it a war, it doesn’t change that only Congress can declare a war... and it doesn’t change the fact that we’ve got our people in harm’s way right at this very moment in Iraq...). Besides, the demoralizing slants on our work in Iraq is probably also the only thing Al Quaeda hears from our news, so they’ll think they have a leg up in their desire to further destroy us.
So, since appeal after appeal failed (all without an admittance of guilt), we waited for him to be executed by lethal injection. And all we’re left with now are the accounts of his death.
The World Knows Youwell, at least they can
Hearing about people’s rights infringements. And hearing both sides of this debate has left me stuck. I don’t know what to hold my allegiance to, and I don’t know what to feel safe around. But more importantly, I don’t know if I have a choice.
Well, I was told they were only interested in looking for key words in emails, so as long I didn’t use the words bomb or weapon along with the President’s name or the government, I should feel safe. Ah yes, the rights we give up for we feel safe. But the thing is, I, and a lot of other people, have communications with people internationally (cc&d magazine has received submissions from all over the U.S. and Canada, England, Australia, Belgium, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malta, Norway, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey, as well as got input from places in Japan and Slovenia via email), so even when we hear that our government is only looks of Al Qaeda activity, it doesn’t make us feel much better. And people complain about wanting to impeach President Bush for this, but my husband pointed out to me that right after 9/11, Bush was granted power to do anything to protect this country, and that could mean that would give him the right to wire tap or intercept emails or phone calls, if they thought it was in the countries best interest to keep America safe. You see, right after 9/11, everyone was in such a panic about what to do to protect our country, that they agreed to anything, allowing the President to do anything, all in the name of security against these terrorist attacks. But I’ve also heard that there are laws that allow the president to do these things and that they have been on the books for probably 20 years, and a number of presidents have used that law to do what W is doing now from Carter through Clinton. So if he’s had the right to do this all along, people should either be (1) finding another reason to impeach Bush (if they’re Hell-bent on it), or (2) look into the fact that these laws have existed infringing on our rights for so long, and try to attack a different enemy. So I’ve heard people complain about Bush for these things, and I’ve heard very valid arguments supporting Bush. What should I believe? All I’ve been able to believe is that our right to privacy has been infringed. Don’t know what I mean? Then I’ll ask: do you use the Internet much? Because, for example, I sometimes buy books at http://www.amazon.com, and when I go to their home page, they see what I’ve purchased and searched for in the past and create a home page listing what books I might like to buy. Now, I know they’re trying to sell me stuff, but this means they’ve been collecting data on what I look for and what I’ve purchased to make choices for me. Doesn’t seem too scary, seems kids of convenient, if you walked into a store someone would do these same things for you, but on the Internet this means that a really big company (in this case, amazon.com) has keep a record of what I look for, where I’ve gone and what I do. Again, this doesn’t seem to ominous, it’s still kind of convenient, but the government has also been trying to get this information from big companies, so they can have a better record of what you’re interested in and what you do. Now, I know the government can keep records of what books you take out of the library (maybe they’ll think I’m a Nazi sympathizer because I took Mein Kampf out of the library once...), but if the government makes these agreements with companies, that means they can even know what I’m thinking about (as if my editorials weren’t enough). This applies to all U.S. citizens and even if Google doesn’t want to sell this information to the government, that means the information about you is still out there, in someone else’s possession. Wow, I’m starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist, and I swear, that’s not where I’m coming from. It’s not something we can really change (like companies keeping on line information about us, if we’ve already used these companies), though if we were genuinely concerned about these things, we could change the way we interact with companies like this (or choose to not interact with them at all). And wow, I’m not trying to tell anyone to stop using companies, I’m just asking people to think about every step they take with monolith companies and service providers like amazon.com, or even AOL or Google. The point from all of this is to think that you’re not safe when on the Internet. Consider the published book “No Place To Hide,” which points out that any place you go can lead to you losing your privacy from security cameras at most every public place to WIFI at computer stations and cell phones located anywhere. ATM machines are everywhere, and you can use your credit card in a ton of places, and all of these things are ways you can be tracked. And you know, there are even expensive cars that have satellite control that allows them to locate their driver when they leave their car anywhere (any GPS system like that can be purchased now). Hell, I mentioned call phones new cell phones now can even transmit their location every few seconds to a mobile network. Yes, they can find you anywhere. Ah, the great feeling of being watched, wherever you go. From reading “No Place To Hide,” I learned that a Richard Smith was a former computer programmer, and this Internet specialist actually found code in Microsoft Word (which, instead of MS Word, I still call Multiple Sclerosis Word) that showed who had handles the program files.. Which means there are so many ways we can be monitored, with all of the different forms of data we go through in our lives. But speaking of Smith, he even found in New York sensors everywhere that absorbed information about anyone there, and sending it to databases (public and private) to... to what? To keep tabs on everyone? And if you wanted to get away, don’t think of using any toll roads, because not only would you either have to interact with a person at a toll booth, which may have a camera watching them, or you would use an E-ZPASS, or an I-Pass, which you pay for in advance, and yes, electronically monitors where you go and when you pay to get through that booth. Hey, want to get out fast? Don’t automatically pay for gas with things like the speedpass, but don’t use it if you don’t want a record of where you’ve been or what you’ve done. Okay, don’t shop or use a credit card. But when you use the Internet, companies record where you go on the web. If you use a TiVo machine with your TV, it records what shows you watch. At a lot of offices, you need an ID strip, so they can monitor where you are when too. And hey, even every 800 number you call they record anything about you, your name, phone number, your voice, and key words you use. If you're feeling claustrophobic yet, go ahead and look over your shoulder. But some of these things are a convenience, and we’ve been willing to accept them to make our lives better (like paying for gas or tolls quickly, or taking less time at checkout because they can scan a bar code which tells them everything they would otherwise have to type in slowly by hand). And employers have the right to know when their employees get in and out of work (I mean, they’re paying them), but there a places that have students needing to use ID tags for monitoring while in school. Well, that might be good if they’re in such a violent high school that people are only worried about their safety, but ... at what point is this electronic convenience so imposing that you want to just cover your house in tin foil and duct tape so no radio or electronic signals can track you sown? As Robert O’Harrow, Jr. said about everything being tracked and recorded so there’s a record of everyone in “No Place To Hide,” there apparently are “intelligence officials who believe that some form of Total Information Awareness will make us safer.” But when marketers lead the way in encoding everything about us, do we feel any safer?
I don’t know if you feel safer or not, but after hearing all about how the government can have info on you, and how companies can get info one you, you have to decide where to draw the line. Yeah, you could decide that you want to cut off all electronic communication, but if you go out in public, you’d have to stop worrying about the possibility of your image being recorded. We live in a world where one some levels we have to be willing to give up some privacy if we want to function with the modern world. And, well, you can guess my take on the situation, if I’m willing to post my editorials in a magazine and have all of my writings and art posted in the Internet, but think of it this way:
Losing Her Chance at the PresidencyWasn’t sleeping in the White house for eight years enough for her?
When popular opinion seems to hold that Clinton was a Godsend (because this presidency coincided with the stock market boom with the computer technology decade, so the economy was good), and every news media outlet proudly proclaims that Bush is bad after “robbing” Gore from the presidency. People have wondered that after the Clintons moved to New York and since Hillary Rodham Clinton has become a senator, people have wondered if Hillary would be a shoe-in for the presidency after W’s eight years are up.
Shoving our “good life” down the enemy’s throatsAnd what makes us think they want to be like us?
I was thinking about the cartoon show South Park last night, thinking about how they try to talk about middle-eastern interests (granted, they only refer to Saddam Hussein as being killed and being Satan’s lover and they only refer to Bin Laden once in an Afghanistan episode), but one episode of South Park made me think more about our “war” in Iraq than any other show... In one episode the boys went to Colorado’s version of “Cirque du Cheville” (a parody for the French circus “Cirque Du Soleil”) and saw contorting Romanian quintuplets who later escaped and stayed at Stan Marsh’s house. The boys wanted to show the little Romanian girls why America was so great, by taking them to places like the mall, or fast food restaurants. I’ll even quote Eric Cartman: “You see, in America we have log rides! Bacon double-cheeseburgers! Sheep-shearing contests! And shopping malls!” But the quintuplets decided they wanted to go back to Romania, because it was their home, and it was their way that they understood and loved. The third quintuplet even said, “You know nothing about Romania, and yet you assume America is so much better! Maybe Romania isn’t as nice as America, but it is our home! We are Romanian!”
Do Protests Equal Violence?Years ago, I was photographing a march of women walking the streets of Urbana, but on that same say, Rodney King was convicted of a police brutality crime. The black community was outraged, saying that the white man was holding them down, and a large group of people started their own rally that night which seemed to take center stage from the women’s rights parade... Later in the evening I went to Union Square, where the women’s rights parade was supposed to end, and a ton of black people were together there, yelling and protesting together. We went out that night for only a little while, because everyone in town was agitated and apparently commiserating outdoors with their friends. I went home, but I heard the next day that in light of the Rodney King trial 23 fires were started on school property, and most of them were of books in libraries. I thought, this isn’t nonresistant violence, this is out and out violent and what they’re destroying are opportunities for learning and not ideas. But protester advocates would say, “Yeah, but do these books hold what the white man wants you to learn? Is this how he alters our perceptions?” Then I heard about one of my best friends, a white man, he was hit once by a black man in the street while he went out that night. The doctor said that they had to have a roll of quarters in their hand or brass knuckles because with one hit, there was a clean break of my friend’s jaw. For six weeks my friend’s jaw was wired shut, and he had to throw pizza or meat loaf in the blender so he could eat something instead of ice cream while he tried to recover. It was after this that I wondered the value of violence in protesting. Does the violence get anything positive done? After the Rodney King protest, did we get any closer to racial harmony? And after people were hurt, did anyone learn anything from this pain? The libraries that had fires replaced the materials that were lost, so these protests and violence didn’t stop this anglo-saxon form of education, it only cost money and made people bitter. I thought this was an isolated incident, until I made the connection in my head to current Middle Eat protests. now, I’m not referring to people trying to violently stop armed military American soldiers from invading their land, but to the tactless release of a cartoon yes, a cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb as his turban. News reports stated that “The anger has also resulted in attacks on several Danish diplomatic missions in Asia and the Middle East, and other European diplomats have been threatened.” And In addition to this, Lebanese demonstrators have set the Danish embassy in Beirut on fire. CNN has even reported that the leader of the world’s largest Muslim organization has joined other world leaders in condemning violence over the publication of cartoon caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed but there is still a large amount of violence over this cartoon. And yes, maybe instead of violence, people could retaliate with, well, more cartoons. I heard on The Daily Show 02/09/06 (yes, I do see the irony in the fact that I’m using The Daily Show as a news source...) that Israelis have come up with a non-violent wat to protest the cartoon’s existence... They posted a contest in their newspaper for people to design cartoons about the Holocaust (Seriously, there was a newspaper that legitimately had a contest for cartoons about the Holocaust). And yes, this idea of Holocaust cartoons is tacky, but some Israelis even said that any cartoons submitted about the Holocaust wouldn’t be a fair comparison to the cartoon about the founder and prophet of Islam with a bomb for their turban, because a cartoon about what the once-ruler of Germany did to Jews is not the same as saying Islam’s founder is only interested in bombing other people. The only thing that confuses me about using violence to protest this cartoon is that they are protesting that Islam’s founder condoned violnce, and that Muslims condone violence. Understood, but then I ask: why are they protesting with bombingand setting fire to buildings? Why are they protesting with violence? Now, I can understand offense taken at any cartoon making fun of a religion. I could imagine that Christians would be up in arms if images of Jesus was somehow made fun of (though I wonder how appropriate it is for Kanye West to imitate Jesus for a cover of Rolling Stone, apparently that didn’t offend anyone...), but I think us American citizens wouldn’t set buildings on fire is someone did this.
Wait, did I just say that? I just told you the story of people protesting the Rodney King trial, where libraries were set on fire. My friend even had to go to the hospital because of riot violence not because he did anything wrong, but because of the color of his skin.
About the Author
Since she got fed up with her job as the art director of a few magazines for a publishing company, Janet Kuypers, to relieve the stress: (a) vents her twenty-something angst musically with acoustic bands called Mom’s Favorite Vase, Weeds and Flowers and the Second Axing, and attempts to learn to play the guitar, (b) writes so much that she irritates editors enough to get her published in books, magazines and on the internet over 8,800 times for writing or over 17,000 times for art work in her professional career, and has been profiled in such magazines as Nation and DiscoverU and has been interviewed on ArtistFirst dot com’s Internet radio station, and has repeatedly been highlighted with interviews and readings for years with WZRD 88.3 FM radio in Chicago, (c) turns that writing into performance art on her own and with musical groups like Pointless Orchestra, 5D/5D and Order From Chaos, (d) writes so much that in order to make her feel like a big shot she gets ten books published: Hope Chest in the Attic, The Window, Close Cover Before Striking, (woman.) (spiral bound), Autumn Reason (novel in letter form), the Average Guy’s Guide to Feminism, Contents Under Pressure, Changing Gears (travel journals around the United States), The Key To Believing (2002 650 page novel), and etc. (e) gets tired of thinking about her own pathetic life, so runs a non-profit publishing company, where she does internet work and book design, and edits a literary and art magazine so she can read and broadcast other people’s depressing stories, (f) performs spoken word and music, both locally and across the country - in the spring of 1998 she embarked on her first national tour, with featured performances, among other venues, at the Albuquerque Spoken Word Festival during the National Poetry Slam, in 2003 she hosted and performed weekly at a poetry and music open mic called Sing Your Life, starting in 2002 she was a featured performer, doing quarterly performance art shows with readings, music and images, in 2005 she started monthly iPodCasts and an Internet radio station of her work, or (g) all of the above. When doing all of that didn’t work, Janet decided to quit her job and travel around the United States and Mexico, writing travel journals (collected into a book called Changing Gears) and starting her first epic novel (The Key To Believing). She also released a final collection of poetry called Oeuvre, a final collection of prose called Exaro Versus, and an art book called L’arte. But after that work wasn’t enough, she thought she would try to get her life back into order by moving across the country once or twice, getting married and getting a house with fireplaces, a jacuzzi and a sauna. After venturing to Puerto Rico, to nine European countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, the Vatican City, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland), and to China (Shanghai and Beijing), Kuypers thought she would (because she’s psycho on never being at rest) do more design work, master compact discs and Performance Art shows in Chicago, and yes, have more books of hers published. Doesn’t she know how to rest?