This is currently the most complete archive of published and unpublished poetry by Janet Kuypers.
This book has select pieces from past published books of poetry, including Hope Chest in the Attic, Close Cover Before Striking, and Contents Under Pressure. Portions of the books The Window, The Average Guys Guide to Feminism, Changing Gears, Etc., and (woman.) (which were limited editions), are also included in this volume. Also in this collection are listings from poems published in Scars Publications collection books Sulphur and Sawdust, Slate and Marrow, Blister and Burn, Rinse and Repeat, Survive and Thrive, Torture and Triumph, Oh., The Elements, and Side A/Side B.
This volume also contains unpublished work (and writing previously only published under pen names), from her first poem written in 1979, to unpublished poetry through 2003.
The Table of Contents lists works from these books in their own sections, for an idea of when the pieces were written and when they were originally in print. Comments on these writings are also sprinkled throughout each section of the book.
This edition does not have images or prose; prose exists in the book Exaro Versus, art work exists in the art book larte.
Previously unpublished writing in this volume is in different chronological sections:
The ancient. Older writings (1980 to 1989), including her first poem, Under The Sea, written when she was nine years old.
The Doggerel. This includes work from 1992 to 1996.
The Recovery. After a debilitating accident in 1998, Kuypers wrote in quantity; the writing here is confessional, analytical and news-oriented, as this was the only way she could actually write about going through this trauma. We have included about one eighth of the pieces from this period.
The New. These poems are from 1998 to present.
Scars Publications and Design
in conjunction with Penny Dreadful Press
first edition
copyright @ 2004 Scars Publications and Design
827 Brian Court, Gurnee IL 60031-3155 USA
and assistance from Freedom & Strength Foundation, Troy Press, Hawthorne Press & Dried Roses Press
printed in the United States of America
writings @ 1979-2004 Janet Kuypers
book design @ 1998-2004 Scars Publications and DesignThis book, as a whole, is fiction, and no correlation should be made between events in the book and events in real life. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher.
Information about past books is available upon request through Scars Publications and Design. Materials from the literary magazines Children, Churches and Daddies and Down in the Dirt are available on line at, as are .mp3 files, .ra files, .aif files, .au files, .wav files .mov and mpeg files of Kuypers, both reading her work and singing with three sets of musicians.
Oeuvre is published through Scars Publications and Design, whose publisher is a member/minister through the Universal Life Church. Scars Publications and Design, the logo and associated graphics @ 1979 - 2004. All rights reserved. Kuypers and Scars Publications and Design welcome your comments, tips, compliments or complaints. Direct all comments and suggestions to the e-mail addresses listed above.
The definition of oeuvre (the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole) is from the Websters Unabridged 2001 Dictionary.