Im tired of taking this knife to my hands
over and over again giving myself the stigmata
the blood gets all over my clothes
and I can never get the stains out
and for what, for you to see how I suffer
Im tired of being humble when Im
supposed to be the one with the power
over and over again I become your servant
and never are you bowing to me
I dont even get a thank you
Im tired of preaching to the converted
when the converted arent even really listening
theyre snoring in the back rows while I
deliver my sermon and theres not even air
conditioning in here and Im sweating
Im tired of coming to you and healing the sick
taking away the problems, over and over again
giving you something to look forward to
and all I have is an eternity of waiting for
someone to take my place and tend to my wounds
Im tired of giving the earth up to you
watching the devils work be done, and you know,
hes just sitting down there looking at me
and laughing, over and over again because its
so easy for him when he doesnt have to work
Im tired of being your salvation
over and over again you turn to me
and I have no one to turn to but myself
its a bitch, you know, being your own god
since no one can save me from me
Im tired of being your teacher, handing you
what you need on a silver platter and waiting
for that damn collection plate and someone
is always stealing out of it from the back row
I know who you are, you who leave me nothing
Im tired of wearing this crown of thorns
over and over again the needles prick my skin
and even gods bleed, at least this one does
and when I ask you to wipe the blood
out of my eyes, well, I cant see you anywhere
Im tired of being something for everybody
when everyone is nothing for me
maybe the devil has the right idea, you know
maybe Ill sit back and wait for you to miss me
as you wonder whos your messiah now
Scars Publications and Design
in conjunction with Penny Dreadful Press
first edition
copyright @ 2004 Scars Publications and Design
827 Brian Court, Gurnee IL 60031-3155 USA
and assistance from Freedom & Strength Foundation, Troy Press, Hawthorne Press & Dried Roses Press
printed in the United States of America
writings @ 1979-2004 Janet Kuypers
book design @ 1998-2004 Scars Publications and DesignThis book, as a whole, is fiction, and no correlation should be made between events in the book and events in real life. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher.
Information about past books is available upon request through Scars Publications and Design. Materials from the literary magazines Children, Churches and Daddies and Down in the Dirt are available on line at, as are .mp3 files, .ra files, .aif files, .au files, .wav files .mov and mpeg files of Kuypers, both reading her work and singing with three sets of musicians.
Oeuvre is published through Scars Publications and Design, whose publisher is a member/minister through the Universal Life Church. Scars Publications and Design, the logo and associated graphics @ 1979 - 2004. All rights reserved. Kuypers and Scars Publications and Design welcome your comments, tips, compliments or complaints. Direct all comments and suggestions to the e-mail addresses listed above.
The definition of oeuvre (the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole) is from the Websters Unabridged 2001 Dictionary.