I originally thought of taking photographs of what these terms really are (and not of their slang definition) in order to show how ludicrous the contrast was to what the terms have come to mean in our society.
It occurred to me when I decided to do this project in 1991 that there were so many more derogatory terms for women than there were for men. Then I started to think about the actual names themselves and I noticed a few themes:
1. Many terms, both terms considered nice and terms considered rude, were less-than-human, whether they be inanimate objects, animals, foods, or what have you, that somehow became descriptions for women.
2. There was a much greater number of mean slang terms for women who were promiscuous than for men (for men, it was something to be proud of, so slang terms were not derogatory but complimentary).
3. There was a much greater incidence of jokes and phrases about women being either stupid or promiscuous than men.
4. Terms for sex with women (terms used predominantly by men) were often sports analogies, references to power tools and other historically masculine objects, or by nature violent.
The jump to make the following pages a reference tool for men in order to help them degrade women with their terminology was to provide an additional point of contrast: these pages, the way they are designed, are to make it look like this name-calling is a conscious effort on the part of all men to degrade women with the terms they use.
The reason why I did this is because although the effort is not made consciously, and although this conscious effort as displayed on the following pages seems humorous, the current effect of this spectrum of terms for women has the same result as if it was a concerted movement. No, it isn't a concerted movement: it's worse; it is second nature to everyone.
After realizing this, I felt that displaying these points humorously and sarcastically would make it a better engine for making people think about the language they use in describing women.
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if theyre good, or try bitch if theyre bad... |
fox, heiffer or horse... |
Heck, think of cherries or sugar, honey, or refer to them as a piece of meat!
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the act of sex is like bagging, banging, or screwing!
dont foget that you can always bop them or nail them, too... |
Scars Publications and Design
in conjunction with Penny Dreadful Press
first edition
copyright @ 2004 Scars Publications and Design
827 Brian Court, Gurnee IL 60031-3155 USA
and assistance from Freedom & Strength Foundation, Troy Press, Hawthorne Press & Dried Roses Press
printed in the United States of America
writings @ 1979-2004 Janet Kuypers
book design @ 1998-2004 Scars Publications and DesignThis book, as a whole, is fiction, and no correlation should be made between events in the book and events in real life. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher.
Information about past books is available upon request through Scars Publications and Design. Materials from the literary magazines Children, Churches and Daddies and Down in the Dirt are available on line at http://scars.tv, as are .mp3 files, .ra files, .aif files, .au files, .wav files .mov and mpeg files of Kuypers, both reading her work and singing with three sets of musicians.
Oeuvre is published through Scars Publications and Design, whose publisher is a member/minister through the Universal Life Church. Scars Publications and Design, the logo and associated graphics @ 1979 - 2004. All rights reserved. Kuypers and Scars Publications and Design welcome your comments, tips, compliments or complaints. Direct all comments and suggestions to the e-mail addresses listed above.
The definition of oeuvre (the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole) is from the Websters Unabridged 2001 Dictionary.