Starting and ending Kuypers᾿ reading at the Café with poems she wrote that day, Kuypers read material from her books for later release as part of audio CD releases of her books, Janet Kuypers chose to read poems and short prose on June 7th from her book Close Cover Before Striking (which is now in it’s 2nd printing, with a cover of matches, versus it’s original neon green cover).
Follow the links below to read, see or hear poetry and short prose from this live Chicago book reading.
a feature-length video at the Café
of Kuypers reading her poems (first and last pieces written 06/07/11, all other poems read from the ISBN# book Close Cover Before Striking), “My First Time”, “Chicago, West Side”, “Chess Game Again”, “Arrowhead”, “Realistic Dreams”, “Was Immune”, “To Be Different”, “Sunrise”, “Meant To Be”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, and “Skittery”
See feature-length YouTube
video (21:47) of Kuypers reading her writing: My First Time, Chicago West Side, Chess Game Again, Arrowhead, Realistic Dreams, Was Immune, To Be Different, Sunrise, Meant To Be, New Vacuum Cleaner and Skittery live 06/07/11 at the Café
This mini-feature video can also be seen at Chicago People
...on to the poems:
(in the order they were read during the show)
Janet Kuypers reading her poem My First Time
(written that day)