Janet Kuypers poetry readings from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Accept Apart”, plus one poem from the book “Antarctica: Wildlife” 1/2/19 live at Community Poetry @ Half Price Books

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Every Street Corner”, “Women’s Very Existence”, “Who What Where When Why”, and “Ocean’s Call to Dive” from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Accept Apart”, plus her poem “On the Bridge” from the full-color photography and poetry book “Antarctica: Wildlife”, live 1/2/19 at her. “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Every Street Corner”, “Women’s Very Existence”, “Who What Where When Why”, and “Ocean’s Call to Dive” from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Accept Apart”, plus her poem “On the Bridge” from the full-color photography and poetry book “Antarctica: Wildlife”, live 1/2/19 at her. “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; zoomed).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Every Street Corner”, “Women’s Very Existence”, “Who What Where When Why”, and “Ocean’s Call to Dive” from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Accept Apart”, plus her poem “On the Bridge” from the full-color photography and poetry book “Antarctica: Wildlife”, live 1/2/19 at her. “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Every Street Corner”, “Women’s Very Existence”, “Who What Where When Why”, and “Ocean’s Call to Dive” from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Accept Apart”, plus her poem “On the Bridge” from the full-color photography and poetry book “Antarctica: Wildlife”, live 1/2/19 at her. “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; zoomed).
Thank you to Thom Woodruff for photographing Janet Kuypers reading poetry from her full-color full-bleed photography and poetry book “Antarctica: Wildlife” 1/2/19 during her “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” poetry feature reading. Janet Kuypers read Antarctic poetry from this book (and had Antarctica pictures and book covers on display) because she took pictures of her Antarctica poems as a submission to this year’s “Antarctic Poetry Exhibition” (@antarcticpoetry, where all accepted poems and photography are displayed IN Antarctic, then in New Zealand).
