Belinda Subraman
Belinda Subramans website is www.BelindaSubraman.com. She edits www.GypsyMag.com, featuring art, reviews, interviews, flash fiction, news in the literary arts and independent music scene and poetry. Her own poetry is appearing in print journals, online magazines and podcasts around the world. Listen to BZOO Radio, 24 hour streaming poetry and music at www.Bzoo.org, where Belinda is a contributing artist and show host for Gypsy Art Show and Music of the Universe. Her shows are available in podcast form at http://belinda_subraman.podomatic.com. A new CD called INDIA is available from www.Artvilla.com and itunes. Also, by day she is a hospice nurse.

Click below to download any of these mp3 files from Belinda Subraman (with music from Ken Clinger):
a finding woman once
at the grocery store
a view on self release
bengali mystic
between hurricanes
fire ice
for john of the netherworld
high adventure
hunger storm
i cannot go back
into the prayer wheel
judgements i
judgements ii
lady of uncertainage
lady punk talks
laundromat 3
like warm milk to media babies
merlin at night
mickey minnie
my first death
new line
punctuated lives
samarai romeo juliet
september 11 2001
soldier artist
speaking in tongues
spirit ii
The Edge of Silence
the man
the visit
To The Universal Soldier.
truth in image
two poets
wayward wind
we are all part of
weather witch
were bound to tangle
when the rice runs out
winter solstace
you said yes
Yuletide with Winos

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You can also download Media Player, for Macintosh or for Windows to see some video files.

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The following is a list of media players, their native playback media type, and where they
can be downloaded.
- Quicktime Player
Plays compressed and uncompressed Quicktime v1, v2, and v3 files. (.mov)
Visit Apples Quicktime site to download.
- Windows Media Player
Natively plays basic audio(.au), .mid, and .wav. In some cases, installation of the
Windows Media Player will take over playback of media types without notification.
To get the Player, visit Microsoft's free download
- WinAmp
Plays MP2, MP3, MOD, CD, .wav and other formats.
Visit the Winamp site to download the Winamp Player.
- Vivo Player
Plays Vivo files natively.
Download the Vivo Player from http://www.vivo.com.
- Crescendo
Plays Midi(.mid) files natively.
Download the Crescendo player from http://www.liveupdate.com.