The Cafe
We have found that quicktime can view these basic and free movies, and you can get quicktime for free off of the Internet.
You can also download Media Player, for Macintosh or for Windows to see some video files.
Below are mp3 files from a September 23 2003 evening of poetry.a reading by David Rubin (1 minute 38 seconds)
a reading by David Rubin (1 minute 21 seconds)
a reading by Nicole
in a piece called White On White (1 minute 14 seconds)
a reading by Nicole (1 minute 34 seconds)
a reading by Shelley
in a piece called I Have Told You (1 minute 29 seconds)
a reading by J. J.
in a piece called Puttering Penis (2 minutes 36 seconds)
a reading by Andrea (1 minute 18 seconds)
a reading by Ron (40 seconds)
a reading by Ron
in a piece called Autumn is Lyz’ Season (1 minute 3 seconds)
a reading by Charles Newman
in a piece called Walking Through Heaven Version Two (1 minute 5 seconds)
a reading by Charles Newman (1 minute 40 seconds)
a reading by Michelle
in a piece called I Know Exactly What You Mean (1 minute 38 seconds)
a reading by Michelle
in a piece called Gas Food Lodging (1 minute 21 seconds)
a reading by Dina (52 seconds)
a reading by Dina (2 minutes 1 second)
the Martyr and the Saint (:54)
or download the full track:
...full track available on the CD
Live at the Cafe
White Knuckled Real Music Guide
JB Hi-Fi
for Macintosh computers, press the alt key (they key next to the spacebar) and the [ - left bracket
for Windows: press the alt key and the left arrow key.
The following is a list of media players, their native playback media type, and where they
can be downloaded.
Visit Apple’s Quicktime site to download.
Windows Media Player will take over playback of media types without notification.
To get the Player, visit Microsoft's free download
Visit the Winamp site to download the Winamp Player.
Download the Vivo Player from
Download the Crescendo player from