Questions in a World Without Answers was a live performance art show held at The Cafe, at 5115 North Lincoln Ave. (just south of Foster) in Chicago, I on October 5, 2004. This live show was conducted with a voice-altering effects mixing board, as Janet Kuypers read stories, poems and parts of poems. Background instrumentals from Laurie Anderson tracks were samples and piped in quietly in the background.
Click here for an image site of original images used in the show.
Poems that were included in this conversational performance art show included:
Original images were used for this show,
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Listen to the show
Questions in a World Without Answersexpanded studio versio:
on the california streets
part of right there by your heart
russians at a garage sale
all men have secrets
content with inferior men
part of burn it in
private lives one
part of private lives 4
part of scars 2000
after the wreckage
part of people’s lives were at stake
part of true happiness in the new millennium
and part of communication
but background sounds in this performance included samples
from instrumentals of Laurie Anderson songs, including:
baby doll
excellent birds
from the air
my compensation
oh superman
sharkey’s night (the version from Mister Heartbreak)
smoke rings
the day the devil
walking and falling
and white lily
There is also a 3 CD set of performances from J. Kuypers at the Cafe, collected into this release. This 3 CD set of live poerformances are included in Live at the Cafe includes not only recordings from 2003, 2004 and 2005, but it also contains recordings of two performance art shows A Night of Firsts from 06/22/04, and Stripped from 06/07/05. Bonus tracks in this 3 CD set even include live recordings from Coffee Chicago, Molly Malone’s, and even recordings from the Chicago Poetry Fest on both years, 2004 and 2005! You can order a copy of this all original music and poetry for only $12.95 by sending an e-mail to Scars Publications.
JB Hi-Fi
for Macintosh computers, press the alt key (they key next to the spacebar) and the [ - left bracket
for Windows: press the alt key and the left arrow key.
The following is a list of media players, their native playback media type, and where they
can be downloaded.
Visit Apple’s Quicktime site to download.
Windows Media Player will take over playback of media types without notification.
To get the Player, visit Microsoft's free download
Visit the Winamp site to download the Winamp Player.
Download the Vivo Player from
Download the Crescendo player from