Dusty Dog Reviews The whole project is hip, anti-academic, the poetry of reluctant grown-ups, picking noses in church. An enjoyable romp! Though also serious. |
Nick DiSpoldo, Small Press Review (on Children, Churches and Daddies, April 1997) Children, Churches and Daddies is eclectic, alive and is as contemporary as tomorrows news. |
In This Issue...
The Boss Ladys Editorial (reviving Terri Schiavo and the Vegetative State...).
![]() the boss ladys editorial![]() |
Vegetative State, part II |
![]() ![]() This editorial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License. |
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Janet Kuypers
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![]() poetrythe passionate stuff![]() |
Mel Waldman |
Patients flow to my office in a sea of trauma,
& So why should I be The One.
And perhaps, I am not the therapist to guide them
And if I empower them, perhaps, I will empower
In any case, we walk through the storm together, And we are one!
The World Trade CenterBill DeArmond
Waiting in the dark
Our parents generation know where they were
For a time thereafter
But the movie WTC is about small human stories
Insane violence and military action
Lights up
2749 dead in the WTC
JAZZ CITY REVISITEDCopyright Roger N. Taber 2006
Once, left so cold and hungry
Once, for friends and family
Once, TV audiences wringing
Once, we could look forward to
Once, it would take more than a
At least the Superdome makeover
I was watching newsreel shots of New Orleans a year on after Katrina and it made me so-oooo angry. Lessons should have been learned...but as we look around the world, we can but ask ourselves - whos learning anything? - Love to all, Roger |
Valentines DayClaire Blancett
Chocolate stomachache
Evil becomes the dominant gene and goodness
If a blind man could see the pluralistic scum
Feeding Each OtherLuke Buckham
we found the lowest floor of the forest
and then made love, our mouths still filled
Like the cold lightIB Rad
Like the cold light
Fragile Daysdamion hamilton
Well theres allergies and toothaches
IHOPoemMichael A. Rodriguez
I saw Dante and
Mad YouthJefree
Stolen childhood,
Back in those days,
Grief of teen had made
Sick of blaming family,
Back then
I knew I had to take a bus
Goodbye KissesKenneth W. Anderson, Jr.
On her highest heels she stood
Their bed swallowed the sleepless air
In the morning,
No Expectation
(With many thanx to D.P.C.) |
A Sense of CosmopolitanBrandon Kinkade
Inside the deep Aryan worship temples of ancient times,
In Modernization, she floats pass me like a
Her droopy puppy dog eyes pierce through Like a fish desperately dangling from a pole, I am forever hooked.
She a former tiny dancer turned soccer player
DriveScott Heigel
A habit I picked up in Yellowstone,
KOSHER DIVERSION AND Mrs. ALLENRichard Fein"Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother." But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight. . . GENESIS 38:8-10
But the girls sitting next to us were as unreachable
PassionMarissa Christina Owens
Passion he says
Time Will Come TodayMichael Ceraolo
And early twenty-first century American humorist
where those who
where the man who was covered in blood
where people who speak
where it is considered a compliment
where someone beyond the chronological age
where the slogan
where a college student
while wearing only flipflops on her feet
where the filibusterer who says something
where the thief who is the first
where there was a truth-in-advertising law for opinions
where a man who is struck by lightning
where the cell-phone salesperson being rear-ended And other instances as yet undiscovered
We are
Fruits and NutsJulie Kovacs
Most people get fruitcake at Christmastime
An apt description of my extended family
Family reunions were more like the Jerry Springer show than Dad Knows Best.
Priests, Preachers and PokémonJohn R. Hunt
My rituals are thin,
I cant swallow fermented gruel,
Bobble head Jesus wannabes,
My rituals are skeletons
I study bones,
My medicine-man turned on me
What do I feed my children now, |
![]() prosethe meat and potatoes stuff![]() |
(exerpts of)THE DRIVEKenneth DiMaggio
My friends told me they were going to drop me off at a Gay bar unless I promised to enlist in the Marine Corps. Fuck that, I told em. The Marines do push ups with spiked collars and leather zippered masks.
I KNOW AN ADDICTRobert William Myers
I think everyone knows an addict. They are everywhere. From the chocolate addict to the toilet hugging heroin addict to the workaholic to the internet junkie to the drunk in trailer four... everyone knows an addict. However all those people that know those addicts will have to write their own piece because this story is about MY addict.
Time to get real. Yeah I lived and yeah the addict is me! But I think you knew that. It was just hard to write this piece like the foolish idiot addict was me! I am clean and sober now. Im proud of myself. My son is proud of me, my Brother (Christ) is proud of me. What else do I need?
EVIL EYESMel Waldman
Nothing much had changed from yesterday. Except Friday night had slipped away, softly and inconspicuously. And Saturday surrounded Charlie, like a noose around his neck. A prison cell with no exit.
Quietly, he left the studio. He rushed to Laura-Ritas apartment.
Little Charlie Walls opened his eyes. A few tears cascaded down his face as he remembered the labyrinthine dream which had engulfed him.
Lifeless LustToy Davis
Sitting naked in his apartment Blake stared at his latest victim. She was beautiful. Long satin hair, clear brown eyes, and a nice petite body easy for any man to overpower. A dreamy smile curved his lips as he caressed the deep scratches on his arm. She had tried to fight back but her best hadnt been enough to save her life.
dreams 09/24/05Janet Kuypers
I dont know what we were doing,
Like Id buy a phone because it was a purse
I think I might have looked up
One for the BookPat Dixon
My husband, Herb, is a nut in many ways. He has probably been a nut for most of his sixty-three years. Whenever I tell him this, he smiles in a non-irritating way and says, At least with my name, Im a well-seasoned nut, and then he just continues with what he was already doing. Unlike many couples we know, the two of us still basically enjoy each others company and go out together nearly every weekend to do what we call saling. I always do the driving, Herb does the navigating, and together we get to as many garage sales and tag sales on Long Island as we can.
Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writers styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere.
Children, Churches and Daddies. It speaks for itself. Write to Scars Publications to submit poetry, prose and artwork to Children, Churches and Daddies literary magazine, or to inquire about having your own chapbook, and maybe a few reviews like these.
what is veganism? A vegan (VEE-gun) is someone who does not consume any animal products. While vegetarians avoid flesh foods, vegans dont consume dairy or egg products, as well as animal products in clothing and other sources. why veganism? This cruelty-free lifestyle provides many benefits, to animals, the environment and to ourselves. The meat and dairy industry abuses billions of animals. Animal agriculture takes an enormous toll on the land. Consumtion of animal products has been linked to heart disease, colon and breast cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and a host of other conditions. so what is vegan action?
We can succeed in shifting agriculture away from factory farming, saving millions, or even billions of chickens, cows, pigs, sheep turkeys and other animals from cruelty. A vegan, cruelty-free lifestyle may be the most important step a person can take towards creatin a more just and compassionate society. Contact us for membership information, t-shirt sales or donations.
vegan action
Children, Churches and Daddies no longer distributes free contributors copies of issues. In order to receive issues of Children, Churches and Daddies, contact Janet Kuypers at the cc&d e-mail addres. Free electronic subscriptions are available via email. All you need to do is email ccandd@scars.tv... and ask to be added to the free cc+d electronic subscription mailing list. And you can still see issues every month at the Children, Churches and Daddies website, located at http://scars.tv
MIT Vegetarian Support Group (VSG)
functions: We also have a discussion group for all issues related to vegetarianism, which currently has about 150 members, many of whom are outside the Boston area. The group is focusing more toward outreach and evolving from what it has been in years past. We welcome new members, as well as the opportunity to inform people about the benefits of vegetarianism, to our health, the environment, animal welfare, and a variety of other issues.
Dusty Dog Reviews: These poems document a very complicated internal response to the feminine side of social existence. And as the book proceeds the poems become increasingly psychologically complex and, ultimately, fascinating and genuinely rewarding.
Dusty Dog Reviews: She opens with a poem of her own devising, which has that wintry atmosphere demonstrated in the movie version of Boris Pasternaks Doctor Zhivago. The atmosphere of wintry white and cold, gloriously murderous cold, stark raging cold, numbing and brutalizing cold, appears almost as a character who announces to his audience, Wisdom occurs only after a laboriously magnificent disappointment. Alas, that our Dusty Dog for mat cannot do justice to Ms. Kuypers very personal layering of her poem across the page.
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA Indeed, theres a healthy balance here between wit and dark vision, romance and reality, just as theres a good balance between words and graphics. The work shows brave self-exploration, and serves as a reminder of mortality and the fragile beauty of friendship.
Mark Blickley, writer You Have to be Published to be Appreciated. Do you want to be heard? Contact Children, Churches and Daddies about book or chapbook publishing. These reviews can be yours. Scars Publications, attention J. Kuypers. Were only an e-mail away. Write to us.
The Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology The Solar Energy Research & Education Foundation (SEREF), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., established on Earth Day 1993 the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST) as its central project. CRESTs three principal projects are to provide: * on-site training and education workshops on the sustainable development interconnections of energy, economics and environment; * on-line distance learning/training resources on CRESTs SOLSTICE computer, available from 144 countries through email and the Internet; * on-disc training and educational resources through the use of interactive multimedia applications on CD-ROM computer discs - showcasing current achievements and future opportunities in sustainable energy development. The CREST staff also does on the road presentations, demonstrations, and workshops showcasing its activities and available resources. For More Information Please Contact: Deborah Anderson dja@crest.org or (202) 289-0061
Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA want a review like this? contact scars about getting your own book published.
The magazine Children Churches and Daddies is Copyright © 1993 through 2006 Scars Publications and Design. The rights of the individual pieces remain with the authors. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.
Okay, nilla wafer. Listen up and listen good. How to save your life. Submit, or Ill have to kill you.
Okay, butt-munch. Tough guy. This is how to win the editors over. Carlton Press, New York, NY: HOPE CHEST IN THE ATTIC is a collection of well-fashioned, often elegant poems and short prose that deals in many instances, with the most mysterious and awesome of human experiences: love... Janet Kuypers draws from a vast range of experiences and transforms thoughts into lyrical and succinct verse... Recommended as poetic fare that will titillate the palate in its imagery and imaginative creations. Mark Blickley, writer: The precursor to the magazine title (Children, Churches and Daddies) is very moving. Scars is also an excellent prose poem. I never really thought about scars as being a form of nostalgia. But in the poem it also represents courage and warmth. I look forward to finishing the book.
You Have to be Published to be Appreciated.
![]() Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA: Hope Chest in the Attic captures the complexity of human nature and reveals startling yet profound discernments about the travesties that surge through the course of life. This collection of poetry, prose and artwork reflects sensitivity toward feminist issues concerning abuse, sexism and equality. It also probes the emotional torrent that people may experience as a reaction to the delicate topics of death, love and family. Chain Smoking depicts the emotional distress that afflicted a friend while he struggled to clarify his sexual ambiguity. Not only does this thought-provoking profile address the plight that homosexuals face in a homophobic society, it also characterizes the essence of friendship. The room of the rape is a passionate representation of the suffering rape victims experience. Vivid descriptions, rich symbolism, and candid expressions paint a shocking portrait of victory over the gripping fear that consumes the soul after a painful exploitation.
Dusty Dog Reviews (on Without You): She open with a poem of her own devising, which has that wintry atmosphere demonstrated in the movie version of Boris Pasternaks Doctor Zhivago. The atmosphere of wintry white and cold, gloriously murderous cold, stark raging cold, numbing and brutalizing cold, appears almost as a character who announces to his audience, Wisdom occurs only after a laboriously magnificent disappointment. Alas, that our Dusty Dog for mat cannot do justice to Ms. Kuypers very personal layering of her poem across the page. Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada (on Children, Churches and Daddies): I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writers styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere.
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA: Indeed, theres a healthy balance here between wit and dark vision, romance and reality, just as theres a good balance between words and graphics. The work shows brave self-exploration, and serves as a reminder of mortality and the fragile beauty of friendship.