v181, 02/08 cc&d
table of contents

Curtis Glardon photographyP>

the boss lady’s editorial

Wanting to Stop Global Warming?
plus Notable Quotes
and nine carbon credits from cc&d

news you can use
Papal Visit Commercialized from Awake! magazine

In Huckabee’s Words...

(the passionate stuff)

Andrew H. Oerke
Michael Lee Johnson
Brian & Lauren Hosey art
Christopher Thomas
Hank Sosnowski
Cheryl Townsend art
Daniel Walton
Toy Davis
Kenneth DiMaggio
Stanley M Noah
C Ra McGuirt donated image
Aaron Wilder art
James L. Daniels

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Mel Waldman
Pat Dixon
Bruce Adkins
Valorie Mall
Cherise Wyneken
Edward Rodosek

philosophy monthly
(justify your existence)

Bruce Muench
G.A. Scheinoha

(art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout the issue...)