v192, 01/09 cc&d
table of contents

Brian Hosey & Lauren Braden art

the boss lady’s editorials

How Did We Get into this Mess?

(the passionate stuff)

Janet Kuypers
Julia O’Donovan
Eric Obame
Kenneth W. Anderson, Jr.
Fredrick Zydek
C.B. Anderson
Suzanne Richardson Harvey, Ph.D.
Cheryl Townsend art
Joshua Copeland
Michael Ceraolo
David J. Thompson
Paul Baker art
Melissa Reid art
Roseann Geiger
Tom Vanderman
Michael Lee Johnson
Christine Sorich art
Louie Crew
Peter Bates art

(the meat & potatoes stuff)

Marc Tamargo
Jim Meirose
Kenneth DiMaggio
Aaron Wilder art
David Spiering
Jay Marvin art

philosophy monthly
(justify your existence)

Mel Waldman
Janet Kuypers

(art from Scars Publications is sprinkled throughout the issue...)