paperback book:
Ann as a mermaid in a hot tubFor beloved ann and sally my sisters
Ann as a mermaid in a hot tub
Finish this in fins
Finest love of sea
Apple wood you beApple wood you be
mine heart hath in its dismay
That lust token you away..
A very woman very woodsmanA very woman very woodsmanTurning on echo corner Flying down the Trail a very woman Very much behind you Body by fisher For Tom Nicholas
Barbie and me
Birds in overgrown under paths in twoBirds in overgrown under paths in twowoods twist through vines with lucid chirps field glasses tear my eyes from their staid lift me through the pines slide my vision over bark bumping down I find your lot in the middle of my woods Your iron wood taken from my forest sits in your office a whole pile Conjoins behind my house
Coquette a vinPlaced cruellyArms uplifted Tree limbs sway In kind
Yore heart
Baby by mummy Aqua
Crashing down nineteenthCrashing down nineteenth a single pink
A flower in a nightmare I fall out of my bunk at 5 6 7 8 I am forever to the max
My mother
Feeds me bread and milk
Don I go again
Here no Drama unfolds…….
Crashing face down
My head unfolds in peacock feathers
Disappears down a hole With me face glown
Hidden in a hole
My love Flow before me
Like Prometheus unchained
Dark Side of the SunFor mrc cindy sally cheryll
People dream yellow blossom
Inter is here today
Fireflies like diamondsFireflies like diamondsFlash in the backyard Glittering in succession Trim the lamp and blow them out They flit within your vision
Jerkin deed in Birkenstocks |
One dog to the windowBaby stumbles over meFast to find Wait she can see
A new dog
All eyes
Pismo BeachPismo Beach wSteph and Jim cold pier, Chelis, fish reflection on Stephs 3 year old daughter /jamming cats into matchbox spaces/ 2Los Olivos A garden of robots/ metallic statues that live like Sedona& Tapoci Loci Robotic surprise/ Alien bolts/ Bucket of bolts Creatures stand in Pose/ for garden Pictures/their own Garden party, Without tea/ Nostril Dames/ 3 seals surface and exist in a gallery wth stony rocks/ a face/ an animal entrapped or let out by the painter/ a small owl with green eyes, an otter folds his paws upon his belly/ A house with legs Like baba Shebad Hangs before a Street/with glass Enamel on metal Shining Prices modeled 9entrapped0/A doggy Café allows dogs To take their owners To lunch under Umbrellas as civilized pals. Salads and wild breads show good breeding with goats cheese Sundried tomatoes/greens/ The ocean escapes Us as we drive away Bouncing to Solvang thru Danish Daze/ A street fair and fronted village/ Melting with best frosting We climb to a falls Navaho/ empty/empty/green moss tumbles down a rocked front/ holding faster than water Logs jumble together/ Rocks pile on Boulders/ cacophony of stone/ A cradle of logs, boulders, rocks, shakes reinvented like Lincoln logs/ Or pick up sticks Below a waterless Show, A pond forms Like Ching Pond on Hanna Highway/ you Can wade/the/ crystalline of a thousand cataracts is not here At Mitshus Driving to an artists study. We Learn about cats, We tightwalk Planks running pasdt Beware of artists Dogs because only Cats hit canvas/ A Playful universe Unfolds delicately Since we learn The plumber will not Be back for 3 weeks/ Because of a bad back/A/woman Hangs with a Nokia, Braids, open smile, All Japanese symbols About her, coffee below Her/ served in empty Photo plastic tubes Ginger cookies, lemon Filling, fit for a Fancy tea. Green Tea,tchai tea/ Mitshu offers us A tour of laughing cats A Miro Cat Gives Birth to a Constellation and Picasso Cat Reclines Ina chair/ Prints, Cats/, Play/ Mishu / Wears a playful Tie, a silver puppet A native icon, a tangling hiero- Petroglyph/dances From his shirt
White CeliseSmooth as wine Michigan brewing pubSling my heel over your soft arm My bubbly going down soft Carafe of wool sugar beer from Belgium orange peels Float through your hair Eclipse of beer In you