Finding Refuge
welcome to volume 220 (the June 2024 issue)
Down in the Dirt magazine

Down in the Dirt

Down in the Dirt

internet issn 1554-9666
(for the print issn 1554-9623),
or & click Down in the Dirt
Janet K., Editor

Table of Contents

James Bates Mercury
Janet Kuypers Mercury
(+ element images 1 & 2 and show images 1 & 2)
Mercury’s volcanic, icy re-release
(+ poem image show and images 1 & 2)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Finding Refuge” book poems “Mercury” (which is also in her book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing show images 1 & 2) & “Mercury’s volcanic, icy re-release” (which is also in her book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & show images 1 & 2), then video her “Timepiece” book poems “Xenon” (which is also in her book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & show images 1, 2, & 3) & “Xenon discovers dark energy” (which is also in her book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & show images 1 & 2) during her “Poetic License 6/2/24 global open mic” through Zoom and a Facebook event page (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream which was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Starburst filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Drew Marshall Office Politics
Susie Gharib I Shall Not
Their Guillotines of Olive Trees
Bill Tope The Last Dance
George Beckerman The Glass Is Half Fumpty
Richard K. Williams Off Broadway (+ image & certificate)
Megan Mealor Fruit Cove, 5 p.m.
Dorthy LaVern McCarthy Do Unto Others
Binod Dawadi Astronaut 2 art
John Farquhar Young Last Visit
Douglas Young The Elevator Ride
J. Ray Paradiso French photography
June Wolfman The Walk
Cailey Tin the dark seen in at daylight 2342 art
James Nelli Finding Refuge
Eric Brown Excuses
John F McMullen My Odyssey
Tom Ball Raising Children in 2106 A.D.
Daniel de Culla Girl With Dog and Butterfly photography
A.R. Williams Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Just Another Day
Corey Villas War Torn
Christopher Strople Star Winter Stream photography
Kassan Jahmal Kassim The saddest man alive
Alan Ford Mae West
Paul Stansbury Tap Tap Tap
Joy Myers Mary-Lou’s week, in preparation for
the Love-of-Her-Life’s wedding
Clive Aaron Gill Misconduct
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz Another Naked Lady Copy art
Doug Hawley Riding Writers
Mark Pearce Xenophobia
Raha.M 9B1C1D22-6959 art
Duane Anderson Oh Wise One
Current Occupant
Donald Reed Greenwood Rex
Isabel G. de Diego Isabel 12 Art painting
Greg Beckman Once, Near Big Sur
Mykyta Ryzhykh Untitled (meaning)
L. Sydney Abel Lies up to 110 Stories High
John Grey Let Her Sleep
Past Glories
Gil Hoy First Year Associate
Steevie Karnes Blues Brothers
Helen Bird “inksanity” Blue Kachina ink drawing
Brenda Mox Panicked Butterflies
Janet Kuypers Sometimes The Light (+ show image)
Too Much Light (+ show image)
Venture to the Unknown (+ show image)
Dreams 01/19/04 three (+ show images 1 & 2)

Realistic Dreams (+ show image)
He Told me his Dreams V (+ show images 1 & 2)
The Dream (+ show images 1, 2, 3, & 4)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v220 6/24 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Finding Refuge” poems “Realistic Dreams” (+ showing show image), “He Told me his Dreams V” (+ showing video show images 1 & 2), & “The Dream” (+ showing show images 1, 2, 3, & 4) during her “Poetic License 6/2/24 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera and given a Starburst filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

What Women Want (+ show images 1 & 2)

Note that any artwork that may appear on a Down in the Dirt issue web page
will appear in black and white in the print edition of Down in the Dirt magazine.

Order this issue from our printer as a
6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback book
(with both an ISSN# and a ISBN#)

Down in the Dirt
Finding Refuge
order ISBN# book

ISSN Down in the Dirt Internet

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