When You Go Home This Evening
Janet Kuypers
you think you know me
you couldn’t begin to know
when you see me press my eyes shut
or cover my mouth with my hand
when I look down that certain way
and hold my hair back in a clenched fist
you know nothing of my thoughts
how could you even understand
a life of uncertainty, depression and hatred
you and your white picket fence
and your cardboard dog
the polo cologne that smells like shit
two point one three kids
and sex three point two times a week
how could you think that you know
I’ve been lied to
I’ve been attacked
I’ve been hated
I’ve been cheated on
I’ve been robbed from
I’ve been raped
but I don’t think I’ve ever been loved
so don’t tell me you know
so when you go home tonight, boy
turn on the evening news
and flip through the daily paper
shrug your head at the violence and hatred
and turn on the Cosby show
and don’t even dare to tell me
that you know me

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.