I Listen
It always seems when we’re together
you ramble on and on
and I just sit and listen.
You’ve often asked my why I don’t talk as much,
or why I bother to listen to you.
I want to tell you why.
I like to hear your voice.
Your accent turns me on.
And every once in a while
you say something that I like to hear.
I like to watch the look in your eye
when you talk.
I like the emotion that wells up inside you.
There are two tiny little candle flames--
one in each of your eyes.
They flicker they jump
from one subject to the next.
The flame in your eye is hypnotizing.
Your emotion stirs me
and the love you possess
moves me to tears.
I don’t have to say anything.
I am content with merely
looking at your face and hearing your voice.
I, like you, can tell you how I feel
without saying a word.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.