[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]


she never wanted to sing,
dad was the one that was more musical,
i guess, she always said she
sounded just awful, and dad even
agreed. he’d make a humorous threat,
like, be careful, or i’ll make mom sing.
but one thing mom was always
musical at was yawning,
i think she could hum a song while
she yawned. usually, though, she
would just start her yawn with a
high pitch, then change key by key
for five or six notes. the most unique
yawn i’ve ever heard. sometimes
we’d all just be quiet watching
television and out would come one
of mother’s original scores. it would
always make one of us smile.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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Watch the YouTube video
Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 06/28/11 on WZRD radio, from the mini camera
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See feature-length YouTube
video 06/26/11 of ~45 minutes of the WZRD radio show with her reading poetry (including this poem) from the mini cam

the book Close Cover Before Striking the book The Beauty and the Destruction