contempt for man
Often, the interests of production
prevail over concern for the dignity of workers,
while economic interests take priority
over the good of individuals and even entire peoples
In these cases,
pollution or environmental destruction
is the result of an unnatural
and reductionist vision
which at times leads to a genuine
contempt for man
RESPONSIBILITY, Message of His Holiness
POPE JOHN PAUL II, January 1, 1990
the interests of production
they are for the dignity of the workers
who are these products for
what are these people working for
who’s standard of living does this production raise
when everyone works for themselves
when they are interested in production
that’s when they have dignity
and economic interests are for the good
of individuals and entire peoples
economic success allows these people, these workers
to buy the things they want
to have rights over their property
to be economically free
and hey, i guess that gives them more dignity, too
if a corporate giant destroys the environment
every worker, every person who buys the product
has the right to stop
has the right to purchase something else
forcing the corporate giant
to work with a technology
that accommodates the environment
(see, that’s what technology is all about, progress)
if these individuals don’t place
the human as the individual
on the highest pedestal
and make these choices for themselves
if they let a god
or a government
or a company
make these choices for them
if they think that humans
aren’t smart enough to make these choices
well, then, they are the ones
with the contempt for man

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.