down the drain
i hear the water running
what a waste
it sounds like Lake Michigan
going down the drain

(edited version for the 07/06/09 Show One Acts:
Down the Drain
(edited 06/02/09)
as I wait for the bus
i hear water running
what’s that from?
it’s not the Chicago River
it’s running water
like pouring out a water bottle
like water running
in an abandoned sink in a bar
what a waste
it sounds like Lake Michigan
going down the drain

(edited version for the 10/04/11 Show
for “Chicago Calling” at the Café:
Down the Drain
(edited 10/04/11)
i hear the water running
what a waste
it sounds like...
the Orange River, in South Africa?
the Wolf River, in Tennessee?
the Cuyahoga River in Ohio?
it sounds like Lake Michigan
going down the drain

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.