watching you eat a donut
(with Lance)
How do I approach this? I remember the lines:
“the optomist and the pessimist,
the difference is quite droll:
the optomist sees the donut
and the pessimist sees the hole”
And I look over, see the consumption of
the wholeness, the nothingness.
I prefer nothing because theres
a whole lot of nothing
breathing nothing
nothing between the spaces
one naught two naught three.
But theres always so much to read
between the spaces, between the lines.
You see, its all a matter of
what you choose to look for.
What you choose to look for. What you choose to find.
I look at the world and see nothing
I stare into nothing and see the world
I look at nothing and see memory
and all the faces caressed with eyes.
I run my fingers along the table, caressing
the granules flaking from the pastry
between two fingers. Like grains of sand,
tiny beads. Caressed. Consumed.
This is nothing. This is everything.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.