A While
It’s been a while
since we stopped going out
and I’m sure you’re still having one night stands
and I’m sure you don’t think about me
this I’m sure of
And you can tell me that
you’ve thought of me
and that you’ve missed me
and I don’t care to hear your excuses anymore
I thought when someone said
they cared
they meant it
and feelings like that
aren’t supposed to change
at the drop of a hat
when does it occur to
the average man
that there is in fact no feeling there
that maybe there never was feeling there
maybe you don’t get to that last part
you just think, okay, I don’t like this
I’m going to have to end this
maybe she won’t get hurt
Well, in case no one ever told you
women do get hurt
even the strong ones

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.