Are The Things That I Like
December 22, 1998
to d j.
What I think I like the most about you
Are all the little details about you
That I can’t remember
Maybe we never shared any of those moments together
Maybe I just need to think of moments with you
That we never really shared
I have only seen you remotely
I have never known how to approach you
I have always thought that I didn’t want to act conspicuous
But I have to admit, what I have seen of you
I have to admit that I like it
There are parts about you that are quirky, but that’s okay
It is the things about you that no one else likes
And those are the things that I like
And maybe my problem is, well, thinking of you and
Making your image known in my head
And making you real in my head
I have seen how much you care about your work
And we may not share the same work
But I like how you think
I like how you think about work
And I like how you think about a lot of things
And if your quirks are a part of a large, strange package
Then I’ll take it
I like your height and your physique and
I like how intelligent you are and I like the fact
That you are partially color blind because you know
I like to think that there are some things about you
That aren’t perfect
because then you will have an excuse to claim that well,
you are human
I would like to think that you are human
I would like to think that you are real because I know
That I’m real and this could be a link for me
This could be something that would help me to prove
in my own head
that I’m not the only one
and that there is someone out there like ne too

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.